Church World Service's NJ refugee agency head, Mahmoud Mahmoud, frets about Brexit

They were having a World Refugee Day event in the shadow of the World Trade Center this week as news of the Brexit vote sent shock waves to the US refugee contractors.

Mahmoud Mahmoud
Church World Service’s Mahmoud Mahmoud blasts opposition to refugee resettlement here:

It is pretty obvious that America’s immigration control movement got a huge boost from the British vote to leave the EU on Thursday. And as we said previously, if German Chancellor Merkel hadn’t opened the floodgates of Europe, this vote would likely have had a different outcome.
I believe that critical mass is being reached on the issue of immigration control and refugees. Mahmoud knows it too, in spite of his optimistic prediction at the end of this story.
From NJTV News:

Families, advocates and officials gathered to celebrate World Refugee Day in the long shadow cast by the UK’s Brexit vote to leave the European Union — a vote some call anti-immigrant.

“I was a bit shocked, you know, because you never thought that the EU was going to break. But I do think that this is going to have a ripple effect throughout Europe,” said Mahmoud Mahmoud, Church World Service director of the Jersey City office.

Donald Trump praised the vote while visiting his golf course in Scotland.

“I really do see a parallel between what’s happening in the United States and what’s happening here. People want to see borders. They don’t necessarily want people pouring into their country that they don’t know who they are and where they come from,” Trump said.


Whether Brexit’s ripple effect reaches here: “Donald Trump has his views, but at the end of the day, the majority of Americans have shown that they want to welcome individuals and we are a nation of immigrants,” Mahmoud said. [I’m not so sure, the polls were wrong on Brexit after all—-ed]

In a political atmosphere fraught with division, nonprofits in New Jersey keep hoping to add more refugee families.

More here.
Readers may recall that NJ Governor Chris Christie has stopped cooperating with the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program, but he hasn’t done all he could do to slow the flow to NJ.

Breaking news! America wins, Obama loses!

Roy Beck

This is from Roy Beck just now at NumbersUSA! (hat tip: Brad)

Boston Globe headline captures it: ‘Supreme Court hands Obama crushing defeat on immigration’

The decision was handed down just a few minutes ago. I know that all of you are as thrilled — and relieved — as I am.

Here was my first statement to the national media:

“The ruling today is a win for American workers and the Constitution. The court’s decision means that immigration policy — including the power to issue work permits — still belongs to the people through their elected officials in Congress and that a president cannot unilaterally change that policy.
“U.S. citizens and legal immigrants in this country have been spared having to face direct job and wage competition from millions of illegal migrants for whom Pres. Obama had promised to open up every job in America.”

Several other federal court decisions have blocked Obama’s DAPA amnesty since just before it was to take effect a little more than a year ago.

The Supreme Court granted the Obama Administration a hearing on its insistence that the high court overturn the injunction that was preventing millions of illegal migrants from being granted work permits and other benefits.

A tie vote in the Supreme Court means that lower court rulings stand. So, this was a tremendous victory for all of us.

Keep in mind that the merits of the case by Texas and 25 other states against the DAPA amnesty have still not been ruled on by the lower courts which have merely issued a temporary injunction. But now, the country can breathe easier knowing that millions of illegal migrants are not legally competing for every U.S. job while the courts move forward on the merits.

Practically speaking, though, there is little chance that the case on the merits will be decided before Pres. Obama leaves office.

We will continue to provide you updates on this massively important issue, just as we have from the beginning.

Be prepared for big pro-amnesty demonstrations as Election 2016 approaches…

How do we know? Because last fall when we attended the Georgetown Law School pow-wow here, one of the leading NO Borders advocates in America, Marielena Hincapie, promised us as much should the Supreme Court rule against them!

Is the subject of 'refugees' reaching critical mass?

Not yet, but it is getting there!  I just returned from the dentist and am blown away by the media discussion of refugees in the few hours I was away (and it sure isn’t warm and fuzzy World Refugee Day news either).
Frankly, I never thought I would see the day when the ‘R’ word would be so often repeated throughout the media.
critical mass
I once heard someone say that in social science there is a proper term for the phenomenon when a level of consciousness is reached across a wide swath of the American political landscape. I don’t remember what that term was….
So the closest I can come is to say that we are reaching critical mass (a term from physics that is now used for just about anything!).
First, as I walked into my home and flipped the radio dial to Rush Limbaugh (at the same time inspecting the choices in the frig) I heard Rush talking about Michael Patrick Leahy’s story from Monday about the six diseases now making a comeback thanks to the immigrant/refugee flood into America. Wow!
And, then that disgusting issue that officials in Twin Falls, Idaho were trying to keep under wraps is all over the media both last night and today.  Even Fox News reported it, here.
RRW’s facebook page, here, was through the roof with people sharing the story.
There is more….
Here is Trump in his speech today saying we could rebuild America’s inner cities with the money Hillary want to spend on refugees.
And, here he says Hillary wants migrants admitted to the US from countries that persecute gays and mistreat women.
Female Genital mutilation is on the rise among immigrant communities in the US (linked at Drudge).
CAIR says that voter registration among US Muslims is up by 300,000 over 2012.
Anatomy of the US terror threat (including from some refugees) is at Fox today.
And, 48% of respondents in a recent poll agree with Trump’s ban on Muslim migrants entering US.
Then there is the fact that Muslim immigration is at the heart of the Brexit battle to be decided in the UK, here tomorrow.
I’m sure there is much more, that’s just a few stories that jumped out at me over a few minutes of checking the news this afternoon!
Do you have some I missed?
So could we be reaching critical mass to bring the change needed to roll back this monstrosity. Yes, I believe we are moving in that direction. Time will tell if we are moving fast enough.

