Heads up Poughkeepsie, New York: 'Christian' charity to bring you Syrian Muslims likely before January 2017

Update November 12th: Church World Service counts on fact that local communities don’t know much about refugee program/history of terrorism, here. Update November 8th: Information meeting (Nov. 10th) moved to larger venue as criticism mounts. Federal contractor admits little information given to local elected body, here. Update November 5th: Sitting Democrat Congressman should have known … Continue reading Heads up Poughkeepsie, New York: 'Christian' charity to bring you Syrian Muslims likely before January 2017

Rutland controversy exposes important information about abstracts and the plans for your town

It is with the deepest gratitude to the citizen activists in Rutland, VT that we are bringing you a broader understanding of the process by which your town is ‘chosen’ to become a new ‘welcoming’ resettlement site. Many of you have gotten your R & P Abstracts for FY2017 and we dissected one here last … Continue reading Rutland controversy exposes important information about abstracts and the plans for your town

Have Reno's elected officials seen document setting up refugee plan for their city?

….And, if so, have they shared the document with the general public, the taxpaying citizens? Dear readers, do not be deterred by the length of this post—this is some of the most important information you need to know if you are in a target community! In Refugee industry parlance, it is called an “R & … Continue reading Have Reno's elected officials seen document setting up refugee plan for their city?