Germany: 10,000 rally in Dresden against Islam/asylum seekers

Update December 14th:  More demonstrations expected tomorrow, here.

Invasion of Europe breaking news….

“Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West” marched in Dresden earlier this week.

A day after the Obama Administration announced it is “welcoming” 9,000 Syrian Muslims to the US, Germans are expressing their anger loud and clear about the influx of Muslim asylum seekers. Germany is planning to take up to 20,000 Syrians in the coming months. Demonstrations of this size must be shaking up the European Union.  In October it was Cologne.

From Reuters at Yahoo News:

BERLIN/NUREMBERG (Reuters) – Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday condemned anti-Muslim demonstrations centered on the eastern city of Dresden, saying there was “no place in Germany” for hatred of Muslims or any other minority.

In a speech at a party congress of her Bavarian allies in Nuremberg, Merkel also denounced an attack on buildings in a nearby town being turned into refuge for asylum-seekers. The structures were set on fire and daubed with swastikas.

“It is unbearable when homes of asylum-seekers are defiled, when people try to make radical slogans,” Merkel said, adding that everyone coming to Germany had the right to be treated decently.

Earlier on Friday, Merkel’s spokeswoman Christiane Wirtz said: “In the name of the government and the chancellor I can say quite clearly that there is no place in Germany for religious hatred, no matter which religion people belong to.”

“There is no place for Islamophobia, anti-Semitism or any form of xenophobia or racism,” Wirtz said of the growing Monday evening marches in Dresden under the motto PEGIDA, standing for “Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West”.


The latest PEGIDA march on Monday drew up to 10,000 people and almost as many counter-demonstrators. The organizers, who began two months ago with a few hundred people, say they are not against immigrants but want to protest against Islamic extremism and the influx of asylum-seekers.

For our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive click here.

Germans hardening on Muslim immigration; large number want halt to mosque construction

Germans demonstrate against ‘Salafists’ in Cologne in October. Photo and story:


According to this report there are 4 million Muslims in Germany (about 5 % of the population) while the US (supposedly) has only about 2.7 million.  CAIR claims 7 million in the US, but that would still put the US Muslim population below 3%.  I’ve been theorizing that 3% is a tipping point of sorts.  What do you think?  I would really like to know what some of you think about a tipping point and when it occurs.

From OnIslam (emphasis mine):

CAIRO – A new study on German perceptions of immigrants to the European country has shown a widespread view that Muslims are not German patriots, blowing away decades of integration of the four-million Muslim community.

“We wanted to find out what happened here after the immigration and who now belongs to the national collective” sociologist Naika Foroutan, Director of Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM), was quoted by Deutsche Welle.


According to Der Spiegel, 27 percent of respondents think that Muslims are more “aggressive than themselves”, while 30 percent believe that Muslims show less importance to education.

A fifth of respondents expressed a negative opinion about Muslims making demands in Germany, with about 20 percent seeing it as a sign of disrespect and 17 percent seeing it as a sign of ingratitude.


Moreover, 70 percent of respondents believed that the number of Muslims living in Germany was higher than it actually is.

Almost a quarter even believe that more than 21 percent of the population in Germany is Muslim, while in reality there is around five percent.


Sharing negative connotations about Islam and Muslims, a big percentage of respondents to the study rejected construction of new mosques.

The study showed that 42 percent demanded restricting the building of mosques.


Germans have grown hostile to the Muslim presence recently, with a heated debate on the Muslim immigration into the country.

A recent poll by the Munster University found that Germans view Muslims more negatively than their European neighbors.


The report (a 2012 study) indicated that 9 percent of Germans have adopted extreme right-wing beliefs, up from 8.2 percent two years ago.

For our complete ‘invasion of Europe’ series, go here. We have a lot on Germany too, here.  Will the 20,000 or more Syrians that Germany is about to resettle push it over the edge? We will be watching.

NYT: Germany under strain from influx of Syrian and other Muslim refugees

Not a new story here at RRW as we follow the ‘Invasion of Europe’ on a daily basis.  Yesterday the New York Times did the Germany story.  The headline should really be ‘Merkel calls emergency meeting as citizens riot.’

