Why is North Carolina a swing state while South Carolina is still RED?

It is because the demographic change (remember they are changing America by changing the people) is far advanced in North Carolina while it is only beginning in South Carolina.

Trump and Clinton are both in North Carolina today. Is it a swing state because of its huge refugee/immigrant population? I think so! http://heavy.com/news/2016/11/north-carolina-poll-polls-2016-election-donald-trump-hillary-clinton-winning-losing-new-forecast-percent-men-women-independent-undecided/

Of course all that will change for SC in a few years as Republicans like Senator Lindsey Graham and Rep. Trey Gowdy are making little to no effort to hold the line in terms of the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program, and Graham himself was one of the Senate ‘Gang of Eight’ that pushed through an amnesty bill for illegal aliens a couple of years ago.
I don’t understand how Rs like Graham don’t see that as the immigrant population grows it will be attracted to the Democrat Party which promises to keep their welfare goodies flowing and will ultimately lead to the downfall of the Republican Party in states like his.
But, it isn’t SC I want to tell you about.

Trump and Clinton going to North Carolina today!

***Update*** November 4th: 1/2 million federal grant to encourage ethnic separation awarded in Raleigh.
I’ve wondered how North Carolina, the land of Senator Jesse Helms, is now a toss-up state and today as both Hillary and Trump head there, we see very clearly that it is a traditional red state turning blue and both parties are fighting for it.
So, I did a little numbers research.  And, I am not saying that there are enough refugee voters to swing the election, but the vast disparity between the states is stunning.  Also, NC has obviously thrown out the welcome mat to illegal aliens. (Note in my previous post that it is clearly in the top ten for the placement of the ‘unaccompanied alien children.’)
All of the following data can be found at the Refugee Processing Center.  And, I found a bit more at an ORR annual report to Congress.
From 1983 to 2001, North Carolina resettled 16,640 refugees, while South Carolina only got 1,925.
Then from FY 2003 to FY 2016 the states break down this way: NC (27,748) and SC (2,042).

Total refugee tally for NC is roughly 44,388 to SC’s 3,967. 

(In between those two documents, I was too lazy to look up 2002, but you get the idea).
So, I am maintaining that it is the influx of vastly more immigrants and refugees to North Carolina than South Carolina that makes the difference—why NC is turning blue and SC isn’t (yet!).
***Update*** And, I should have mentioned all those worker visas for NC, here.
We have a pretty substantial archive on North Carolina and problems there with refugees, go here to learn more. Don’t miss a stunning murder case, contractors not taking care of the refugees, companies looking for cheap labor and posts on how NC colleges lured Arab students, including 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, to the state to boost their student enrollment.
Then I found this stunning. From FY2003 to FY2016, North Carolina received refugees from the following 56 countries. This list does not include illegal alien-sending countries like Mexico and some from Central and South America. Can you imagine the problems with languages in the medical system, the school system and the criminal justice system!
Where were they placed?
I started to look at all the towns and cities and when I got to 35 I quit.  Bottomline, I bet there were at least 50-60 towns and cities in North Carolina that received refugees.  Maybe only a couple in some towns, but they were very widely distributed and surely helped destroy community cohesiveness.
Eight of the nine major resettlement contractors are operating (competing!) in North Carolina. The only one missing is the International Rescue Committee. Go here for office locations.
The wild card for Trump and Clinton is whether the African American community there gets it—that they are being out-competed in the job market by tens of thousands of refugees pouring in to the state. And, if Hillary is elected there will never be a slowdown.

First month of fiscal year 2017: 9,935 refugees admitted to the US

This is the largest October resettlement in more than a decade (maybe even longer).

Obama State Dept. wants to seed as many refugees as they can in new towns/cities before Inauguration Day (just in case!).

See Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart with what the numbers mean, here.
This is the highest October number for  at least 10 years (see chart below).
I maintain that the reason for this huge rush to place as many as possible in dozens of new towns and cities, for example, Wilmington, DE, and Poughkeepsie, NY , is to get them (and more offices) established before a possible Trump administration comes in in January and TRIES to put the brakes on the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.
Also, there is a good story at CNS news out yesterday which looks at numbers in a different way, reporter Patrick Goodenough gives an accounting for CALENDAR year 2016.  It can get confusing, but we tend to use the FISCAL year because that is the start of the new year for the US State Department and its resettlement contractors.
We are now one month into FY2017, and here is where the 9,935 refugees have been seeded over the last four weeks.  Map is from the Refugee Processing Center:
Alaska got 17 this month and Hawaii 3.

And then this (below) is a chart showing monthly admissions since 2006, note how low October normally is! We don’t have data going back further, but I will bet you would have to go back to the 1980s to find October resettlements this large.  BTW, September is always huge because as the last month of the fiscal year, they want to try to reach their ceiling.

From Michigan: An open letter to Donald Trump

This  is a letter penned today by one of our faithful readers on the eve of a scheduled visit tomorrow by Presidential candidate Donald Trump. Please, Donald Trump, help Michigan!

