Senator Kyl bases amendment on misinterpretation about Palestinian refugees

I’m late posting this, but better late than never. Senator Jon Kyl introduced an amendment to the budget bill: “None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be available to resettle Palestinians from Gaza into the United States.”  Talking Points Memo (TPM) reports that Kyl realized the threat of resettling Palestinians … Continue reading Senator Kyl bases amendment on misinterpretation about Palestinian refugees

A glimpse into our future if we don’t get immigration under control

Jesse Petrillo, head of the United American Committee, recently traveled to Europe to see for himself what uncontrolled immigration is doing to the Continent.  It is a fascinating story which ends with Geert Wilders, the embattled Dutch member of Parliment, sending a message to America: Our final day in the Netherlands MP Wilders gave us a … Continue reading A glimpse into our future if we don’t get immigration under control

We support the mission of the International Free Press Society

This is what Baron Bodissey over at Gates of Vienna said last Friday about the launch of the International Free Press Society. The mission of the IFPS, like its Danish predecessor, is to champion the right of free expression, especially for those who hold controversial or unpopular opinions. Free speech is under assault all across the … Continue reading We support the mission of the International Free Press Society