UN: no joint agreement reached on apportioning resettlement numbers by country

…But, those pushing the no-borders agenda are still hopeful that the special Obama-led Pow-Wow in New York in September will result in commitments for numbers of migrants individual countries will pledge to permanently admit.
I’m emphasizing the word ‘permanently’ because I still run into people who think we admit refugees on a temporary basis and that we send them home when the turmoil in their home country is over.  That is not so—refugees, asylees and even those here on Temporary Protected Status rarely go home (except to visit! which begs the question about their supposed persecution at home!).

Obama and UN seal
Get ready for massive PR campaign around UN in September when Obama hosts refugee resettlement pow-wow. A time for people with our concerns to counter their propaganda?

Here is the latest on efforts to try to get commitments out of countries either roiled by the migration invasion or deep in election-year politics.
We aren’t agreeing to anything say world leaders!

From The Guardian:

World leaders are set to reject a concrete target for the number of refugees that should be resettled within developed countries, dashing hopes of a solution to the world’s unprecedented displacement crisis.

Before a landmark conference in September, negotiators from every UN member country have failed to agree on a promise to share responsibility for 10% of the world’s refugee population, and postponed the completion of a new global refugee deal for another two years.

With the number of refugees and displaced people around the world at an all-time high, campaigners had hoped that an international conference on refugees and migrants in New York would enable world leaders to agree a new mechanism for sharing refugees.

O-man to the rescue.  I sure hope the Trump campaign is paying attention and getting ready for the propaganda onslaught the Obama UN event will be generating.

But others still see September’s UN summit as a missed opportunity, with a decision on changes to the global refugee regime postponed to 2018. Attention now turns to another refugee-themed summit in New York scheduled for the same week in September, when leaders invited by Barack Obama will be invited to make individual resettlement pledges – as opposed to making collective ones.

There is also a mention in this article about how the International Organization for Migration (a huge NGO that prepares refugees for their trip to America, among other things) is now going to be moved in to the United Nations.  I don’t know what that means other than to assume it means even more control of the US refugee program from within the United Nations.

Be ready!

Note to concerned citizens: the UN General Assembly convenes on September 13th.  I could not quickly find the date for Obama’s special refugee confab, but assume it will be in the first part of September.

This would be a good time to generate media campaigns in your states to counter what surely will be a mainstream media effort to support Obama and Hillary’s lust for more third worlders to be resettled in small town America!

Notably, also in September, Obama is required to send his final determination letter to Congress with the number of refugees he proposes for FY2017 (yes, he has one more opportunity to open the flood gates).

Lobbying arm for refugee resettlement contractors wants US to take 200,000 refugees in FY2017

We have written often about the consortium of members of the refugee resettlement industry calling themselves the Refugee Council USA (RCUSA).  Go here for our archive on the group which includes the nine major federal resettlement contractors.
Thanks to reader Joanne for sending this recent statement from their Washington, DC office. They are, needless to say, thrilled that the Obama Administration is going to host a big pow-wow on refugees at the UN in September. (I hope Trump’s people are getting ready for this huge propaganda stunt!)

Melanie Nezer of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (one of nine federal contractors) is the present chair of RCUSA. She says 200,000 is the magic number for 2017.

As you read through this statement, remember that, in recent years, 70,000 was the target number for the refugees to be admitted to the US (from all countries).  In FY2016, Obama is shooting for 85,000 and then he signaled he wanted 100,000 in FY2017 (begins October 1, 2016).  (Yes, he has one more shot at dictating how many we take.)
If re-elected will Speaker Paul Ryan do a thing to stop the funding for this huge new number? Based on recent statements and last year’s actions, that is doubtful!

The Refugee Council USA is urging Obama to go for 200,000 (from all countries) for FY2017!

Refugee Council USA (RCUSA), a coalition of 20 U.S.-based non-governmental organizations dedicated to refugee protection, welcome, and excellence in the U.S. refugee resettlement program, commends the Obama Administration for coordinating the Leaders’ Summit on Refugees that will take place on September 20, 2016.

The Leaders’ Summit, as well as the UN General Assembly Summit on Large Movements of Migrants and Refugees on September 19th, are both critical opportunities for the U.S. and other members of the global community to show collective leadership by taking concrete steps to address the tremendous refugee protection needs that exist around the world, including right here in the Americas. This leadership must be demonstrated through concrete new commitments to expand and strengthen humanitarian assistance to refugees and the host countries carrying a disproportionate responsibility for them. But leadership also means demonstrating a resounding rejection of xenophobic and racist rhetoric that increasingly dominates global discourse around refugees today.

Yikes! So the US won’t be embarrassed in September, they want Obama to propose that 200,000 refugees be admitted to US beginning in October!  And, they want more $$$ for “services.”

The U.S. should commit to provide protection to 200,000 refugees through admission to the United States in FY17 through a combination of traditional refugee resettlement and additional legal, proven and secure approaches. At least 140,000 of these refugees should be resettled through the existing U.S. refugee resettlement program, with the necessary support for receiving and integrating them in American communities. To do any less would represent a U.S. commitment that falls short of the call made by the White House for a collective doubling of resettlement commitments in advance of the Summits.

The United States should also ensure that there is a commensurate increase in the social services and integration support [read TAXPAYER dollars!—ed] that are available to refugees as they start their new lives in this country.

