Rohingya Update: Muslim Bangladesh pushes Rohingya Muslims back across the border; meanwhile Burma builds a fence

No Muslim charity here.  From the Irrawaddy: Bangladeshi authorities have increasingly cracked down on Rohingya refugees living illegally in refugee camps in Cox’s Bazaar* District in Bangladesh and pushed them back across the Burmese border, according to border sources. Chris Lewa, coordinator of the Arakan Project, said, “At least 1,200 people have been deported to … Continue reading Rohingya Update: Muslim Bangladesh pushes Rohingya Muslims back across the border; meanwhile Burma builds a fence

Australian report: 13,507 refugees to Australia this past year, 100 are Rohingya

This is a report from the Australian government about its refugee resettlement record this just-ending fiscal year. Refugees from Iraq and Burma comprised about 40 per cent of the 13 507 refugees and other people in greatest humanitarian need who were granted visas to start a new life in Australia in 2008-09, the Minister for … Continue reading Australian report: 13,507 refugees to Australia this past year, 100 are Rohingya

Rohingya hoping for resettlement in the Czech Republic

I came across this month-old article (probably from the UNHCR) but just today published at a Rohingya website.   If the Czech Republic is interviewing prospective refugees in Malaysia to come to their country, they will likely be Rohingya Muslims. With the wrap-up of a selection mission to Malaysia this week, the Czech Republic is on … Continue reading Rohingya hoping for resettlement in the Czech Republic