South Koreans do not want Muslim refugees, say their Prez should be more like Trump

I missed this story about ten days ago, but thanks to reader Joanne for sending it.jeju island


It is from Bloomberg, and isn’t a surprise to me.  Japan takes virtually no refugees because they see what is happening in Europe and the US, and because they want to maintain their own culture.

So, no surprise that this Asian country doesn’t want to roll out the ‘welcome’ mat either.

They aren’t refugees, they are able-bodied men say locals on tourist-friendly Jeju Island. 


‘Fake Refugees Get Out’: How South Koreans Are Channeling Trump

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Refugee contractors begin political pressure to up refugee numbers for FY19; they want 75,000

We would sure like more in Kansas says refugee contractor—the International Rescue Committee (headed by moneybags Miliband).

Miliband in Manhattan
The IRC is headquartered in Manhattan where Brit David Miliband is pulling down an annual salary of nearly $700,000 as he places third world refugees in the heartland.

Here is the first news I’m seeing of the nine refugee contractors*** beginning their push to pressure the President to increase the ceiling for refugee admissions for Fiscal Year 2019 which begins on October 1, 2018.

Long time readers know that the President sets a CEILING for admission sometime in September and “consults” with Congress, but Congress, although it has the power to dole out money, has in the past just let the President pretty much do what he wants to do.

By demanding a ceiling that they know is unrealistic for this President, they will use the President’s ultimate number (likely low) to bludgeon him in the media yet again.

This revealing story is from KMUW in Wichita, Kansas:

Kansas Resettlement Agency Working To Increase Next Year’s Cap On Refugee Admissions

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