It is all about the money! Will Congressional Republicans save us, or not? (More money Part II)

Update: Rally fizzles, pathetic turnout!  Click here for photos.
The Rally4Refugees  (aka Rally4Money) kicks off today in Washington and although organizers want to give the impression that this is all about saving the downtrodden of the world, they know and are working toward the goal of wringing more of your money, taxpayer dollars, out of you to expand their progressive power base, force diversity down everyone’s throats, and help bring a steady supply of cheap labor for their partners in the global economy.
[See my Part I, here, also about the money]
We can impotently holler and scream about the UN, about Obama, about Soros and Hillary, but we should be screaming at the Republicans in Congress and especially the leadership.

Obama cannot expand the numbers of refugees he wants for FY2017 without the accompanying money from you!

A week or so ago we told you that Obama is looking to get $2.2 BILLION appropriated for FY2017 for the Office of Refugee Resettlement alone.  The fiscal year begins October 1!

Congress and the power of the purse!

We can scream and shout about the UN, Obama, Soros, and Hillary, but whether your town is spared becoming a new or expanded resettlement site depends on these two! Senator Mitch McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan.

When Congress returns after Labor Day, will Congress pass a ‘continuing budget resolution’ until a later date (past the November election)?
Will they address next year’s budget in the lame duck session following the election and after we know who will be our President in 2017?
Might they pass a continuing resolution until say March (giving a new President time to have some influence)? Or, they could pass a whole year’s budget in the lame duck.
We don’t know, but you can be sure that during those September days (before they leave to campaign in October) funding issues will be front and center for them.
The point I’m making is that your energy must now be placed on stopping the funding for refugee resettlement (or at minimum keeping it at last year’s level) when the contractors and those organizing that rally today will be putting all their time and energy (most likely using your money to lobby as well!) into expanding the funding levels to accommodate whatever crazy number Obama will announce at the UN in September. Go here and look at their postcard to Congress—it is about MONEY!
The nine federal resettlement contractors*** have no money if they can’t get it from you!
Again, Obama says he wants $2.2 Billion for ORR (in the Dept. of Health and Human Services) while the House Appropriations Committee has already weighed in and said, no. They propose keeping the funding at last year’s level.
See what they said here in the Appropriations Committee report earlier this summer (hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum).  The Committee recommends $1.6 billion.  The contracting agencies will have a much more difficult time trying to open all the new offices they have been talking about with money at last year’s level.
Editor: Remember as you read this that this is just for the Office of Refugee Resettlement and know that the State Department also pays out at least another $500 million directly to the contractors. Also, be sure to take note of the fact that the ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’ are now costing us almost one billion alone!

    The Committee recommends $1,674,691,000 for Refugee and
Entrant Assistance programs, which is the same as the fiscal
year 2016 enacted level and $575,169,000 below the fiscal year
2017 budget request.
    The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) programs are
designed to help refugees, asylees, Cuban and Haitian entrants,
and trafficking victims become employed and self-sufficient.
These programs also provide for care of unaccompanied immigrant
children in Federal custody and victims of torture.
    Within the total, the Committee recommends the following:
                                                            FY 2017
                   Budget Activity                         Committee
Transitional and Medical Services....................       $490,000,000
Victims of Trafficking...............................         18,755,000
Social Services......................................        155,000,000
Preventive Health....................................          4,600,000
Targeted Assistance..................................         47,601,000
Unaccompanied Children...............................        948,000,000
Victims of Torture...................................         10,735,000
Refugees and Unaccompanied Children
    Healthcare and Education Costs Related to Illegal
Immigration.--The Committee is concerned with the significant
healthcare and education costs to State and local communities
resulting from illegal immigration. In addition, the Committee
is concerned about the response time from previous inquiries on
this matter; the Committee urges the Departments of Education
and Health and Human Services to provide timely and informative
assistance when requested. The Committee further directs the
Departments of Education and Health and Human Services to
provide all available Federal resources to assist State and
local governments with these increased costs that are a direct
result of Federal law or policy. The Committee further directs
the Departments to provide a report to the House Appropriations
Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and
Education, the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and
the Subcommittee on Homeland Security within 90 days of
enactment on the costs borne by State and local governments and
the Federal government for providing health and education
services to individuals without legal immigration status. The
report should cover the costs incurred over the course of
fiscal years 2014-2016 and include projected costs for fiscal
years 2017 through 2021. The report shall also include an
accounting of what Federal resources have been directed and
what Federal resources will be directed in each year to cover
these added expenses.

Note above in blue—that is the Committee telling HHS something they want done! Such demands can be placed in Appropriations bills.  This is a good step, but it would be even better if it directed them to find out what the state and local costs are of refugees placed in your towns as well.

Republican members of the subcommittee responsible for the above are listed here.  Is yours among them? If so, thank them. Tell them this is a start!

