American Conservative Union, CPAC, and why they didn’t defend free speech

I know this is getting away somewhat from the subject of refugees, but it’s not entirely so because we questioned way back in December of 2007 why the American Conservative Union’s, David Keene, was so intent on promoting the Kennedy bill which ultimately opened the door for more Iraqis to enter the US.   It didn’t … Continue reading American Conservative Union, CPAC, and why they didn’t defend free speech

Free speech under attack at Temple University

We’ve been following the hate campaign against Geert Wilders, the Dutch politician who speaks out against militant Islam, for a while. Our posts on him are here. David Horowitz reports at FrontPage Magazine here and here on an attempt to stop Wilders speaking at Temple University in Philadelphia. (Temple is my alma mater so I’m especially interested … Continue reading Free speech under attack at Temple University

Wilders protesters: “Islam will dominate the world”

Readers should go to Atlas Shrugs and see the photos Pamela Geller posted yesterday from Muslim protests against Geert Wilders.  For background, see Judy’s post from earlier this week, here. Besides “Islam will dominate the world. Freedom can go to hell,” see “Shariah for the Netherlands.  Islam will be superior,” and “Shariah the true solution.”   … Continue reading Wilders protesters: “Islam will dominate the world”

Muslim immigration causing Europe’s ticking timebomb

Check out this excellent post by Robert Spencer over at Jihad Watch today on the impact  of demographic changes caused by Muslim immigration and high Muslim birthrates which is altering Europe before our eyes—-and almost no one is talking about it. Just a reminder that Al-Hijra is an Islamic principle that calls for immigration as a form … Continue reading Muslim immigration causing Europe’s ticking timebomb

Al-Shabaab throws UN out of Somalia (?), calls US the head of world infidels

I started to write this post yesterday, but had no time to finish it.  First I had received the press release purportedly from Al-Shabaab (below) saying the Jihadists had raided and closed United Nations offices and thought the story was new, but it isn’t.  It is a couple days old.  I found this Bloomberg article from Monday … Continue reading Al-Shabaab throws UN out of Somalia (?), calls US the head of world infidels