Angela Merkel has her work cut out for her. Germans want “Ruhe und Ordnung” and that is not going to happen if the Merkel government continues to put out the welcome mat.

(I’m looking for the day when the unrest in Europe over Muslim immigration (finally!) shows up on Fox News.)

We are watching Germany closely because the extraordinary numbers of refugees Germany has promised to take will result in a pretty swift answer as to whether the country will survive this folly, or not.

Go here to see that Germany, by far, tops the latest list provided by the UNHCR of countries “welcoming” Syrians. And these numbers do not include the Africans, Afghanis and Iraqis seeking asylum as well.

My guess is that Germany will not have the guts now to do an about-face and tell the UNHCR no more!

By the way, we are concerned about the fact that the US is listed by the UNHCR as “open-ended resettlement.” 

From the New York Times (emphasis is mine):

BERLIN — Ahmad Mahayni, a 38-year-old businessman from Damascus, is one of about 200,000 people expected to throw themselves on Germany’s mercy this year and apply for asylum.

Mr. Mahayni is resourceful, and he seems determined to build a future for his family. He helps out in the refugee facility where he was sent after arriving at the Berlin airport and telling the police that he was seeking asylum. A fairly fluent English speaker, he quickly figured out that “the key of success here is the language” and began taking 10 hours of German class each week.

But even as refugees like Mr. Mahayni work hard to adapt to their new homes in Germany, Germans are contending with a stream of new arrivals.

Three and a half years of war in Syria have produced the world’s worst refugee crisis, the United Nations says. In Germany now, refugees are arriving by the thousands, and even in the country where a Nazi past constantly evokes reminders of a special duty to help, the welcome mat is wearing thin.

To a large extent, the reluctance begins with a question of where to house ever more arrivals. Cities from Hamburg to Munich to Berlin have variously resorted to tents and modified shipping containers, and even talked of vast ships — a solution last used in the 1990s, when the Balkan wars created a similar influx into a recently reunited Germany.

The problem has grown so acute that Chancellor Angela Merkel has summoned the governors of Germany’s 16 states to meet in the coming weeks. Her vice chancellor, the Social Democratic leader Sigmar Gabriel, has already urged the allocation of an extra billion euros, or about $1.2 billion, in aid to hard-pressed communities. The authorities admit that they failed to anticipate such a wave of refugees and in recent years tore down too many empty buildings that could have been useful now.

Angry citizens — who say they have nothing against foreigners but voice fear for their children and the “Ruhe und Ordnung” (peace and order) so treasured by Germans — have berated officials and organized small but growing protests in several places where refugee centers are planned.

Not a “small” protest in Cologne a few weeks ago, here.

Read it all.  In typical mainstream media fashion, NYT reporter finds someone to say something nice and wraps up with a hopeful little quip.  There is nothing hopeful about any of this!

Our complete archive on Germany is here.

Groundbreaking case in Europe: Countries can stop welfare shoppers

Here is more ‘invasion of Europe’ news that gives me an idea for a change in US law.

Maybe there is a way to amend some American laws to give states the right to restrict welfare handouts so that we don’t see cases like the recent one in Cheyenne, WY where Somalis arrived, not to work, but to scoop up subsidized housing vouchers to take back to Colorado.

Is a little bit of sovereignty being returned to European countries?

Andreas Scheuer, secretary general of Germany’s conservative Christian Social Union.

From The Telegraph (EU court rules benefit tourists can be excluded from welfare schemes):

The European Court of Justice declares EU member states must have ‘the possibility of refusing’ social benefits to ‘economically inactive’ EU citizens.

Britain can ban European Union migrants from claiming “special non-contributory cash benefits” for up to five years, according to a landmark judgement in Luxembourg.

The EU courts have ruled that it is up to the Government, not Brussels, how it drafts legislation that that excludes foreign, European nationals from claiming social assistance benefits.