Look for Part III this coming week.  So what is the US State Department asking for in FY2017?
***The nine federal resettlement contractors (participating in the rally for money today) are almost completely funded with your tax dollars:

Read this and stiffen your spine! Laugh at them when they call you racist

Or, if it’s your style, react as the Governor of Maine did in his profanity-laced tirade against a Democrat law maker.
When you think about it, all they have is to call you a racist (or fancier versions of the same word—a xenophobe, a nativist, an islamophobe) when you raise concerns about the costs of refugee resettlement, security concerns, and the impact on social cohesion brought by forced multiculturalism to your communities.  And, the progressive left has been getting away with defeating us for decades by rolling out that charge.
I say, call me whatever you want, then laugh at them and move on!

Once you defeat the power of that word by not caring that it is used against you, you win.

Watch this hilarious clip of Hillary’s attack on all of us “racists” and the so-called ‘Alt Right’ earlier this week (and spread it far and wide)!

Now see what Maine Governor LePage said in the same week that Donald Trump turned the tables on Clinton and called her a “bigot.”

From Leo Hohmann at WND:

Maine Gov. Paul LePage went ballistic Thursday after several Democratic politicians labeled him a “racist” over comments he made about the demographic makeup of drug trafficking suspects in his state.

Drew Gattine
Rep. Drew Gattine a “socialist (expletive)” according to Gov. LePage.

LePage went on a profanity-laced tirade in a voicemail message in which he challenged Democrat state legislator Drew Gattine to prove he was a racist, the Portland Press Herald reported.

“Mr. Gattine, this is Gov. Paul Richard LePage,” a recording of the governor’s phone message says. “I would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist, you (expletive). I want to talk to you. I want you to prove that I’m a racist. I’ve spent my life helping black people and you little son-of-a-bitch, socialist (expletive). You … I need you to, just friggin. I want you to record this and make it public because I am after you. Thank you.”

LePage later confided in reporters he’d like to settle the score with the “snot-nosed little guy” Gattine in an armed duel.

Charges of racism and bigotry from the Democrat Party are nothing new, of course.

But what is new is the reaction by Republicans.

And it’s being led by the Trump phenomenon.

Keep reading!

First African refugees arrive in Montana; Helena advocates say they will wait until after November for theirs

Update: Be sure to see the mayor of Missoula’s op-ed of a few days ago.  Not so much for what he says, but for the large numbers of comments on both sides of the issue.  Makes you realize that there is a huge divide in Montana about whether it is wise to bring in the third world.
A family of 6 “Congolese” refugees have arrived in Missoula, MT as the first “east African” refugees we are told. (The Congo and the DR Congo are not in east Africa.  The countries producing refugees in east Africa are Somalia, Ethiopia and Sudan. Just saying!)

Stephen Maly
Stephen Maly of World Montana has been advocating for refugees to be placed in Helena, but says he is backing off until after the November elections.

Here is the story (Montana Public Radio) on the family that will be very costly for Montana and US taxpayers to support:

MISSOULA, Mont. (AP) — An exhausted Congelese family of six experiencing culture shock has arrived in Missoula, the first of an anticipated 100 east African refugees expected to be resettled in Montana over the next year, a resettlement agency official said.

The family arrived last Thursday and International Rescue Committee Missoula director Molly Short Carr declined to identify them because of privacy concerns, but said three of the family’s four children spent their entire lives in a Tanzanian refugee camp.

Temporary housing?  The US State Department normally requires that they be placed in permanent housing upon arrival, and heck this contractor in Missoula has had months to get housing organized.

The family has been placed in temporary housing. The IRC will help them apply for social services, Social Security cards, register the children for school and help the parents enroll in English classes. The parents speak Swahili and French.

A total of 25 refugees are expected to arrive in Missoula by the end of September. Missoula County commissioners previously invited 100 refugees a year to resettle in the county, and the IRC re-opened its Missoula office earlier this year.

Meanwhile advocates for diversifying Montana in Helena say they will wait until after the November election to renew their call for Africans/Middle Easterners for their city.

Great Falls Tribune (hat tip: Joanne):

HELENA – The head of an effort to relocate Syrian refugees to Helena said Monday the group is delaying efforts until after the Nov. 8 election, saying the current political climate has stifled progress.

Stephen Maly, vice president of World Montana, said a grass-roots effort to bring Syrian refugees has been in “arrested development because of political turmoil surrounding the issue.”

“We’re trying to make progress without getting involved in politics,” he said.

Maly said there is draft legislation for the 2017 session to change refugee policy. But that is a federal issue and “not in the state bailiwick.”

He said the timing is horrible for his group of volunteers “to push something forward in political climate. People are misinformed and angry.”

“It’s not in the cards until the election is settled,” he said.

