Human rights icon Aung San Suu Kyi still refuses to champion Rohingya Muslims

Three cheers for Suu Kyi! Why do we care what is happening in Burma/Myanmar as it relates to the Rohingya/Bengali population?  Because once again we are seeing the worldwide media drumbeat badgering Burma and working up to demanding that western countries take in the so-called Muslim “refugees.” Rohingya are already coming to America as we … Continue reading Human rights icon Aung San Suu Kyi still refuses to champion Rohingya Muslims

Burma’s famous democracy advocate Aung San Suu Kyi being pushed to speak up for Rohingya Muslims

Aung San Suu Kyi is so far refusing to join the cabal of human rights activists and the media pushing her to defend the Rohingya Muslims involved in the recent riots in Burma’s Rakhine Province.  Could it be that she knows that some among them are outside agitators and Islamic extremists and that some Buddhists … Continue reading Burma’s famous democracy advocate Aung San Suu Kyi being pushed to speak up for Rohingya Muslims

Military Coup in Burma Could Send Another Flood of Rohingya Muslims to the West

A military coup in Burma (aka Myanmar) set off warning bells for me.  I have been following the situation there for over a decade because of the conflict between Burmese Buddhist monks and the Rohingya Muslim population. Basically the people of Burma want to remain a Buddhist country and the ‘humanitarians’ of the West have … Continue reading Military Coup in Burma Could Send Another Flood of Rohingya Muslims to the West

Pope Francis arrives in Burma, will he use the ‘R’-word—Rohingya?

We will be watching! By the way, in Burma (aka Myanmar), the majority Buddhist population does not think the group of people referred to as Rohingya are anything more than Bangladeshi ethnics who got in to the Buddhist country from Muslim Bangladesh over decades.  That is why the word, setting them aside as some special … Continue reading Pope Francis arrives in Burma, will he use the ‘R’-word—Rohingya?