WND becomes first major news outlet to report on Syrian refugees soon to arrive in the US by the thousands

This is long, but a must-read.  World Net Daily writer Leo Hohmann dug out more news (beyond what we have published) on the pending resettlement to America of thousands of Syrian Muslims. World Net Daily entitled: U.N. to dump flood of Muslim refugees on U.S Displaced Syrians will likely make up the next big wave … Continue reading WND becomes first major news outlet to report on Syrian refugees soon to arrive in the US by the thousands

More on those Syrian refugees going to North Carolina

Update:  First Syrian family to arrive in Greensboro living in hotel, here. This is follow-up story to our post of a few days ago where we learned that Syrians are arriving in the Triad area of North Carolina.  Resettlement contractor World Relief/Evangelicals expects 30-100 this next year (the fiscal year begins October 1). Our top … Continue reading More on those Syrian refugees going to North Carolina

Lebanese retaliate against Syrian refugees as Syrian Sunnis behead another Lebanese soldier

This story is all over the news in the last few days so I thought I better post on it.   Lebanon has shouldered a large percentage of the burden of caring for Syrians (mostly Sunni Muslims) fleeing violence in Syria, but now as Syrian rebels (ISIS) captures Lebanese soldiers and police (reportedly beheading two), the … Continue reading Lebanese retaliate against Syrian refugees as Syrian Sunnis behead another Lebanese soldier

Greensboro, NC: First Syrian refugees on the way there this week

Our post of late last week where we reported that the US State Department is saying that thousands of Syrian refugees have been chosen by the UN to be resettled to your towns and cities went through the roof with thousands and thousands of readers passing it around. They are probably flowing into other small … Continue reading Greensboro, NC: First Syrian refugees on the way there this week

Human Rights Watch: US must take Syrian refugees in order to help out Syria’s neighbors

Why should we? They are all Muslim countries and should take care of their own kind of people! Right? Every day I look for the news that will come inevitably—the news that the US has opened its doors to Syrians in a big way. And, every day for months I’ve noticed that not a word … Continue reading Human Rights Watch: US must take Syrian refugees in order to help out Syria’s neighbors