Continue reading and see how the subject of refugees has become a big issue in the gubernatorial contest there.  This is the sort of effort you should make where you live—inject the refugee controversy in to any race you can in your state!
But, it also confirms what we have been saying—November is it! If Hillary is elected the flood gates to the third world will be flung wide open!
See our extensive archive on Montana, here. And, why are we getting so many refugees from the DR Congo? Because in 2013 the Obama Administration said we would take 50,000 because the UN told us to!

Refugee resettlement becomes major issue in Election 2016; death blow to Hillary?

Putting a proposal for the resettlement of hundreds of thousands of third worlders, including large numbers who come from countries that hate us, squarely in front of the voters in the weeks before the November election could make or break a 2016 presidential candidate.
Obama’s September UN gambit comes as a huge political risk for the Hillary camp and her friends at the Refugee Council USA *** because by placing the hot topic so clearly before the public it could be like waving a red cape before a bull.  Hillary has already said she wants 65,000 Syrians admitted in one year and the public is overwhelmingly against ‘welcoming’ any more!
Early polling already indicates that the vast majority of Americans do not want more Syrian refugees brought to their towns. Will the Obama UN propaganda stunt serve to wake up even more Americans to the nature of this program? We think so.

Melanie Nezer (left) of the Hebrew Aid Society is the present chairman of the Refugee Council USA which is a consortium of open border groups including the nine major federal resettlement contractors. RCUSA lobbies Congress and the Administration for more money for their goal of changing America by changing the people. RCUSA will be busy on the Hill reaching out to Republicans who hold the purse strings.

Politico (a progressive leaning news outlet aimed at putting news in Congressional office waiting rooms) has published a story that is worth mentioning here, not so much for what it says, but for what it implies.
Reporter Nahal Toosi tells us much we already know, but what interested me most is the mention (a hint really) of the fact that by pushing for more than a doubling of refugees to be admitted to the US in 2017, the resettlement industry will be front and center in Election 2016.
By advocating so strongly with a rally next weekend and then the Obama UN shindig in September, will the industry become fully exposed to an attack from Trump as Americans increasingly begin to understand how secretive this program has been and how much they are shelling out to bring poverty and possible insecurity to their hometowns, not to mention the maddening fact that most refugees immediately receive all welfare available to Americans including SSI for the elderly and disabled?

It is remarkable to me that the more than 3-decades-old refugee program could make or break an American presidential candidate—and it could if Trump makes the most of  Obama’s UN stunt and Hillary’s on-the-record support for 65,000 Syrians to be admitted to the US in one year!

Here (below) are some snips from Politico that interested me.  The refugee industry wants to nearly triple the number of refugees admitted to the US to 200,000. They are urging Obama to make that determination in September, the month when presidents by law send their refugee wish list to Congress.
The average number of refugees admitted throughout most of Obama’s presidency has been 70,000 per year.
[Editor note: there is a  lot of confusion about numbers.  We are discussing only those refugees admitted through this one program and not considering the tens of thousands of successful asylum seekers and another 100,000 or so unaccompanied alien children the administration refers to as “humanitarian arrivals.”  This 200,000 also does not include the hundreds of thousands entering through myriad visa programs.]
Politico (emphasis is mine):

Some are calling on Obama to admit at least 200,000 refugees from around the world, including tens of thousands of Syrians, through the U.S. refugee resettlement program and other routes. That’s effectively twice as many total refugees as the Obama administration has planned to accept in the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1.


Obama also is preparing to host a Sept. 20 international summit on the world’s migration crisis, a meeting in which he is expected to urge other countries to double their intake of refugees. The gathering will be held on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in New York City, just weeks before the end of a U.S. presidential campaign in which Republican nominee Donald Trump has made refugees an incendiary topic.


Shannon Scribner, a top official with Oxfam America, said her sense is that, despite pressure from activists, Obama is unlikely to go beyond 100,000 total refugees. One reason is that Congress controls the funding for the refugee resettlement program, and Republicans could kill any request for more money, she noted.


Trump has embraced the backlash against refugees in Europe, too — openly rooting for the British exit from the EU and comparing Clinton to Angela Merkel, the German chancellor who has emerged as the symbol of the continent’s initially welcoming stance toward the Syrian influx.


Obama likely will use the daylong summit in September, which will come on the heels of a similar U.N. summit, to push for more out-of-the-box efforts to help the world’s refugees.


“This could be one of the great Trojan horses,” Trump said of the refugee program. He has also accused Clinton of wanting to spend “hundreds of billions of dollars to settle Middle Eastern refugees in the United States” — a claim that independent fact checkers have debunked — and dinged her repeatedly for calling last September for the U.S. to admit 65,000 properly screened Syrian refugees, a 550 percent increase over Obama’s figure. [The only error in Trump’s comment is the word ‘hundreds,’ leave that out and Trump is correct—this will cost US taxpayer BILLIONS!—ed]


The September summit gives refugee advocates another chance to boost momentum for their cause. Some groups are hoping in particular to rebuild trust in the refugee program among Republicans, with outreach efforts on Capitol Hill.

