Generous Germany in turmoil as Muslim factions fight each other; right wing demonstrators take to streets

Backlash against the ‘invasion of Europe’?

Demonstration in Cologne over the weekend opposing Islam turned violent. (AP Photo/dpa,Caroline Seide) (The Associated Press)

By all accounts, Germany has been the most “welcoming” European country to take in mostly Muslim Syrian refugees (the most welcome in the world after those in the Middle East) and look what it gets them—Turmoil! Violence! Civil unrest!

Update:  Not really an update but reader Cathy sent us this youtube clip about the brave woman in Germany standing up to Islam in the church of Martin Luther (ironic isn’t it that it is the Lutheran Church in America resettling Muslims in many towns and cities.)

From Haaretz:

Besides risk posed by German jihadists returning from Syria, there was also the danger of violent clashes on German streets as rival extremist groups turn on each other.

Radical Islam poses a critical security threat to Germany, the nation’s interior minister warned Tuesday, on the same day that Germany pledged half a billion Euros to aid displaced Syrian refugees.

The number of people capable of staging attacks in Germany stood at an all-time high, said Thomas de Maiziere, warning that besides the risk posed by German jihadists returning from Syria, there was also the danger of violent clashes on German streets as rival extremist groups turn on each other – mirroring the conflicts of the Middle East.

You can bet the demo on Sunday wasn’t just about the radical Islamic ideology Salafism, it was about immigration of more Muslims to Germany invited in by the German government.

On Sunday, a group of 4,000 far-right supporters staged an anti-Salafist march in the western city of Cologne, pelting police with stones, bottles and fireworks, injuring 49 officers.

Read it all.

By the way, as we write this, leaders from a whole host of nations are meeting in Germany to figure out what do do about the Syrian refugees. Our Asst. Sec. of State for Population, Refugees and Migration is among them.  Look for news coming out of there as she probably brags about what Obama is going to do going forward.

Update!  Richard offers another $10 million USD on top of $3 billion we have already given for Syrian refugees.

4,000 Syrians are headed our way right now, with the total number in the coming years surely running into the tens of thousands.

See our complete archive on Germany, here.  And for our ‘invasion of Europe’ series, go here.

Number of “Islamic extremists” grows in Germany

German Interior Minister, Hans-Georg Maassen. So if they know this, why take in the tens of thousands of Muslims being admitted to Germany right now?

And, gee I wonder out of what population they are springing?

See our two recent posts on Germany here and here about the country being swamped by Muslim migrants.

German authorities at least have the good sense to call them ‘Islamic extremists’ and not ‘violent extremists.’

From the Associated Press:

BERLIN (AP) — The number of Islamic extremists in Germany is growing rapidly, the head of the country’s domestic intelligence agency said Saturday.

The agency estimates that some 6,300 people in Germany are adherents of an ultraconservative strain of Islam known as Salafism, Hans-Georg Maassen told public broadcaster rbb-Inforadio. In Germany, all Salafis are considered Islamic extremists and on the radar of the security services, though other groups are also monitored if they are determined to be a threat to the state or democratic order.

Maassen said the number of Salafis could rise to 7,000 by the end of the year, compared to about 3,800 three years ago.

Interesting is that he uses the broad term ‘Salafis’ or Salafism instead of what the US authorities often do—tell us it is Al Qaeda, Al-Shabaab, ISIS etc. which only further distances the discussion from the root cause of Islamist violence—the ideology itself!

Let me say though that the greater threat to Germany, the US and the West generally (in my view) is the Muslim demographic time bomb— slower, but more deadly in the long-run than terrorists here or there.

See our complete ‘invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.

In Berlin, “Ich heisse Mohammed”

Invasion of Europe continues…..

Syrian refugee Mohammed (another Mohammed) with child in makeshift shelter in unused Berlin school.

Yesterday we told you about Munich (Bavaria) in the south of Germany and today there is news about ‘refugee’-swamped Berlin.

This news from The News gives a good description of how a Syrian family paid a human trafficker to get them across the Mediterranean to Sicily and from there made their way northward to Germany.

Remember the EU has a law that says asylum seekers must apply in the first country they get to in Europe, but obviously flaunting any EU laws, many sneak out of Italy or Malta or Greece and move on to the more “welcoming” countries of Germany or Sweden.

BERLIN: Syrian refugees are bedding down in the converted classrooms of a former Berlin high school as Germany grapples with being Europe’s number-one destination for asylum seekers.

Among the newcomers is Mohammed Nabil, 28, who after a perilous land and sea journey now shares a small and immaculate if improvised bedroom with his mother, brother and sister in a working class district of the German capital.


