They must be having problems in Boise with refugee numbers…

…or this news story wouldn’t be out there. From State Impact (NPR): Idaho residents know well the reversal of fortune the state has seen since the start of the recession.  The state, which not so long ago had the fastest growing economy in the nation, has been hit hard.  In a broadcast story tomorrow, we’ll … Continue reading They must be having problems in Boise with refugee numbers…

Boise, Idaho: No job for Iraqi father of eight

The stories are coming every week, will they be daily soon?    We have reports from 15 states* that there are no jobs for Iraqi refugees.   Surely other refugees are experiencing the same problem, but it seems the Iraqis  attract more news coverage. Oregon Public Broadcasting has this report from Boise, Idaho where refugees are still pouring … Continue reading Boise, Idaho: No job for Iraqi father of eight