Obama campaign suggests dirty tricks with Aunt Zeituni revelation

Update Nov. 2nd:  No dirty tricks just good investigative journalism here.

Update:  Obama says apply the law.  Let’s have an Aunt Zeituni Watch, first one to see her board a plane for Kenya gets a gold star.

Oh brother!   The Obama campaign is railing about the news that Auntie Zeituni is an illegal alien here in the US.  They question whether the revelation, coming just three days before election day, is a dirty trick—a leak by the Bush Administration to sabotage the election.

According to Politico, the Obama mafia has now sent its goons after Homeland Security chief Chertoff:

House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers has written to Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff requesting an immediate investigation of the leak, which he deemed “deplorable” and said “was not the first leak of law enforcement information apparently designed to influence the coming presidential election,” referring to an ongoing investigation of voter fraud by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN.




Anti-amnesty candidate hits a nerve

Ann mentioned in her story about Obama’s Auntie Zeituni that immigration hasn’t come up as an issue in this election campaign. True for the presidential campaign. But in one congressional race it is THE issue.  Mark Krikorian reports in National Review on the campaign of Lou Barletta, the mayor of Hazleton, Pennsylvania, who made national news for his actions to protect his town from an onslaught of illegal immigrants who raised crime rates and made Hazleton an unpleasant place to live.

In 2006, in response to a growing number of illegal residents in his city, he passed an ordinance that would fine those who hire them or rent them apartments; illegal residents started streaming out of the city despite the fact that the measure was struck down by a federal judge in response to an ACLU lawsuit. (The Third Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments in the case yesterday, and since a similar Arizona law has been upheld, Hazleton’s odds are good.)

Now Barletta is running for Congress and is one of the few Republican challengers with a good chance at defeating a Democrat incumbent — he’s up five points in the latest poll. Here’s how important the immigration issue is:

It’s not just that immigration control landed Barletta on national and international news; his stance is wildly popular in his city, where Democrats outnumber Republicans two to one. In Hazleton’s 2007 elections, not only did he defeat a Republican primary challenger, but so many Democrats wrote his name in that he also won their primary and was reelected with close to 90 percent of the vote.

Those Hazleton voters must be some of the bitter gun-owning religious folks. But wait, the people of Arizona, John “Amnesty” McCain’s own state, are fighting to keep their toughest-in-the-nation immigration law against a coalition of businesses that want to get back to hiring illegal aliens. This coalition is promoting a ballot measure that seeks to roll back the law but is being presented as just the opposite — the usual tactic of those who want to do something the public can’t stand.

No matter who is elected president, the issue of illegal immigration is alive and well.

Obama’s auntie is in US ILLEGALLY!

Update May 17th, 2010: Zeituni Onyango is granted asylum in the US, here.

Update Dec. 31st: After I recently read Obama’s “Dreams from my father” I concluded there is no way Obama didn’t know she was in the US, she is not a bit player but an important part in the Obama family story.

Update Nov. 9th: Aunt Zeituni will fight deportation.

Update Nov. 2nd: No dirty tricks just good investigative journalism, see the latest here.

Update: Obama campaign claiming dirty tricks by Bush Administration.

You probably guessed it from the story at the Times that Judy reported the other day, but AP (yes AP!) is now reporting that Obama’s Auntie Zeituni entered the US illegally, sought asylum and was denied.  Four years ago she was ordered deported!  Hat tip:  Blulitespecial

WASHINGTON (AP) – Barack Obama’s aunt, a Kenyan woman who has been quietly living in public housing in Boston, is in the United States illegally after an immigration judge rejected her request for asylum four years ago, The Associated Press has learned.

Zeituni Onyango, 56, referred to as “Aunti Zeituni” in Obama’s memoir, was instructed to leave the United States by a U.S. immigration judge who denied her asylum request, a person familiar with the matter told the AP late Friday. This person spoke on condition of anonymity because no one was authorized to discuss Onyango’s case.

Information about the deportation case was disclosed and confirmed by two separate sources, one of them a federal law enforcment official. The information they made available is known to officials in the federal government, but the AP could not establish whether anyone at a political level in the Bush administration or in the McCain campaign had been involved in its release.

Why would any of the three, Bush, McCain or Obama, officially make this information available?  All three are complicit in our disastrous immigration policy and this is the first time the subject of immigration has come up in this entire overly long Presidential campaign.

The disclosure about Onyango came just one day after Obama’s presidential campaign confirmed to the Times of London that Onyango, who has lived quietly in public housing in South Boston for five years, was Obama’s half aunt on his father’s side.

Did you hear Rush Limbaugh play excerpts of the audio version of Obama’s “Dreams from my Father” yesterday where Obama says that Auntie Zeituni didn’t have a government support system in Kenya if things got tough, they had only family to fall back on!   It was hilarious!   How come Obama isn’t taking care of his family?   We know why now, the US taxpayer has been taking care of this family member.

It was not immediately clear how Onyango might have qualified for public housing with a standing deportation order.