Germany this year expects some 200,000 asylum seekers to cross its borders — or nearly 60 percent more than in 2013 when numbers had already soared by almost two-thirds.  [When Mark Steyn wrote America Alone (2006) before the Syrian conflict, I suspect even he didn’t see how fast his prediction would come true.  You can be sure that the Syrians will never be asked to leave Germany—ed]

The leading country of origin is Syria, where over three years of bloody fighting have driven more than two million people to flee, mostly to Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq.


Germany, Europe’s most populous country, received more than 20,000 applications for political asylum from Syrians between January and August, a 186-percent leap from a year earlier.


Once in Sicily, the family decided to press on for Germany, where they arrived just over two months ago. They spent their first night in Berlin in a park, then went to a police station to ask for help.

Nabil now spends his time working on his German language skills, writing out in a large exercise book phrases such as “Wie heisst Du?” (What’s your name?) and “Ich heisse Mohammed” (My name is Mohammed).

See our complete ‘invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.  Type ‘Germany’ or ‘Sweden’ into our search function for extensive archives on those two countries as well.

By the way, if you haven’t read Mark Steyn’s America Alone pick it up and get Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration while you are at it.

Bye Bye Bavaria (swamped with needy Middle Eastern migrants)

Earlier this month refugees block a street in Munich demanding better housing. Some were laying in the street.


More in our ‘invasion of Europe’ series…..

Germany has open its doors to tens of thousands of refugees from the Middle East and Africa (trying ever-so-hard to look like good people), but is now reaping the whirlwind as they run out of space to house them and resort to Oktoberfest beer hall tents in King Ludwig’s Bavaria.

From the UK Telegraph:

Bavaria has been overwhelmed by an unexpected flood of refugees with as many as 300 a day arriving in Munich, many of them fleeing the violence in Iraq and Syria.

The accommodation shortage in the city is so severe that authorities have considered using one of the vast tents left over from the Oktoberfest beer festival to house refugees.

Families are being put in makeshift shelters ranging from a former table-dancing bar to the Munich Olympic stadium. But with many currently in tents and the Bavarian winter looming, authorities are warning that they need proper accommodation as quickly as possible.
Munich’s main refugee centre at Bayernkaserne, a former military facility, has become so overcrowded that it has been forced to shut its gates to new arrivals. Designed for 1,200 people, it is currently housing twice that number.

After the centre closed, new arrivals began camping in the open outside the gates. Shuttle buses are now picking up refugees outside the Munich centre and taking them to temporary accommodation in other cities.


Bavaria has been particularly badly hit because Munich lies on two of the most popular refugee routes into Europe, via Italy and the Balkans.

See our growing archive on Germany.  Ever wanted to visit Germany? go now before it’s too late.  With a foothold in Germany, these “refugees” will never leave.  I see no way out for Germany, do you?

German politician: Let German families take refugees into their homes

Here is the story at Reuters.  What do you think?

Martin Patzelt with Angela Merkel: Even the UN likes the plan

LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Citizens in Germany, one of the most sought-after destinations for refugees, should be allowed to host asylum seekers in their homes to ease the pressure on the government to provide adequate housing for them, a politician said on Friday.

Martin Patzelt, a lawmaker and member of the Christian Democratic Union, said households should be permitted to provide free lodging to refugees, leaving only the cost of living and healthcare to the government.

He said the measure would save Germany a considerable amount of money housing refugees, and provide an alternative to crowded temporary shelters, hotels and unused gyms.

Germany, the European Union’s biggest economy, is one of the world’s top destinations for people fleeing oppression and war.

It had 65,700 new asylum claims in the first half of the year, the largest number among industrialized nations, mainly due to a rise in applications by Syrians, according to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Here is my view:

I think they should do it.  I think if the responsibility of the whole refugee program were placed back in the hands of  those willing to put their own money (and comfort) on the line, we would all find out very quickly what the capacity is for a community or country to “welcome” refugees.   In fact, if I were in charge I would require the whole US resettlement program to be run with private charity, with private sponsors (as it was prior to Ted and Joe and Jimmy creating the program we have today in 1980 which has only one incentive—bring in more!).

Of course Patzelt is talking about citizens taking in refugees in addition to the German government housing others.  I don’t follow the economic news much, but wasn’t some of the volatility in the US stock market this week a result of some shaky German economic news—could the massive welfare Germany is providing migrants be pulling the country down?

In my plan, the number of sponsors would dictate the capacity for caring for the country—Germany or ours.