Editorial calls for Obama to halt military operations with Thailand over Rohingya incident

A major international incident is developing over the alleged inhumane treatment by the Thai military of Burmese Rohingya Muslims attempting to enter Thailand illegally.  It is a terribly long story now, so if you are a new reader, see our Rohingya Reports category to catch up. An extremely critical editorial in The Economist last week, … Continue reading Editorial calls for Obama to halt military operations with Thailand over Rohingya incident

Comment worth noting: Rohingya group accuses UNHCR of creating recent boat men crisis

This (below) is part of a comment (press release) from a group called the Rohingya Boat People Watching Group that we received in response to my angry post on Friday about Time magazine whitewashing the Rohingya story. I don’t completely understand what is going on, actually maybe I don’t understand it at all!  The group appears to … Continue reading Comment worth noting: Rohingya group accuses UNHCR of creating recent boat men crisis

WaPo says handling of Rohingya exposes new Thai premier as rightwinger

Until this whole issue blew up in the last couple of weeks, I bet the Washington Post had never even heard of the Rohingya Muslims.   Now, the recent controversy over Thailand’s handling of the Rohingya boat-men-illegal-aliens has the WaPo declaring Premier Abhisit Vejjajiva is a patsy of the rightwing military. Now, I don’t know enough about … Continue reading WaPo says handling of Rohingya exposes new Thai premier as rightwinger