Istanbul: Turkish citizens protest large presence of Syrian refugees

I know that we aren’t crying ourselves to sleep over what happens in Turkey, but just so you know.    Turkish citizens are fed up with refugees.  Authorities plan to move Syrians off the streets and into tent cities to avoid more such clashes. From the BBC: Hundreds of people have clashed with Turkish police in … Continue reading Istanbul: Turkish citizens protest large presence of Syrian refugees

Australia may take 4,000 Christian Iraqi and Syrian refugees

The Abbott government, which is constantly beaten-up by those who want Australia to take in the world, is considering resettling persecuted Christians, but that isn’t enough for the no-borders pushers. From the Sydney Morning Herald: The Abbott government is considering offering refuge to as many as 4000 Iraqis and Syrians after the new Anglican Primate … Continue reading Australia may take 4,000 Christian Iraqi and Syrian refugees

Netherlands refuses to take more than 250 Syrian refugees

Good for you Holland—hang tough! Just a quick story from early in the week, completely buried by the flood of news about the US migrant invasion. From The Amsterdam Herald: The Dutch government is resisting pressure from the United Nations to accept more than 250 refugees from the civil war in Syria. Opposition parties have … Continue reading Netherlands refuses to take more than 250 Syrian refugees

“Humanitarians” say the UK not doing enough for Syrian refugees as only 24 admitted so far

The UK government is being whacked for not doing enough to give aid to Syrian refugees by admitting them to the UK, but what continues to me as a most amazing thing is that the US has only let in 42 Syrians so far through the Refugee Admissions program and no one is whacking Obama!    … Continue reading “Humanitarians” say the UK not doing enough for Syrian refugees as only 24 admitted so far