Supt. Montgomery County Schools says it is federal govt. that screens unaccompanied minors

Thanks to Joanne for spotting the answer to our question from earlier this morning. The Conservative Tree House reported the following when describing the press conference yesterday about the  alleged Rockville rapists from Central America: Mr. Smith does acknowledge during the latter part of the presser that these predator suspects were indeed part of the … Continue reading Supt. Montgomery County Schools says it is federal govt. that screens unaccompanied minors

Aderholt bill would block Obama amnesty; make it easier to send ‘unaccompanied minors’ back to Central America

I’m told that consideration of a bill by Rep. Robert Aderholt is moving fast, so I urge you to contact your member of Congress today in support of the Aderholt bill. Thank goodness for Alabama, the home state of Senator Jeff Sessions.    How about Sessions for President in 2016! From the Washington Examiner (hat tip: … Continue reading Aderholt bill would block Obama amnesty; make it easier to send ‘unaccompanied minors’ back to Central America

Sweden: Number of ‘unaccompanied minors’ soaring, small towns can’t handle it.

More on the ‘Invasion of Europe’.… Do you know about “brood parasites” in nature—you know, like the clever Cuckoo bird that lays its eggs in another bird’s nest, so that the unsuspecting host bird feeds and cares for the Cuckoo’s young often resulting in death to the host’s own offspring! That is what I think … Continue reading Sweden: Number of ‘unaccompanied minors’ soaring, small towns can’t handle it.

More from Rome: It is the ‘unaccompanied minors’ creating tension! UN blasts “extremists”

So check it out!  ABC News is reporting that riot police have been brought in to protect the ‘children’ in a Rome neigborhood (really the teenaged boys who have flooded to Italy, just like the ‘children’ invaded America this summer).  See our post yesterday, here. So, what do you think, just a coincidence, or is … Continue reading More from Rome: It is the ‘unaccompanied minors’ creating tension! UN blasts “extremists”

Carrot-tasting classes for refugees cut due to ‘unaccompanied minors’ taking all the federal cash

Update:  No sooner had I posted this then an update arrives:  The money has been restored and carrot-tasting class will resume! (Click here for the happy ending!) One thing we have to thank these ‘unaccompanied alien minors’ for is exposing the three-decades-old Refugee Resettlement program of the US State Department to public scrutiny. Here is … Continue reading Carrot-tasting classes for refugees cut due to ‘unaccompanied minors’ taking all the federal cash