UNHCR: Canada naturalizes more refugees than any country in the world (really?)

More than the US?  That is what The Star (Toronto) is reporting.
I started to wade through the report released by the UNHCR this week for World Refugee Day, but lost patience when I couldn’t quickly find the information on the numbers becoming citizens in their new countries.  I find The Star‘s assertion hard to believe because the US takes in far more refugees each year than does Canada.

obama and trudeau
The boys (Trudeau and Obama) will hold a little pre-summit at the United Nations in September on refugees. Will Trudeau, with his big Syrian resettlement numbers, put Obama to shame? You can bet this is being timed in hopes of whacking Donald Trump. Watch for it! Hillary will be a featured speaker!

But, if true, knock yourself out Canada! You will go down faster than Germany or Sweden!
From The Star:

And the number of those who eventually receive citizenship in their new countries is vanishingly [vanishingly?—ed] small: More refugees became citizens of Canada than any other country last year, with 25,900 granted citizenship, but that represents the vast majority of a relatively tiny number of naturalizations recorded worldwide, the agency reported.

The sobering statistics were contained in the agency’s annual global trends report, released Monday to mark World Refugee Day.


Canada has consistently been among the lead nations in resettling refugees, with the Liberals’ Syrian program helping raise those numbers in 2015.

Approximately 32,000 refugees were granted citizenship worldwide last year, the agency reported. No other nation came close to Canada’s naturalization totals, though there are many gaps in the data as destination countries do not always distinguish when citizenship is granted to a refugee versus a non-refugee.


This fall, Canada will co-chair a special summit on the refugee crisis in New York.

If any of you have more patience than I and find the stats in the report, let me know!

Sec. of State Kerry visits "Jihad Central" to celebrate World Refugee Day

The White House tells us that Sec. of State Kerry went to the ADAMS Center (aka Jihad Central) yesterday to celebrate World Refugee Day!
Watch and listen to Kerry praise the “wonderful work” the ADAMS Center does, by clicking here.
I had a good laugh when I saw this press release from the White House tooting the Administration’s own horn about what great things they are doing for (Muslim) refugees and for America.  What B.S.!
I don’t get how the obviously planted stories (like this one) about how we ARE NOT going to get to Obama’s and John Kerry’s goal of admitting 85,000 refugees this year meshes with the White House message.  And, I especially laughed when I thought of that dreadful Idaho case making the news 3 weeks late, but ironically on World Refugee Day.
Here is Ms. Cecilia Munoz with the horn-tooting message:

Every year, on World Refugee Day, communities across the globe honor the courage and resilience of refugees and celebrate their contributions to the communities where they have started life anew.

cecilia-munoz (1)
Cecilia Munoz, Obama’s right hand Hispanic, working to change America by changing the people.

As the President highlighted in his World Refugee Day statement, this year’s commemoration comes at an especially challenging time. More people are fleeing persecution and being displaced by violence than at any time on record. That’s why the President has challenged his team – and world leaders – to do even more in response to today’s unprecedented challenge.

At the White House, we are honored to work alongside a deeply committed team that is focused on strengthening our response to the needs of refugees around the world. Our colleagues at the Departments of State and Homeland Security are working hard to meet the President’s goal of admitting 85,000 refugees this year, including at least 10,000 Syrian refugees, and to prepare to resettle even more refugees next year, a process that involves extensive reviews and security screenings. And the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is providing resettled refugees with critical resources to fully integrate and maximize their potential once they arrive.

We are also preparing for the President’s Leaders’ Summit on Refugees, which will take place later this year on the margins of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly. At this global gathering, President Obama and other world leaders are seeking to generate broader and deeper commitments to increase humanitarian aid for refugees, provide refugees in more countries with new resettlement opportunities, and help more children go to school and allow adults to work and support themselves and their families. [How is Obama going to explain to the UN the huge backlash in America against the idea of resettling more Muslim refugees!—-ed]

More confirmation that “interfaith” groups and mosques are using the refugee program to increase the Muslim population of the US:

And later today, Secretary of State John Kerry will meet with interfaith leaders, refugees who have been resettled to the United States, and representatives from refugee resettlement organizations. He will also give remarks as a part of an interfaith iftar at the ADAMS center, a mosque located in Sterling, Virginia, which has a strong history and record of working with interfaith partners to support the resettlement of refugees.

Again, visit Kerry’s remarks at the ADAMS Center. He takes a whack at Trump and you “bigots.”