Portland, Maine: Sudanese refugee pulls out gun and is killed by police

Another Sudanese refugee has been killed, this time by police, in Portland, ME.  From AP in the Sun Journal: PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Police officials met with members of the city’s Sudanese community to try to calm fears after police officers shot and killed an armed 26-year-old Sudanese man, the second violent death of a … Continue reading Portland, Maine: Sudanese refugee pulls out gun and is killed by police

Once again, Shelbyville citizens need an education on Somali culture…

….but what about Somalis needing an education?   Can there possibly be any hope for regular Americans to say that immigrants should become Americans and accept our culture, without suggestions being made that they are narrow-minded hicks?  Not likely. Last Sunday Shelbyville, TN was treated to a forum to teach the country folks all about Somali … Continue reading Once again, Shelbyville citizens need an education on Somali culture…