The difference between refugees and asylees is that refugees are screened in advance of being admitted to the US and we pay their airfare.   Asylees are people who come to the US illegally and then seek legal status by claiming and being required to prove that they have been persecuted for one of many reasons and thus have a fear of returning home.  We have an entire cottage industry of lawyers being trained in law schools across America to serve as immigration lawyers for asylees.

Asylees are treated as refugees with all the perks, welfare, housing, food stamps, medical treatment as a refugee.  I guess in Massachusetts they never bothered to check if her asylum status had been denied, or more likely they knew it and ignored the deportation order—any surprise?

One last point, in the earlier story at the Times, Auntie Zeituni admitted:

It is not clear when Ms Onyango first came to the US. She said: “I have been coming to America ever since 1975. I always come and go.”

So in all those trips back and forth to the US, for 33 years, no one ever spotted her as an illegal alien!

I guess the pressing next question is, where is Uncle Omar?

More here: Obama campaign flabbergasted yesterday.

We are our theoretical brothers’ keepers, but not our real ones’

It was just a coincidence that on the same day I heard a clip of Barack 0bama saying once again “We are our brothers’ keepers” I read about his Auntie Zeituni Onyango living in a Boston slum. You’ve probably heard all about it already, but I can’t resist commenting anyway. It was the British Times (formerly known as The Times of London), not the New York Times or the Boston Globe, that reported:

Barack Obama has lived one version of the American Dream that has taken him to the steps of the White House. But a few miles from where the Democratic presidential candidate studied at Harvard, his Kenyan aunt and uncle, immigrants living in modest circumstances in Boston, have a contrasting American story.

Zeituni Onyango, the aunt so affectionately described in Mr Obama’s best-selling memoir Dreams from My Father, lives in a disabled-access flat on a rundown public housing estate in South Boston. (“Public housing estate” is Brit-talk for “project.”)

Here’s the convoluted description of the relationships:

Aunt Zeituni and Uncle Omar are the children of Mr Obama’s grandfather Hussein Onyango Obama, by his third wife – the woman Mr Obama calls “Granny” because she raised his father. Mr Obama’s father, Barack Sr, was Onyango Obama’s son by his second wife, Akumu. That makes Zeituni and Omar a half-sister and half-brother of Mr Obama’s father, or Mr Obama’s half-aunt and half-uncle.

I know some American families who — through divorce and remarriage — are just as complicated. I myself am a step-grandmother and my daughter is a half-aunt. There are better ways to conduct family life than those that end up with half-whatevers and step-whatevers, believe me, though everybody is loved just as much as if they were whole-whatevers. A system that encourages such arrangements through polygamy doesn’t strike me as healthy. The Times goes on to report:

The Times could not determine their immigration status and an official at Boston City Hall said that Ms Onyango was a resident of Flaherty Way but not registered to vote on the electoral roll. However, that Ms Onyango made a contribution to the Obama campaign would indicate that she is a US citizen.

I guess The Times hasn’t heard that lots and lots of foreigners have donated to the Obama campaign, from all over the world. The Palestinian territories have been a particularly rich source of support. It was generous of Auntie, as she is a poor woman.

An Associated Press story about poor people buying lottery tickets at cheque-cashing shops, from Cambridge, Massachusetts, on May 25, 2003, quotes a Zeituni Onyango whom it describes as out of work and without much money. “It’s like when I feel luck might fall I do that, like manna might come from Heaven. That’s when I buy it,” she told AP.

 What is Obama’s current relationship with his Auntie?

The Obama campaign was repeatedly approached for comment yesterday but had not responded at the time of going to press. It is not clear whether Mr Obama has been in touch with his African relatives living in the US, or even whether he is aware that they are on US soil.

In the preface to the 2004 reissue, he writes: “Most of the characters in this book remain a part of my life, albeit in varying degrees – a function of work, children, geography, and turns of fate.”

Well, if he didn’t know where she was before, he knows now. Just as he knows about his 26-year-old brother George living on less than a dollar a month in Kenya, near Nairobi. That discovery was made by the Italian Vanity Fair and reported on in the Telegraph (UK). Our American reporters are too busy tending to the tingles up their legs to find out about such items as Obama’s family.

It is such a cliche about liberals that you’d think Obama would take pains to disprove it — that they love humanity but hate people. He says we’re our brothers’ keepers, but apparently all he means is that the government is supposed to take our money to care for other people.  When he has the opportunity to show he really believes what he says, by helping his actual brother and his actual aunt who are living in poverty, he takes a pass.

He must be very sympathetic to the refugee agencies we report on, who can pour out many fine words about the wretched of the earth and our duty to help them, and then take our tax money by the millions of dollars to create large agencies that often neglect the people they are paid to help.

Obama and his Columbia/South Africa protest years

A commenter sent this link to my post of a few days ago in which I “Answered Hugh Fitzgerald”, and afraid the link would be lost there, I’m posting it here.  It is a very informative analysis by Zombietime blog of Obama’s missing Columbia University years.   I found it interesting to note Obama’s involvement in the anti-Apartheid movement (no surprise there).  I would love to know what he thinks now of the national experiment in multiculturalism that is going awry in the “Rainbow Nation” today.   See my post earlier this morning.