Start your own blog! After all it is “Common Sense”

I know I am harping on this, but a few weeks ago, writing in our new category called ‘creating a movement’, I suggested that a key element to advancing our concerns was to study the issues, gather some facts and start a blog of your own.    All over the world free speech is being limited— sadly even in countries like England and Canada.  So to make it harder for us to eventually have our free speech rights taken, we need to create more free speech and that is where blogs come in.

If you are thinking, “Forget it, I could never produce a blog that would attract thousands of daily readers,” no you won’t (at first anyway), but don’t place that high expectation upon yourself.   

Here is a blog called “Common Sense” that was started a few months ago by my friend The Patriot Sharpshooter.  Mostly he covers local and state issues disgesting such exciting fare as the County Board of Education budget, and writes at the rate of about a post a day.  Today he has a post on immigration that relates to what we cover here at RRW and posts along with it an e-mail from a friend in Israel who describes his personal experience with terrorism there. 

In conclusion, here is an analogy that I am sure will appeal to the Sharpshooter:  You know they say they won’t be able to come for our guns if everyone has one, well the same idea applies to free speech.   Get a blog and join the fight for America’s continued strength through freedom of speech.