Thomas Sowell on Gingrich and immigration

This is cross-posted from Potomac Tea Party Report, my other blog, here.

The brilliant Thomas Sowell has a good column today at Real Clear Politics in which he riffs off of Gingrich’s use of the word “humane” in suggesting a form of amnesty for those illegal immigrants who have been here for twenty five years at last week’s national security debate.   (Hat tip: Paul)

Read the whole column for more on Gingrich, but I was interested in his discussion of our potential loss of culture (and the security threat) as we continue to import immigrants (legal and illegal) some of whom have no interest in becoming Americans in the fullest sense of the word.

Sowell (emphasis mine):

Let’s go back to square one. The purpose of American immigration laws and policies is not to be either humane or inhumane to illegal immigrants. The purpose of immigration laws and policies is to serve the national interest of this country.

There is no inherent right to come live in the United States, in disregard of whether the American people want you here. Nor does the passage of time confer any such right retroactively.

The American people have a right to decide it they want unlimited imports of cultures.

The more doctrinaire libertarians see the benefits of free international trade in goods, and extend the same reasoning to free international movement of people. But goods do not bring a culture with them. Nor do they give birth to other goods to perpetuate that culture.

Why do people want to come to America in the first place? Because America offers them something that their native countries do not. This country has a culture which has produced a higher standard of living and a freer life than in many other countries.

When you import people, you import cultures, including cultures that have been far less successful in providing decent lives and decent livelihoods. The American people have a right to decide for themselves whether they want unlimited imports of cultures from other countries.

At one time, immigrants came to America to become Americans. Today, the apostles of multiculturalism and grievance-mongering have done their best to keep foreigners foreign and, if possible, feeling aggrieved. Our own schools and colleges teach grievances.

European countries have learned the hard way how massive imports of a foreign culture can undermine your own culture, polarize your population and create internal dangers that are irreversible.

What about those dangers?  See my post yesterday about Michelle Bachmann the Presidential candidate with the guts to bring up the Somalis in her home state of Minnesota and their connections to Al-shabaab.

Rep. Michele Bachmann cited Somali threat in national security debate

Thanks to Richard Falknor at Blue Ridge Forum for tipping me off to this unreported (or at least I couldn’t find mention of it!) answer to a question in last week’s Republican national security debate.

The question was from the American Enterprise Institute’s Mark Teese who wanted to know what threat are we not talking about.  From CNN’s transcript of the debate:

QUESTION: My name is Mark Teese (ph) and I’m a visiting fellow with the American Enterprise Institute. And my question has to do with the unexpected. During the 200 Presidential debates, Governor George W. Bush was never asked about the threat from Al Qaida, yet the battle with Al Qaida dominated his presidency. What national security issue do you worry about that nobody is asking about, either here or in any of the debates so far?

And, then at the tail end of most of the other candidates weighing in, Bachmann says this:

BACHMANN: Well, I would agree with what my colleagues said up here on the stage. And also, we need to remember, we won the peace in Iraq. And now President Obama is intentionally choosing to give that peace away.

This is a significant issue because we’re taking the terrorist threat away from the Middle East, bringing it to the United States.

We talked about Al-Shabaab. Al-Shabaab is real. In my home state of Minnesota, we’ve just had two convictions of two women that are financing terror with Al-Shabaab. This threat, I believe, now is in the United States and now the threat has come home and that’s what we have to deal with.

I mentioned this conviction of the two women who are US citizens here.  They showed complete disdain for our system of justice telling the court that all infidels would go to hell.

How did we get so many Somalis in the US?  Please visit one of the most widely read posts (19,065 views) here at RRW.

BTW, on NumbersUSA Presidential candidate score card, Michele Bachmann ranks the highest with a B- score.

CIS: Most new jobs in Texas went to immigrants

[This is cross-posted from Potomac Tea Party Report with some minor modifications.]

The Center for Immigration Studies released today the shocking results of their analysis of Governor Rick Perry’s claims about the economic “success” of his home state of Texas.  Most new jobs in the state went to immigrants!

Here is the introductory section of the news release from CIS (emphasis mine):

Governor Rick Perry (R-Texas) has pointed to job growth in Texas during the current economic downturn as one of his main accomplishments. But analysis of Current Population Survey (CPS) data collected by the Census Bureau show that immigrants (legal and illegal) have been the primary beneficiaries of this growth since 2007, not native-born workers. This is true even though the native-born accounted for the vast majority of growth in the working-age population (age 16 to 65) in Texas. Thus, they should have received the lion’s share of the increase in employment. As a result, the share of working-age natives in Texans holding a job has declined in a manner very similar to the nation a whole.

Among the findings:

*Of jobs created in Texas since 2007, 81 percent were taken by newly arrived immigrant workers (legal and illegal).

*In terms of numbers, between the second quarter of 2007, right before the recession began, and the second quarter of 2011, total employment in Texas increased by 279,000. Of this, 225,000 jobs went to immigrants (legal and illegal) who arrived in the United States in 2007 or later.

*Of newly arrived immigrants who took a job in Texas, 93 percent were not U.S. citizens. Thus government data show that more than three-fourths of net job growth in Texas were taken by newly arrived non-citizens (legal and illegal).

