Is forced multiculturalism to blame for second generation Muslim killers?

While we spend a lot of time yakking about vetting the first generation of Muslim migrants to America, it is pretty clear it is the second generation we need to be worried about.  So much for America’s much ballyhooed magical melting pot!

multi ethnic community
Cute concept, or just a big lie? Image:

When I saw this article yesterday at the Washington Times by Stephen Dinan entitled: ‘Ultimate sleeper cell: U.S.-born kids of immigrants are fertile jihadist recruiting grounds.’  I immediately thought of a report we featured here at RRW in our first year—2007—about how multicultural, highly diverse neighborhoods don’t bring about community cohesion, but, in fact, weaken bonds between people in their neighborhoods.
First, here is what Dinan points out after referencing the Orlando fiend:

He follows in the footsteps of Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the San Bernardino, California, terrorists who was the son of Pakistanis; Nadir Soofi, one of two men who attacked a drawing competition in Garland, Texas, last year and whose father was from Pakistan; and then-Maj. Nidal Hassan, the child of Palestinian immigrants whose shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009 set off the modern round of deadly lone-wolf attacks.

He leaves out the Boston Bomber brothers, the Chattanooga killer and those Somali youths thumbing their noses at the ‘good life’ in America as they join the jihad.
Maybe humans are all nativists?
Granted Mohammed’s call to kill infidels is pretty strong, but what if it is especially appealing to those who are completely mentally destabilized by having no cultural roots.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not making excuses. But, I’m trying to say that human nature is such that we need roots.  We need people around us who share the same culture, the same values, the same history, who grew up just like we did!
What if forced multiculturalism is so disruptive that latching on to Islamic supremacism is the only way these jihadists find stability (and Islamic leaders know it and exploit this insecurity).
The Islamist leaders (like CAIR) don’t really want to live in a diverse society any more than some of us do. They are just more crafty in how they present their views because they are assuming they will win in the end through migration and by using our political process and the new American caliphate will be born eventually.  Why bother letting their Leftwing political friends know the truth now.
Back to the 2007 report…..
The report I’m thinking of is this one—Robert Putnam’s ‘Bowling with our own.’ (2007 article by John Leo, here):

Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam, author of Bowling Alone, is very nervous about releasing his new research, and understandably so. His five-year study shows that immigration and ethnic diversity have a devastating short- and medium-term influence on the social capital, fabric of associations, trust, and neighborliness that create and sustain communities. He fears that his work on the surprisingly negative effects of diversity will become part of the immigration debate, even though he finds that in the long run, people do forge new communities and new ties.

Putnam’s study reveals that immigration and diversity not only reduce social capital between ethnic groups, but also within the groups themselves. Trust, even for members of one’s own race, is lower, altruism and community cooperation rarer, friendships fewer. The problem isn’t ethnic conflict or troubled racial relations, but withdrawal and isolation. Putnam writes: “In colloquial language, people living in ethnically diverse settings appear to ‘hunker down’—that is, to pull in like a turtle.”

In the 41 sites Putnam studied in the U.S., he found that the more diverse the neighborhood, the less residents trust neighbors.

That is about as far as I’m willing to go with this (I hate long esoteric discussions!) and besides I’m not saying anything new, others have said it better than I can.
Calling Donald Trump!
I do want to direct you (and The Donald) to an excellent suggestion penned by Daniel Pipes in 2013.  He had the completely novel idea of resettling refugees in their own CULTURAL ZONES.  We wrote about it here, and said this:

Immigration restriction advocates are always on the defense when dealing with the open borders agitators demanding we should be “good” people and let ’em all in.  Pipes has a suggestion—and we should all be promoting it in the media and with our US Senators and Members of Congress—resettle Muslim refugees in their own “culture zone” which Pipes calls “Arabia.”

We can be tough now and propose something like Pipe’s plan….
….Or, our other choice is to follow the political Left’s prescription, open our gates even further and force multiculturalism mostly on white Judeo-Christian communities.  (They never force ethnic groups to welcome other ethnic groups or white people to ethnic communities). We can wait for through about 4 generations of killings (Orlando) and by that time western civilization will be dead and we will be a sharia-governed country where the Left will be the biggest loser of all because Islam hates most of what they revere (Orlando!)!
That choice will be made now in the year of our Lord 2016!

UN wants 170,000 refugees permanently resettled next year

For new readers, this once again confirms that the United Nations is determining who comes to America!
They want 170,000 permanently resettled, and they will be picking the deserving ‘refugees.’

Obama UN
Important election year opportunity coming up in September when Obama will surely follow UN instructions and vastly increase our refugee numbers for FY2017. Make this a critical issue for all candidates and ask them where they stand!

Obama has already said he will be setting the level for FY2017 in September at 100,000.
So the rest of the world would be responsible for 70,000 divided among many many countries.  As always the US is expected to take in the lion’s share of the world’s refugees.
Here is the UN today in Geneva:

Geneva: The United Nations said Monday it will try to resettle a record 170,000 refugees urgently in need of a new home next year as it grapples with an unprecedented displacement crisis.

The projected resettlement figure from the UN refugee agency represents an increase of nearly 30,000 people compared with this year.

Most of the millions of refugees being created in the world today are a result of Islamic destabilization of Africa and the Middle East.
Make this an important issue in the fall election as Obama will be making his ‘determination’ in September.  Pin Hillary down, as well as other candidates at all levels of government, when Obama announces his numbers for 2017.
And, besides the annual determination, which always comes due in September, remember Obama is leading a special pow-wow on refugees that month at the UN.  He will be looking to get kudos for America’s generosity and “welcome.”

State Department says it will reach 10,000 Syrians goal by the end of September

CNS News reporter Patrick Goodenough is staying on top of the numbers coming out of the US State Department and has the latest count today.  Thanks to reader ‘heymister24’ for letting us know about the up-to-the-minute numbers.

( – The State Department is committed to meeting President Obama’s goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States this fiscal year, and expects the numbers to “increase exponentially” over the summer, a spokesman said Tuesday.

With four months left in FY2016, the administration has admitted 3,566 Syrian refugees as of Tuesday – or 35.6 percent of the 10,000 target number.

Read it all and see their very informative graph which tells us that in the first 7 days of June:

Of the 761 admitted since the beginning of June, none are Christians. The 761 refugees comprise 759 Sunnis, and two other Muslims.

Remember readers that September 30th is not the end of it. All of those new resettlement sites we have been writing about (Reno, NV, Missoula, MT, Rutland, VT etc.), will get their Syrians next year.  Obama has one more shot at ‘determining’ who comes to the US and how many (for FY2017) just as he is leaving office and he has already said the numbers will be much greater than this year. Could a newly elected President in November, put a halt to the flow in January—YES! But, you can be sure Hillary won’t!
Other articles by Patrick Goodenough are here.
See the graph (Obama is saving Sunni Muslims as a first priority):

See Death by Demography at American Resistance 2016!

marching-men 2When the new year began, I had such grandiose ideas that I would have time to write about the 2016 Elections at a new blog, American Resistance 2016!, but the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program is expanding exponentially and thus I haven’t found much time for that blog.
However, just now I pulled several pieces of information together about the migration, about the hijra, and how this election, perhaps since the founding, will have the most profound impact on America’s future than any other before it.
Check it out by clicking here.  Learn all you can about Islam and help spread the word about how it will not be compatible with Western Civilization once the Muslim population reaches critical mass (and that is a very tiny number—3-5% and demands for sharia law begin).
Update May 31: be sure to see Leo Hohmann’s story at WND about the huge numbers of green cards we are giving out to Muslims from all over the world, here.