Rohingya attack NGO’s: Why didn’t we hear more of this?

I found this tiny little mention of riots sometime in the last week at a refugee camp in Bangladesh.   We told you about these Rohingya camps in the very first post we wrote about Rohingya Muslim refugees flooding out of Burma.   Cox’s Bazaar is considered a recruitment site for HUJI-B. This is all I have on the incident, … Continue reading Rohingya attack NGO’s: Why didn’t we hear more of this?

Human Rights Activist: Rohingya trained by Al-Qaeda and Taliban in Afghanistan

This is not new to me or any of our regular readers, but here, for those of you who are ready to resettle Rohingya refugees in the West and in the US, is further confirmation  why we should slow that project. By William Gomes in the Asian Tribune today: Bangladesh is terrorized by Islamic terrorism. … Continue reading Human Rights Activist: Rohingya trained by Al-Qaeda and Taliban in Afghanistan

Washington Times Op-Ed: Bringing Rohingya to the US mainstream media

Today the Washington Times published an opinion piece by Heidi Kingstone entitled, “Yes, Buddhists can be bad” about the plight of the Rohingya Muslims in Burma and Bangladesh. After relating the recent problems when Rohingya attempted to enter Thailand illegally, Ms. Kingstone goes on to make the case that the Rohingya are desperate and in an … Continue reading Washington Times Op-Ed: Bringing Rohingya to the US mainstream media