At the same time, the summit could re-ignite the partisan debate, especially on the presidential campaign trail.

Help re-ignite the partisan debate!

Here is what you need to remember:  in the next 10 weeks, you have to make as much political noise as you can about the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program where you live! 
You must work hard to get your concerns and the controversy out to the media in whatever way you can!  That means all media!  If you can’t get to your local Leftwing controlled newspaper, find other avenues to reach your fellow citizens even if you have to hand out fliers at the county fair!
And, then this is key! Get your ‘noise’ to your Senators and Members of Congress.  Your House members are all up for election and THEY CONTROL THE PURSE STRINGS.  I know you are saying to me that your Member is a chicken or worse.  That doesn’t matter, make their lives miserable!  They are home now until right after Labor Day.  Find them! Go to their offices, picket the office if necessary, meet them at the local county fair, attend any townhall they hold and hammer them on this one issue!

Afterall, Politico is telling us that the Open Borders Refugee Industry is going to be hitting Republican offices on Capitol Hill because they know that the only way they can win is to get Congress (Speaker Paul Ryan!) to fund 200,000 or more refugee arrivals!

You must out maneuver them!  Remember:

They need your money to change America!

*** Here are the members of the Refugee Council USA (federal resettlement contractors being paid by the head to place refugees in your towns are in red, they have a vested financial interest in bringing in ever larger numbers of refugees):

Member Organizations


Refugee industry goes in to high gear for Obama/UN big show; what do you do?

Yesterday we told you about the August 28th rally (the warm-up act) in Washington, DC to gin up media for the refugee industry as it pushes into the critical month of September and wants to be sure the money will be flowing their way to distribute larger than ever numbers of impoverished and questionably vetted refugees to your towns and cities.
(For new readers, the resettlement contractors*** are paid by the head to seed refugees, chosen by the UN, throughout America! They can’t do their work without YOUR money!)

Deciding your town’s future at the United Nations!

Also, in September, Obama will send his last ‘determination’ to Congress on how many refugees we will take in FY2017.
Congress can decide to fund those numbers or not!
We can certainly blame lame duck Obama, but the real pressure must be on your Members of Congress!

The big propaganda show itself will occur at the United Nations on September 19th and 20th.

Here is the information released by the United Nations:

The UN General Assembly will host a high-level summit to address large movements of refugees and migrants, with the aim of bringing countries together behind a more humane and coordinated approach.

This is the first time the General Assembly has called for a summit at the Heads of State and Government level on large movements of refugees and migrants and it is a historic opportunity to come up with a blueprint for a better international response. It is a watershed moment to strengthen governance of international migration and a unique opportunity for creating a more responsible, predictable system for responding to large movements of refugees and migrants.

When and where?

It will be an all day event on Monday 19 September 2016 at the UNHQ in New York.


Is there a related event on 20 September 2016?

Also on the margins of the General Assembly, on 20 September 2016, the United States President Obama is hosting the Leaders’ Summit on Refugees, alongside co-hosts Canada, Ethiopia, Germany, Jordan, Mexico and Sweden, which will appeal to governments to pledge significant new commitments on refugees. While the Leaders’ Summit will focus on refugees, not migrants, the General Assembly High-Level Summit will address large movements of both. The two events will complement one another.

Will you let the United Nations change your American towns?

For all of you working hard to save your towns (and I’ve met many of you on my swing through the heartland over the last month), this is it!  You have to direct all of your efforts from now and through September at pounding Congress on this issue.  Use the problems you are having where you live as the inspiration and the catalyst for your anger.
Your member is still at home until after Labor Day (see calendar).  Find them in their districts! Tell them what you think! Tell your Senators too!
And, while you are directing your community organizing (yes, you are community organizers!) to halt all of the funding for the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program, you must work to get Hillary defeated.
This UN stunt is geared to help Hillary! Obama and the United Nations are counting on a Clinton presidency to continue (and expand!) the work they are beginning on August 28th!
Note to all I talked to in my travels, you still need to work locally to regain control at your local elected official level and get rid of some the mayors who have been ‘captured,’ but at this moment there is only one major goal…

….don’t let Congress fund Obama’s 2017 resettlement goal which surely will come in at the 100,000 to 200,000 level.

***These are the federal resettlement contractors. Is your church working with the UN and being paid with taxpayer dollars to bring poverty and poorly screened refugees to your town? Time to speak up on Sundays (by the way, evangelicals are not off the hook because World Relief is an evangelical organization!)  So-called religious charities are in red.