 In addition to higher numbers, the U.S. should also demonstrate a commitment to a more equitable distribution of resettlement opportunities, ensuring that refugees in desperate circumstances everywhere have a chance of accessing this life-saving program.

Go here to read more.
And, remember readers, they NEVER quit!  It is all about changing America by changing the people! So, we can never quit exposing the facts and their real agenda either!

The most important thing you can do this week! Defeat Paul Ryan!

Paul Nehlen understands our concerns about immigration/refugees. Here I met with him on July 20th.

Update: See new ad campaign—Ryan supports Syrian Muslim resettlement for your towns! Hohmann at WND.
Everywhere I travel in my listening tour through the heartland, people want to know what can they do?
There is only one thing to do in the next 7 days and that is to help Paul Nehlen defeat Speaker Paul Ryan in the first district of Wisconsin. The Republican primary is on August 9th.
First, read the latest news from Julia Hahn at Breitbart where once again Ryan is undercutting the Trump campaign and don’t forget this astounding news from a few days ago:

Ryan will help Hillary get amnesty through in her first 100 days (if she becomes President).

Now go to the Nehlen campaign website, contact them, and see what you can do to help (travel to the district to campaign? make phone calls? or donate!).
Paul Ryan has not lifted a finger to help rein-in or reform the Refugee Admissions Program.  It will be a disaster if he and Hillary team up to open the flood gates.
See my report on my visit to Janesville, Wisconsin last month.

Calls for Angela Merkel to step down at huge demonstrations across Germany yesterday

Invasion of Europe news….
Thousands took to the streets yesterday, not just in Berlin, but across the country in furious demonstrations against the policies of German Chancellor Angela Merkel that have opened the gates of Europe’s most prosperous country to literally an invasion by the third world.

German demonstration July
In Berlin: Police stand between demonstrators demanding Merkel’s resignation and those ‘welcoming’ more Muslims to Germany.

See the news here at the UK Daily Mail (what would we do without this media outlet since US news outlets—including Fox News—will likely be silent on Merkel and the destruction of Germany):

Merkel’s premiership is hanging by a thread today as thousands gathered to call for her resignation while a key political ally dramatically withdrew his support over immigration policy.

More than 5,000 protested in Berlin and thousands more throughout Germany over the ‘open-door’ policy that many have blamed for four brutal terrorist attacks that left 13 dead over the last month.

The Chancellor faced a fresh wave of fury after it emerged that two recent terror attacks and a third killing were carried out by men who entered the country as refugees.

Click here to continue reading and to see more photos!
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive click here.
What is happening in Europe is significant for Election 2016 in the US.  Hillary loves Angela! If Angela goes (because of German fury about Muslim migration) it will be a major blow to Clinton’s campaign (she has promised tens of thousands of Syrian Muslims will enter the US if she is elected) as it would send a powerful message to US voters.

Refugee news roundup! Trump is the only hope for America on most important issue—immigration

First, I’ve been seeing a whole lot of America since I left Maryland a week ago today.  Thanks so much to all of you who have met me along the way to tell me about what is happening to your towns and cities as a result of the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.
I’m now 1/4th of the way through my listening tour of the heartland.  I hope to get time this weekend to tell you a bit about what I am learning. In some cases I’m stunned, in others disheartened, and then there are bright spots (mostly those involve the hard work you are doing to try to stem the tide!).
But, in the meantime, there are all sorts of nuggets of news I’ve been missing.  So, here is a quick re-cap.

Trump acceptance
This is the most important election of our lifetimes (possibly even since our founding).

First, the Trump speech last night was remarkable in the detail in which he addressed immigration policy and specifically refugee admissions policy.  The indispensable Julia Hahn (does she sleep?) at Breitbart tells us about how CNN is ignorant of refugee policy in its so-called “fact checking.”  Read it here.
One of Hillary’s possible VEEP picks (Tim Kaine) speaks to leaders of one of the most dangerous mosques in America, see here.

A reminder! If Hillary is elected and Speaker Ryan is still in office, we are finished!

Refugees by the numbers!  Be sure to see Leo Hohmann’s WND summary of which states are getting Syrian refugees as we approach Obama’s deadline—September 30th—to place 10,000 mostly Muslim Syrians into your towns.
Congolese going to be placed in Montana.  An announcement has been made that the first refugees to be placed in Montana will be Congolese.  We are told the Congolese flow is mostly made up of needy and traumatized women and children. Most are not Muslim, but these refugees will contribute little to the economy and require more social services than the usual because they need mental health counseling.
Controversy continues to swirl in Rutland, VT where the mayor secretly worked with a refugee contractor and invited 100 Syrian Muslims to live there.  Learn more here at Watchdog.org.
More Syrian Muslims for Michigan at Arab American News, here.  This story is about Grand Rapids, but every American should see Dearborn as I did earlier in the week.
Connecticut wants to be known as the “go-to state” for refugees according to CNN, here. The resettlement contractor there brags that CT has welcomed more Syrians than any other state.  Not so, according to WND, here.
No refugees entering the US since 2010 have been screened for HIV.  We knew about it here in 2011. Taxpayers pay for their meds.
Editor:  I’ll continue to update this post later (if I get some time).  Moving on to the next town this morning.