Rich nations not doing enough for Syrian refugees says Amnesty International

In advance of tomorrow’s United Nations “pledging conference,” Amnesty International took aim at most of the countries in the world for not taking in Syrian refugees. Every time I see a story like this one, I look for what they are saying about the US and I continue to be amazed by the silence.  Are … Continue reading Rich nations not doing enough for Syrian refugees says Amnesty International

Norway Intelligence Service warns terrorists may pose as Syrian refugees and asylum seekers

Really, no kidding! Norway has already had 10,000 asylum claims this year with 1,700 from Syria. From The Nordic Page: PST [Police Intelligence Service] is concerned that people with extreme militant connections in Syria come to Norway. Talking to TV2, PST superintendent Svein Erik Molstad said their main concern is individuals misusing refugees and asylum … Continue reading Norway Intelligence Service warns terrorists may pose as Syrian refugees and asylum seekers

Canada: Humanitarian groups ask government to immediately allow 10,000 Syrian refugees to settle there

Pretty rotten timing for this demand wouldn’t you say? Just what Canada needs right now—to welcome 10,000 Muslims in at this time.  Granted the Islamic killers Canada has had to deal with over the last week are “home grown,”  I’m thinking the average Canadian citizen is fed up with everything ‘Islam’ and is saying WTH … Continue reading Canada: Humanitarian groups ask government to immediately allow 10,000 Syrian refugees to settle there

Holy smokes! Indiana DEMOCRATIC Congressional candidate: No Syrian refugees for Indiana; take care of our people first!

I think we are seeing a major trend developing where it seems that Democrats are more willing to say NO! to refugees while some Republicans fear mentioning the word, or as in the case of Grover Norquist and his Republican pals are actually pushing for more refugees in America! Just yesterday we posted the World … Continue reading Holy smokes! Indiana DEMOCRATIC Congressional candidate: No Syrian refugees for Indiana; take care of our people first!

UNHCR: Europe has to take more Syrian refugees; rich Arab countries not criticized

Speaking in the United Arab Emirates (of all places), Socialist UN High Commissioner for Refugees admonishes European nations (again)—allow more Syrian refugees into your countries! From the Associated Press: SHARJAH, United Arab Emirates (AP) – The head of the United Nations refugee agency on Wednesday urged countries, particularly in Europe, to review their laws to … Continue reading UNHCR: Europe has to take more Syrian refugees; rich Arab countries not criticized