Image from a Trump Michigan rally earlier in the year! https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/03/03/new-michigan-poll-ted-cruz-ceiling-19-marco-rubio-ceiling-18-donald-trump-winning/


Dear Mr. Trump:

I am so happy to hear you will be coming to Michigan at least one more time before the election. I doubt I will have a chance to speak to you in a throng of thousands of supporters, but if I could this would be my message.

Michigan represents the United States on the cusp of collapse if Hillary Clinton and the globalists backing her prevail on November 8th. Michigan has been so damaged by job loss and permanent unemployment from companies moving elsewhere that it has caused the social fabric to change. Like many of my friends I am a grandmother with grandchildren elsewhere. When our children graduated from college they all had to move to other states for jobs. There was no future for them in Michigan.

So now the central planners on the left are flooding our state with refugees from war torn and third world countries to provide a pool of very low wage workers who will be reliable Democrat voters to help keep the sinking ship of state afloat. Per capita Michigan has been receiving the most refugees in recent years and now we are receiving the most Syrian refugees. While the Refugee Resettlement program operates under the radar as much as possible, the presence of a large concentration of refugees is being noticed because some parts of Michigan are being transformed almost overnight.

People are concerned. Why are we bringing in unvettable potential terrorists into our midst? Most of these newcomers are Muslim and many of them are Sharia compliant. Sharia is not compatible with the US Constitution. Now we are discovering that a number of these refugees are harboring TB and in at least one case the drug resistant variety. This seems to be nothing short of insanity. A few informed citizens have sounded the alarm, but it is difficult to find leaders who are willing to buck the unfair charges of bigotry and discrimination.

Mr. Trump, this is why we are so enthusiastic about you. We salute your leadership on protecting our borders and our citizens. It is not unreasonable to call a halt on bringing in more refugees until they can be properly vetted, not just for terrorist ties, but also their adherence to an ideology that makes it impossible for them and their children to be Constitution abiding US citizens.

We call on you to shine the spotlight on the Michigan situation, which will soon be the norm all over the country if we can’t put the brakes on this mad dash to bring in more and more refugees. We call on you to support our bold leaders like Oakland County Executive, Brooks Patterson, and the entire town council in Waterford, Michigan who stepped up to protecting their citizens, the job of all our elected representatives.

There is much to learn from the Michigan experience and a course correction is in order to hold the line in Michigan and protect the rest of the country. Please continue your bold leadership and you will have a winning issue that crosses all demographic and party lines. I really believe you when you say you will MAGA. Keep up the good work!

A Concerned Michigander

For more on Michigan see our recent post by clicking here.  Watch our 6-minute video ‘Hillary’s Michigan, America’s Worst Nightmare:’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSk1lWS-2tY&feature=youtu.be

And, don’t miss Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily here.
For our hour long video on reaching ‘undecided’ voters, click here.

Maryland: CAIR wants 14-year-old girl investigated in case of threatening note to Iraqi refugee family

Thanks to Wikileaks, we are becoming increasingly aware (more than ever before) of how the mainstream media presents ‘news’ in a way to push an agenda or oppose candidates they don’t like.
A prime example……
I literally sat here with my mouth open when I read this story (the whole story!) at WBAL in Baltimore by Saliqua Khan (Islamophobic note we are told in the headline!).
If I had stopped reading at paragraph ten, I would have a completely different idea of what happened.  Here is what we are told first:

DUNDALK, Md. —A civil rights group is asking authorities to investigate a hate message as a bias-motivated crime after a note was left at the Baltimore County home of a family of Iraqi Muslim refugees.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, on Friday called on state and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate a note left at the family’s Dundalk home.

Zainab Chaudry speaking for CAIR in Maryland is quoted as blaming it on…you guessed it! Donald Trump!

CAIR said the hate message, left on the door of the family’s home, said, “Terrorist, Leave, No one wants you here, Your kind is a disgrace, 9/11 was your fault.”

The message also included a crude drawing of a Muslim woman wearing a head scarf (hijab) and holding a bomb, with the comment, “Take that (expletive) off your head.”

The victim’s father, who’s family recently found refuge in the U.S. and speaks very little English, said he’s worried about his family’s safety after his 11-year-old daughter received the note.

“Now, I am scared and worried about my child,” the victim’s father, Raad Lalqaraghuli, said. “I was scared, no sleeping.”

The Washington-based civil rights organization said the targeting of the Maryland Muslim family is the latest in a series of hate incidents directed at American Muslims, mosques and Islamic centers nationwide in the past week.

At this point I felt bad for this Muslim family (no sympathy for CAIR!)…..

But, now get this! The police already investigated and determined it was a squabble between CHILDREN!

Continue reading:

Baltimore County police have determined that a dispute between children led to an offensive note left on at the apartment of a Muslim family.


Officers were able to identify a 14-year-old girl, whose family lives in the same building, as the person who wrote the note. When officers met with the girl and her parents, she stated that she wrote the note because two of the children in the family had “cursed at her and made offensive gestures.”

