Senator Biden wants more Iraqis to come to the US, and lies

Senator Joe Biden, senior Senator from Delaware and now Barack Obama’s VP pick, has been Senator Ted (anywhere but Hyannisport) Kennedy’s right hand man on opening the door for more Iraqi refugees coming to the US.   We reported on his previous activities here and here.

Earlier this summer Kennedy and Biden introduced a bill to force the White House to create a special position, a coordinator, to focus just on bringing Iraqis here.  As I have said on many occasions, the Iraqi displaced persons are all Bush’s critics have left to demonstrate how badly they believe the Iraq war was carried out.  In other words, to satisfy their bloodlust against the Bush Administration you will be getting Iraqi Muslims to your city or town thanks to Kennedy and Biden.

Senator Edward M. Kennedy today introduced a bill to establish a senior position at the White House to coordinate, develop and implement strategies to more effectively address the plight of Iraqi refugees and internally displaced persons. Since the 2003 invasion, more than four million Iraqis have been displaced from their home or have become refugees. Senator Kennedy is Chairman of the Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Refugees.

The bipartisan legislation is sponsored by Senators Joseph Biden (D-DE), Chuck Hagel (R-NE), and Gordon Smith (R-OR), and was introduced on behalf of the Senator by Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid. U.S. Representative Howard Berman (D-CA), Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, has introduced companion legislation.

Note that they always say that the supposed millions displaced are the result of our “invasion” in 2003.  They never tell you that at least a million of the displaced were forced from their homes by the policies of Saddam Hussein.  And of course they never mention the inconvenient fact that some of those who high-tailed it out of Iraq were the bad guys.   Here is just one post where we addressed the Iraqis displaced prior to our arrival in that country.

Now here you have to laugh, in the very same article that Kennedy says there are 4 million Iraqis displaced by us, Biden puts the number at 5 million.

“As many as five million Iraqis have been displaced, the vast majority since the war began in 2003. American leadership is critical in providing the humanitarian assistance these people desperately need, especially since much of the international community considers this crisis the result of our intervention in Iraq,” said Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) [Edit.  So Joe, you can’t help set the record straight, you join right into the chorus singing the US is bad when you know the truth?]   “Because this leadership has been lacking, we are seeking an Iraqi refugee coordinator, reporting directly to the President, to manage the American response to the crisis and work with the international community towards long-term solutions. This is not just the honorable thing to do – we owe it to our Iraqi friends many of whom have risked their lives to help us.”

If anyone of these politicians or NGO’s would admit that we are not responsible for millions of displaced people and mentioned that Saddam Hussein displaced maybe more than a million who are still displaced, I would have some respect for them.  But they don’t; they lie and exagerate to make their political points in trying to convince the American public that the US is bad and should feel guilty and thus be airlifting Iraqi refugees from all over the Middle East to a city where you live.

And one last thing, in only a few minutes of research I found Biden saying in 2002 (BEFORE OUR “INVASION”) that Saddam Hussein had forced many Iraqis to flee to Iran.  Read about Biden’s policy suggestions for Iran here.

Iran has “a huge population of Afghan and Iraqi refugees,” Biden said.

Judy wrote about the Iraqis residing in Iran here.

Just a reminder, Homeland Security has identified 365 supposed Iraqi “refugees” with terrorist connections trying to get into the US.   See our post here.

See Biden the hypocrite here.


Joe Biden (the hypocrite) and Refugees

Update August 24th:  See the latest on refugees to Delaware here.

Barack Obama has picked Senator Joe Biden as his running mate.  So, what is the Senator’s connection to refugees?  Senator Biden of Delaware is one of only a few original sponsors of the Refugee Act of 1980 still in the Senate.  AND, his state has only resettled a few hundred refugees in all these 28 years!

Here is what I said back in April about Biden’s hypocrisy:

Now to Senator Joe Biden! Just as Senator Ted isn’t going to be resettling any refugees of any sort to Hyannisport, Senator Joe (any place but Delaware) Biden is a hypocrite. He is one of the few originators of the Refugee Act of 1980 (along with chief sponsor Kennedy) still in the Senate, yet his own state of Delaware ranks third from the bottom in the number of refugees resettled there between 1983 and 2005, this while surrounding states Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey have each brought tens of thousands of refugees. Ranking below Delaware are only West Virginia and Wyoming.

So, Senator Biden is promoting bringing more Iraqis but few if any will come to Delaware. The politics of this stinks!

Look for more later.  Farm chores call.

