U. of Vermont psychologists helping Bhutanese refugees with mental problems; send more refugees to Vermont!

There really isn’t much new and exciting in this story, but I’m posting it because I was interested in the small number of refugees going to Vermont, after all, Vermont’s senior Senator Patrick Leahy has, over the years, been a big pusher for more refugees and more stuff for them. We have had many many … Continue reading U. of Vermont psychologists helping Bhutanese refugees with mental problems; send more refugees to Vermont!

Intriguing one line: Bhutanese refugees “forced” to go to America?

This isn’t the first time we have seen ‘hints’ that some Bhutanese refugees weren’t happy about the fact that 80,000 plus of them were sent to the US over the last seven years or so. I guess “hints” isn’t the right word. Here in October of last year we reported on the updated news about … Continue reading Intriguing one line: Bhutanese refugees “forced” to go to America?

First Bhutanese refugee advocacy day on Capitol Hill; they would like Congress to help them get home

In 2007, just as RRW was getting off the ground, the Bush Administration said that the US would “welcome” 60,000 Bhutanese (mostly Hindu) here over 5 years (read one of many accounts, here). We are now up to 80,000 of the Bhutanese (really Nepali people) who were booted out of Bhutan after living there for … Continue reading First Bhutanese refugee advocacy day on Capitol Hill; they would like Congress to help them get home

CDC Health profiles released for Bhutanese and Congolese refugees in America

The Centers for Disease Control has some reports you might like to see if Bhutanese and/or Congolese refugees are being resettled in your towns.  This could be important information needed by your local health department. Below is where you can find more information at the CDC website. For the Bhutanese the big concerns are nutritional … Continue reading CDC Health profiles released for Bhutanese and Congolese refugees in America

High rate of suicide among Bhutanese refugees resettled in US continues; some wish they had stayed in camps

For new readers, please visit our Bhutanese archive for background because I would have to write a book to bring you up to speed.  We have been taking thousands of Bhutanese (Nepalese) refugees ever since the Bush Administration began admitting them in 2007 (or was it 2008), it doesn’t matter, the bottom line is now … Continue reading High rate of suicide among Bhutanese refugees resettled in US continues; some wish they had stayed in camps