*The large share of job growth that went to immigrants is surprising because the native-born accounted for 69 percent of the growth in Texas’ working-age population (16 to 65). Thus, even though natives made up most of the growth in potential workers, most of the job growth went to immigrants.

*The share of working-age natives holding a job in Texas declined significantly, from 71 percent in 2007 to 67 percent in 2011. This decline is very similar to the decline for natives in the United States as a whole and is an indication that the situation for native-born workers in Texas is very similar to the overall situation in the country despite the state’s job growth.

*Of newly arrived immigrants who took jobs in Texas since 2007, we estimate that 50 percent (113,000) were illegal immigrants. Thus, about 40 percent of all the job growth in Texas since 2007 went to newly arrived illegal immigrants and 40 percent went to newly arrived legal immigrants.

*Immigrants took jobs across the educational distribution. More than one out three (97,000) of newly arrived immigrants who took a job had at least some college.

*These numbers raise the question of whether it makes sense to continue the current high level of legal immigration and also whether to continue to tolerate illegal immigration.

This is a devastating report, please read the whole thing.  The results of this report also help explain Perry’s instate tuition for illegal aliens law in Texas—they are an important voting block for him.

Texas is the third largest recipient of refugees in the US after California and Florida.  Indeed, just a couple of days ago I reported on how your federal tax dollars were going to Catholic Charities of Fort Worth for job training for immigrants, here (most likely taught in CC’s Taj Mahal of a building taxpayers also paid for!).

I feel like a broken record, but urge everyone to stop saying “legal immigration is o.k., it’s illegal I have a problem with”—our legal immigration system is filled with fraud and abuse and must be reformed and the numbers admitted to the US reduced!

And, once again, establishment Republicans, and of course Democrats, continue to fail to see the huge impact the immigration issue will have on this election.

Uncle Omar Update

A bunch of articles have crossed my desk over the last few days about Obama’s illegal alien Kenyan uncle arrested in Massachusetts in late August.  Reader ‘blackpanther’ says he won’t believe the story until it comes from the White House.

Blackpanther, here is one pretty definitive statement from Obama’s front man—Jay Carney—to CNS News:

He will be treated like any other illegal alien (yeh right! let go!):

President Barack Obama’s uncle, facing deportation for being in the country illegally, will not be treated differently than anyone else under U.S. laws, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told on Thursday.

“I would refer you to ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] and DHS [Department of Homeland Security]. It will be handled like any other immigration case,” Carney said. also asked, “Was the president aware that his uncle was in the United States as an undocumented immigrant?” But before the question was completely asked, Carney interjected, saying President Obama “was made aware of this issue when I walked into his office and, among other subjects, mentioned it to him and he was completely unaware.”

Carney apparently was speaking in reference to when the president first learned of his uncle’s arrest. Carney did not say whether the president knew his uncle was in the United States illegally.

Here is another story, this one from the Boston Globe, telling us that Uncle Omar has been a fugitive from the law since 1992.

Then there is one from the Boston Herald in which Aunt Zeituni let’s us know what she thinks of her nephew, calling him “your president” to a reporter.  You think she still might be smarting for being snubbed and not invited to family functions at the White House (or LOL! at nearby Martha’s Vineyard only a week or so ago!).

Reached at her apartment in a South Boston public housing complex today, Zeituni Onyango said of her brother’s arrest: “Why don’t you go to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washingon, D.C. and ask your president? Not me.” She then hung up on a reporter.  [She was granted asylum so Obama is technically her president now too!—ed]

If I were Obama, I would be treating these “relatives” nicely, afterall, they surely know stuff about him that the public has never heard before.

Then this is great!  NumbersUSA calls on readers to contact Congress to “Plug the Uncle Omar Loophole!”

Learn more about what you can do here.

Blue Maryland seeing Red on immigration

Sorry no time to go into it today, but just wanted readers to know about this unbelievable political shake-up in Blue Maryland on illegal immigration.    The mainstream media has missed one of the hottest political stories of the summer in Maryland as organizers of a petition drive to put a new law (signed by Democrat Governor Martin O’Malley) that would give in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens will (I predict) succeed in being taken to referendum.

The drive ends today and the Washington Post finally wrote about it as a news story yesterday!   Be sure to check out what they say about what an impact this initiative will have on the national discussion about immigration—-Blue Maryland sends a message!

From the Washington Post:

Growing frustration with illegal immigration, rising public debt and an effective Internet campaign to gather voters’ signatures have put Maryland conservatives on the cusp of a victory to delay and possibly repeal a new law that would give undocumented immigrants in-state college tuition breaks.

Read the Post article and learn more about the national ramifications of a potentially successful referendum in Maryland (of all places!).

For Fox News (esp. Glenn Beck) fans and Jihad Watch readers note that the Democratic Party has sent its big dog to Maryland to represent the major illegal alien advocacy group—CASA de Maryland, here.  Note that Joseph E. Sandler, former general counsel of the DNC has threatened to sue many conservatives in order to silence their speech.  He and his comrades are now working overtime in Maryland!

Addendum:  See this tongue-in-cheek piece posted at Fox News —the top five places for illegal aliens to head to in the US!