Oh brother! Sweden wants to protect itself from illegal migrants with fingerprint requirements

…..How about protecting itself by putting the military on all of its borders?  In airports and seaports too and turn the invaders back?  Or, does Sweden even have a military? What a coincidence!  Where are most of the phony passport holders coming from—why Turkey of course!  See our earlier post today, here. From the Business … Continue reading Oh brother! Sweden wants to protect itself from illegal migrants with fingerprint requirements

Australian gunman (refugee) got to Australia through Malaysia; US taking hundreds from Malaysia

Malaysia is a safe Muslim country.  At the time the Iranian “refugee” gunman got into Australia as an asylum seeker, the Australian government was pretty much “welcoming” all.  Why couldn’t the Iranian phony cleric simply ask for asylum in Malaysia? Why did Australia give him asylum in 2001?  I’ll bet those are questions the Abbott … Continue reading Australian gunman (refugee) got to Australia through Malaysia; US taking hundreds from Malaysia

UNHCR is putting the screws to Japan to take refugees, especially Syrian Muslims

They don’t actually say Syrian Muslims, but they never do! This guilt-tripping pressure campaign on Japan has been going on for awhile.  Japan does take a handful of refugees, but you can imagine how it galls those one-worlders at the UN that Japan is holding out introducing the joys of multiculturalism in any big way. … Continue reading UNHCR is putting the screws to Japan to take refugees, especially Syrian Muslims

On Friday, Veep Biden announced expansion of refugee program for the “children”

I saw the news, as many of you did, and just didn’t get around to posting it (also figured most of our readers saw it anyway), but just to keep our historical record up-to-date, here is what Breitbart said about the latest Obama Central American invasion plan. Why did Obama send Biden out to do … Continue reading On Friday, Veep Biden announced expansion of refugee program for the “children”

ISIS could exploit weakened immigration system says union official

“We’ve become the visa clearinghouse for the world.“ Every time I see a news program where the talking heads are going on about our “porous Southern border” I want to shout at the TV—it’s not just the border that is a threat to our security.  There is no screening on earth that will keep Islamic … Continue reading ISIS could exploit weakened immigration system says union official