Officers explained to the girl and the family the seriousness of what she had done. The girl’s parents were cooperative and assured officers that they would handle the matter at home.

The investigation indicated that while the note was offensive, that no crime had happened.

“This is nothing that happened as a result of an organized hate group this was a dispute between two children,” Baltimore County police spokeswoman Elise Armacost.

So if you stopped reading at paragraph ten, you would never know this!
By the way, Dundalk is a poor suburb of Baltimore and it is no surprise that resettlement contractors likely placed the Iraqi family here.
For more on Zainab Choudry, I wrote about her here in 2013 at Potomac Tea Party Report.

100 refugees approved for Northwest Arkansas

Arkansas, like West Virginia and Montana, has received very few refugees over the years, but all that will change with the Dept. of State’s (DOS) approval of a new resettlement agency that will ‘welcome’ 100 refugees beginning next month.
All of the new sites*** are needed because Obama has ‘determined’ that the US will admit a huge increase (to 110,000) in the number of refugees admitted to your towns and cities in FY2017.

The Obama Administration is moving fast to get as many new refugee sites open as possible before January in case Donald Trump is elected.

The Obama DOS is on a crash program now to get as many placed in your towns as they can by Inauguration Day in January (in case Trump is elected) and place as many in the pipeline as they can making it more difficult for a new administration to put the breaks on.
There is only one entity that could slow the flow and they can do it next month and that is Congress (if there is a will)!  Congress (not Obama!) has the ultimate power to DEFUND the large increase in the number of refugees coming in. These contractors, like this new one in Northwest Arkansas have virtually zero money of their own!
The story, here, and below demonstrates how impotent Arkansas’s governor is to do anything to stop the migration to the state.
From KATV Little Rock:

NORTHWEST ARKANSAS (TALK BUSINESS & POLITICS) — The questions surrounding refugees from the Middle East and other parts of the world will soon come to Arkansas as Canopy Northwest Arkansas works to bring 100 or more refugees from around the world to the region.

Emily Linn is the executive director of Canopy. She says Arkansas has great jobs in poultry plants (yippee!). How much is this resettlement being driven behind the scenes by BIG MEAT? LOL! BIG CHICKEN in this case! http://www.canopynwa.org/about/


In response to news publicity about the global refugee crisis, concerned residents in Northwest Arkansas (NWA) began meeting in January and formed Canopy Northwest Arkansas, a 501(c)3 non-profit with the mission of settling refugees in NWA.

“We consulted with refugee agencies operating nationally and we learned that there’s a need for new communities to open up to refugees. So we started looking into what it might look like for refugees to come to NWA and what we found is that our community has an incredible capacity to welcome refugees and help them really thrive here,” said Emily Linn, director of Canopy Northwest Arkansas.

Linn cited the growing economy in NWA as a reason refugees would do well.

Here comes the poultry industry! Surely, the Chamber of Commerce is not far behind. (I always wonder if they tell the incoming refugees that they are going to a meat or poultry plant town).

“We have great jobs for folks who don’t even speak English, for example, in the manufacturing or poultry processing industry or agriculture. We also have great jobs and we have a need for people to come and work in very high skilled jobs,” she said. “For instance, we have a brand new hospital opening up in Springdale, Arkansas Children’s and the Washington Regional Hospital is growing and expanding, and there’s a need for very highly educated individuals as well, and so we have this wide variety of employment options.”

I keep seeing this nonsense about skilled labor in the refugee flow. It is bogus. If there are doctors and engineers etc. in the flow they must become re certified in the US which is a long and expensive process. The closest any refugee doctor will get to a hospital is scrubbing the floors at night.
Canopy is a subcontractor of LIRS (see my previous post this morning, here).

Canopy Northwest Arkansas partners with the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS), one of nine national resettlement agencies that contract with the State Department to run the refugee resettlement program. LIRS is the agency that will assign refugees to Canopy after the refugees go through an extensive screening process, sometimes lasting more than two years.

Continue reading here.  I see no evidence, at least in this story, that there is any pocket of resistance in Northwest Arkansas.
***Here are some of the new sites we have learned about in recent weeks being set up to accommodate, among other ethnic groups, a large number of Syrian Sunni Muslims.  We heard that there are 47 of these new target sites:
Asheville, NC
Rutland, VT
Reno, NV
Ithaca, NY
Missoula, MT
Aberdeen, SD
Charleston, WV
Fayetteville, AR
Blacksburg, VA
Pittsfield, MA
Northhampton, MA
Flint, MI
Bloomington, IN
Traverse City, MI
Watertown, NY (maybe)
I just created a new ‘tag’ and I should have done it a long time ago, will try to keep it up going forward—New resettlement sites.  For new readers, here is the old list of sites Apparently the feds are not updating the list because they likely don’t want you to know where all of the new offices are located. Secrecy is the watchword of refugee resettlement in America!