First, let me say, I haven’t been doing my usual extensive reading of refugee news (I am taking a break, or was taking a break!), so you won’t be getting any deep analysis, but I can’t ignore the breaking news.

On top of the hundreds of thousands streaming into America across our borders now we will have the airlift of Afghanistan to America put on steroids, or at least that is what Biden is signaling.
They are truly changing America by changing the people and it couldn’t be more clear than right now.
As for Trump, sometimes he doesn’t know when to shut up!
From Forbes:
Trump Endorses Prioritizing Afghan Refugees Amid Series Of Attacks On Biden
Former President Donald Trump on Monday endorsed the idea of taking in Afghan refugees who assisted the U.S. military and are now under threat as the Taliban takes control of the country, a departure from his long held stance on refugees that appears primarily aimed at attacking President Joe Biden.
The U.S. reportedly aims to relocate as many as 30,000 Afghans who are in the special immigrant visa application process, a small portion of the estimated 88,000 seeking entry, though the State and Defense Departments said Sunday they have evacuated fewer than 2,000 thus far.
Trump’s stance on the Afghan refugees represents a break with some of his closest allies, like former aide Stephen Miller, who, echoing Trump’s long-held anti-immigrant views, has spoken out against taking in Afghan refugees.
Here is Miller’s tweet. He is right and Trump is wrong!
Refugee Contractors Heads Explode, Bash Biden
Meanwhile the Washington Post is reporting (via Religion News Service) that the State Department’s refugee resettlement contractors (paid by taxpayers on a per refugee client basis) are steaming mad over the debacle in Afghanistan.
They say Biden has moved too slowly to bring tens of thousands of Muslims out of Afghanistan to be placed in a town near you. (Like in Wisconsin where a Jewish resettlement contractor is jazzed to welcome Afghans.)
And, yes, they could very well end up in a town near you because housing is limited as America is being overrun.
From the Wapo:
Refugee aid groups criticize Biden for stumbles in evacuating ‘desperate’ Afghans
WASHINGTON (RNS) — As most Americans absorbed the shock of the Taliban’s full takeover of Afghanistan over the weekend, officials at Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service followed the rapidly deteriorating situation with resignation, knowing it could have gone differently.
In May, leaders at LIRS, one of several faith-based agencies contracted with the U.S. government to resettle refugees in the United States, sent a letter to the Biden administration requesting it remove Afghan civilians (and their families) who have worked with the U.S. before its planned troop withdrawal.
Anyone familiar with the “bureaucratic maze” that is the country’s Special Immigrant Visa process knew the State Department visa office wouldn’t be agile enough to respond to the urgent need for evacuations, said Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, president and CEO of LIRS.
“We’ve been screaming from the rooftops for months now that we need to get these allies to Guam or another U.S. territory,” Vignarajah said.
In June, most of those organizations — including LIRS, World Relief, Church World Service, the Episcopal Church (which resettles refugees through Episcopal Migration Ministries) and HIAS (founded as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) — urged President Joe Biden to implement plans to evacuate Afghan translators, soldiers, cultural advisers, embassy clerks and others who have worked with American armed forces, media or nonprofits and allies and to authorize as many SIVs as necessary to make that possible.
Keep reading, see what Mark Hetfield of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society says about the Biden administration and know that just in the last few days Hetfield was telling his people to press Secretary of State Antony Blinken to set the ceiling for refugees for the coming fiscal year at 125,000.
That would be 125,000 over and above the Special Immigrant Visas flown in from Afghanistan and the hundreds of thousand coming across our borders.
The 125,000 would come from other Muslim countries in Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
Apropos of nothing… Here is Hoochie Coochie Blinken—the man who helped bring us the Afghan disaster and will decide who your new neighbors will be!
God help us!
See my “trending” post….
Austria’s Afghan Refugee Problem: Will it be Our Problem Soon?