As well as asserting national sovereignty over out-of-work welfare benefits, the European Court of Justice has stopped unemployed migrants from using human rights legislation to appeal against measures blocking them from benefits.


The German case involved two Romanian nationals, Elisabeta Dano and her son Florin, who were refused benefits in Leipzig because she “did not enter Germany in order to seek work there”.

She and her son have been residing in Germany since November 2010.

“One of the conditions for a right of residence is that economically inactive persons must have sufficient resources of their own,” said the EU court. “The directive thus seeks to prevent economically inactive EU citizens from using the host member state’s welfare system to fund their means of subsistence.”

Photo: There is another story at DPA International quoting Scheuer on the decision:

“Those who only come to Germany wanting to lay in the social hammock can be denied social benefits.”

But don’t forget, it is Germany that has invited tens of thousands of Syrians to live there, and the city of Cologne recently purchased that 4-star hotel for migrants.  So, me thinks, there is a little schizophrenia going on here with the potential for a huge clash coming in Germany at some point.  Either that, or it is perfectly acceptable to Scheuer and other leaders to allow “refugees” and “asylum seekers” to lay around in hammocks, but not citizens of other European countries.

For our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive go here.


Germany: Seven million dollar hotel for migrants; Somalis ungrateful for German hospitality

Invasion of Europe continues as Germany falls all over itself trying to convince the world what good people they are!



The first part of this story is bad enough—opulent hotel bought by city of Cologne (site of those riots about ten days ago) for a refugee shelter for mostly Muslim asylum seekers.  But it is ten paragraphs down before we get to the part that should make your head explode!

From NBC News (emphasis is mine):

COLOGNE, Germany — With its wood-paneled piano bar and luxurious spa, the four-star Bonotel assures visitors paying up to $300 per night that it meets the “international standard of a first-class hotel.”

But starting next year, the hotel’s marble-and-mirrored lobby and “quiet, peaceful ambience” will play host not to indulgent travelers but desperate asylum seekers.

Germany’s fourth-largest city spent almost $7 million to buy the Bonotel this summer. Its doors will soon be shut and its 93 opulent rooms filled with asylum seekers, a move underscoring how Europe’s economic powerhouse has been overwhelmed by an influx of people seeking a better life amid a continent-wide border crisis.

According to U.N. figures, Germany received 109,600 applications for asylum last year — the most of any country in the world. The U.S. was second, with 84,400.

Read on and learn that German employees will be losing their hotel jobs.

Unbelievable!  Somali asylum-seeker who came illegally to Europe across the Mediterranean has the audacity to say that the German government isn’t giving him enough stuff!  And, WTH, look at the medical costs he is foisting on the German taxpayer.

Mubarak, a Somali refugee who like others at the center [a different center in Cologne as the opulent hotel is not yet open—ed] declined to give his last name citing fears of retribution from German authorities for criticizing them publicly, told NBC News that conditions are so poor he has become disillusioned with his new home.

“I wanted to get to a place where I could start a different life,” he said, recounting his 18-month journey through African deserts and a treacherous voyage across the Mediterranean Sea — a route which has claimed the lives of more than 3,200 people this year. “But I don’t believe in Germany any more. The people in Germany are good to us, but we need more help.” [So if they survived the illegal boat trip across the Mediterranean they somehow deserve more welfare handouts?—ed]

He shows a doctor’s note from when he arrived in Cologne. It confirms that he suffered from tuberculosis, hepatitis B and post-traumatic stress disorder. It also states that because of illnesses, his living conditions should be improved.

But nothing has changed. Months later, he still shares a room with three others. Four metal bed frames with thin mattresses line the wall. Another stands upright in the corner, in case someone else needs to sleep here, although there is barely any floor space left. The communal bathrooms are at the end of the hallway.  [Oh, boo-hoo!—ed]

“We live like animals, not like people,” said Maruf, a Somali roommate.

Just watch, the next thing we know Mubarak and Maruf will be given a room at the Bonotel!

Me thinks it’s time for another demonstration in Cologne.

See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.