Obama: Islamic terrorism is all about poverty and racism

I’m getting off topic a bit here, but thought you should see this important story.  Hat tip:  Robert.    Here is how the story at World Net Daily begins:

JERUSALEM – The 9-11 attacks were carried out because of a lack of “empathy” for others’ suffering on the part of al-Qaida, whose terrorist ideology “grows out of a climate of poverty and ignorance, helplessness and despair,” Sen. Barack Obama explained in largely unreported comments eight days after the mega-terror attacks that rocked the nation.

Please read the whole article.   Obama isn’t alone in his thinking that poverty breeds Islamic terrorism, we see that notion as a driving force even among high level  State Department officials.  Note former Asst. Secretary of State Ellen Sauerbrey’s comments last year here (bring more refugees to the US so they won’t become terrorists).    Sauerbrey, before joining the Bush Administration, was a Republican leader in Maryland, but must have been drinking too much of the kool-aid at the State Department.  Her comments, and Obama’s, show a fundamental misunderstanding of the imperatives of Islam.

Earth shattering news from the WaPo: African immigrants support Obama

Somalis, Ethiopians and Kenyans,  many having entered the US as refugees which puts them on the fast track to citizenship, are organizing for Democratic candidate for President, Barack Obama.  Wow!  Can you believe it!  Here is what the Washington Post had to say:

From coast to coast, Somali, Ethiopian, Nigerian and Kenyan Americans are knocking on the doors of their fellow African immigrants, registering new citizens to vote, raising money and preaching Obama’s mantra of hope and change. They hope that his prominence will change their status as one of the nation’s least-recognized immigrant groups, and that he will one day provide aid to help ease the turmoil and poverty in countries such as Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan.

One Somali said Obama is like a son, one of them.

“Obama is one generation away from Africa,” said Eyow, who immigrated to the United States nearly 30 years ago. “I have nothing against my brothers and sisters, black people who were born here, but his father is like me. His father was an immigrant….”

Although Eyow says he has nothing against his black brothers who were born here, we have been chronicaling the tensions that are building in the black community partially resulting from the growing realization on the part of native-born black Americans that immigrants are taking their jobs (among other brewing conflicts).

The Post goes on to report that the Migration Policy Institute (in the right hand column you can check for the number of foreign born voters in your state) says the numbers of African immigrants aren’t high enough to swing the election, but organizers have figured out how to have influence in key states like Virginia.

Endale said that in the District, Ethiopians for Obama will not try to influence the national race between Obama and Republican Sen. John McCain (Ariz.). Instead, the group will target Ethiopian households in the Northern Virginia suburbs.

“There’s a possibility of getting 10,000 Ethiopians in Virginia,” Endale said. “That could be a game-changer.”

Is anyone checking to make sure they are all citizens and eligible to vote?

Obama’s faith-based initiative not aimed at religious right

Your tax dollars:

When President Bush first came out with his faith-based initiative I didn’t give it much thought, but naively had a generally positive view of it—what an idiot I was.   I hadn’t at that point seen the many hands of the left-wing churches, like the Virginia Council of Churches, in the taxpayers’ pockets.   Groups like VCC could not exist without taxpayers’ money—without your money.   They get money from all sorts of federal and state grants to administer a wide variety of social welfare programs, including refugee resettlement.   And, to top it off they are not accountable.  Last I checked VCC didn’t even have to file a Form 990 with the IRS to show where the money went.  Why?  Because they are a “church” and exempt from filing a tax return.

Here is how one news report on Obama’s intiative begins:

ZANESVILLE, Ohio – Taking a page from President Bush, Democrat Barack Obama said Tuesday he wants to expand White House efforts to steer social service dollars to religious groups, risking protests in his own party with his latest aggressive reach for voters who usually vote Republican.

Obama contended he is merely stating long-held positions — surprising to some, he said, after a primary campaign in which he was “tagged as being on the left.”

On Tuesday, touring Presbyterian Church-based social services facility, the Democratic senator said he would get religious charities more involved in government anti-poverty efforts if elected.

Obama is a smart dude!   He knows this faith-based taxpayer rip-off will help his leftwing causes.  I challenge readers to send me the name of one conservative, “right wing” Republican, faith-based organization getting federal grants!  If such an animal existed it wouldn’t be ‘conservative’ and ‘right-wing’ as I define those words.   He may reach a bunch of people in the middle, who don’t follow these issues closely but are religious people and are as naive as I was, and who think this is a nice thing to do.

For Obama this is just an expansion of his Chicago Community Organizing where taxpayer money helped “organize” leftist (some faith-based too) causes.  See my post in March entitled, “Obama and the taxpayer money trail.”

I wonder how taxpayers will feel when their hard-earned money flows to every religious group under the sun to do all sorts of “charitable” work.  And, I can’t believe I am saying this—I support the views of the Separation of Church and State people on this one.   What happened to good old-fashioned real (private )charity?

Here is a more detailed article about Obama’s plan.