Baltimore: Taking care of refugee kids at the expense of poor African American kids?

Recently we told you that the refugee resettlement contractors are pouring third world poor people into a caldron of poverty and violence in Baltimore. Does that make any sense to anyone?  One of the most frequently asked questions I get when speaking to a group just being introduced to our 35-year-old refugee program is: Why … Continue reading Baltimore: Taking care of refugee kids at the expense of poor African American kids?

Baltimore: Thousands of impoverished refugees poured into city in last ten years; fuel for the fire?

Is Baltimore a failed social experiment in the government’s (and big business’s) push for more diversity in your towns and cities? Can we call it a first spectacular failure for Obama’s Task Force on New Americans plan to seed communities with third-worlders? Baltimore, a majority African American (63%) city where we hear jobs are scarce … Continue reading Baltimore: Thousands of impoverished refugees poured into city in last ten years; fuel for the fire?

Baltimore: “Sponsor” allegedly sexually abused ‘unaccompanied child’

You know this is just the beginning! A 42-year-old illegal alien promised the Office of Refugee Resettlement (in Health and Human Services) that he would provide a separate bedroom for a 16-year old girl not related to him—AND THEY BELIEVED HIM! These people live in la-la land and surely we will see many more such … Continue reading Baltimore: “Sponsor” allegedly sexually abused ‘unaccompanied child’

Baltimore: Lutheran contractor prays in ritzy neighborhood to demonstrate how Maryland welcomes the illegal children

Yeah sure… Linda Hartke, CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, led a prayer vigil for the “chiiildruunn” in their own swanky back yard—-the Inner Harbor of Baltimore—yesterday.   The multi-million dollar federal refugee contractor has its headquarters there. Gee, why weren’t the “faith leaders” parading and praying through Baltimore’s seedy side? And, of course, the … Continue reading Baltimore: Lutheran contractor prays in ritzy neighborhood to demonstrate how Maryland welcomes the illegal children