Time Magazine: Open Borders Agitators Begin to Lower Expectations on What a Biden Administration Might Get Done on Immigration

“There’s going to be a lot of questions about how much they can accomplish in the first 100 days, and really how much they can accomplish in four years.” (Sarah Pierce, MPI policy analyst)   Well, well, what do you know!  Apparently President Trump put some things in place to slow the flood of migrants … Continue reading Time Magazine: Open Borders Agitators Begin to Lower Expectations on What a Biden Administration Might Get Done on Immigration

Migrants looking for economic opportunity and running from gangs/violence are NOT refugees

Immigration activists are urging Obama to release them all before January 20th! They are surging north by the tens of thousands since Trump won the Presidential election on November 8th. See news at Drudge yesterday, here.   And it isn’t just Mexicans and Central Americans, as Pamela Geller told us here two days ago, that want … Continue reading Migrants looking for economic opportunity and running from gangs/violence are NOT refugees

Breaking news! White House kicking off Welcoming Refugee Week today

As I have been saying, the refugee industry has a masterful media propaganda campaign backing Obama’s last big push to change America by changing its people. In less than 30 minutes the White House launches its part of the highly orchestrated Refugee Extravaganza leading up to Obama’s United Nations shindig this coming Tuesday. Get in … Continue reading Breaking news! White House kicking off Welcoming Refugee Week today

Sec. of State Kerry visits "Jihad Central" to celebrate World Refugee Day

The White House tells us that Sec. of State Kerry went to the ADAMS Center (aka Jihad Central) yesterday to celebrate World Refugee Day! Watch and listen to Kerry praise the “wonderful work” the ADAMS Center does, by clicking here. I had a good laugh when I saw this press release from the White House … Continue reading Sec. of State Kerry visits "Jihad Central" to celebrate World Refugee Day

Ten things your town needs to know as it is targeted for refugee resettlement

Editor: If that title looks familiar, then you must be a long time reader.  But, it occurred to me just this morning, answering an e-mail from a reader, that since we get new followers every day and since we have now posted 7,624 articles here at RRW, that maybe re-posting some of those from time to … Continue reading Ten things your town needs to know as it is targeted for refugee resettlement