No time to cross-post, but would love for you to see two posts at American Resistance 2016!
The first is on the globalists (like Soros and Sutherland) and their plans to erase borders and destroy national sovereignty (perhaps the explanation for Angela Merkel‘s strange behavior). Click here.
And, then take a trip down memory lane on the subject of Syrian refugees with Senator Ted Cruz (a year before he joined the 2016 Presidential campaign). Go here for that story and news clip.
Category: 2016 Presidential campaign
So-called 'Unaccompanied alien children' numbers are on target to surpass Invasion 2014
We told you yesterday at American Resistance 2016! that the Obama Administration is ILLEGALLY expanding the Refugee Admissions Program and we urge members of Congress to get on the stick to stop them! Where are you Trey Gowdy?
But, even as Obama’s State Department seeks to involve the United Nations in choosing Central Americans (and not just the ‘children’ now but whole families) as ‘refugees’ destined for your towns, the southern border invasion of illegals is underway and if the rate of arrival for the first three months of FY2016 continues throughout the fiscal year, 2016 will see an even greater arrival rate than the disastrous 2014 summer!
For new readers: our interest in the Unaccompanied Minors issue is because some of the same federal resettlement contractors that resettle refugees get paid to take care of the ‘children’ too. We have a very large archive going back many years on the issue. Since they were originally referred to as ‘Unaccompanied Minors’ that is how those posts are archived here.
Here is a press release from the US Customs and Border Protection website that must have been released since January 1 (but I see no date). It begins:
“Out of an abundance of caution, the Office of Refugee Resettlement at HHS has begun a process to expand its temporary capacity to house unaccompanied children. This is a prudent step to ensure that the Border Patrol can continue its vital national security mission to prevent illegal migration, trafficking, and protect the borders of the United States.
As we have highlighted over the last few months, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have noted an increase in the number of unaccompanied children (UAC) and family units apprehended along the southwest border. The entire administration has been closely monitoring these current trends and coordinating across the whole of government to ensure an effective response to any changes in migration flows.
That is a stunning downplay of the numbers they then present!
Scroll down to the tables and see especially this one:
Numbers below reflect Fiscal Years 2009-2015, FY 2016 (October 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015)
Note that the last number (for 2016) reflects ONLY three months (from Oct. 1 through Dec. 31), the first three months of FY2016. Let’s take Guatemala for instance: 17,057 illegal aliens arrived in the US in the whole of FY2014, yet in the FIRST THREE MONTHS of FY2016, 6,474 have already arrived. That is one quarter of the fiscal year. Do the math! If that rate continues, over 25,000 will arrive in FY2016 from Guatemala alone!
Check the numbers for the three Central American countries and see that the numbers could be greater in 2016 than in 2014. No wonder the Obama Administration has announced its new illegal expansion of the Refugee Admissions Program! Are they desperate to head off the new invasion in this all important Presidential election year?
Someone please tell Donald Trump! Fuel for his fire!
Foreign operatives and foreign-owned businesses changing America by changing the people
The Wall Street Journal’s Miriam Jordan gives us a peak inside the employment services that the nine major refugee resettlement contractors offer American businesses.
I just want to scream when I see stories like this—what about Americans who might like to own a small business or need work?
Everyone working in ‘pockets of resistance’ must begin to expose the businesses in your city and state that work with refugee contractors to displace American workers. And, don’t forget the Chamber of Commerce! It is all about keeping wages low!
And, then be sure to find out which elected officials are receiving campaign donations from those same businesses—expose them!
You also must check out the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s micro-enterprise loan program which gives grants to contractors like the International Rescue Committee so they can be big shots and hand those loans out to their refugee ‘clients.’ The story says that the IRC is dishing out $4 million in loans to refugees, but if you could ever get to the bottom line, I will bet you find that most of the $4 million comes through federal and state taxpayers’ pockets.
See the story at the Wall Street Journal and take note of the businesses in Ohio and Kentucky that are working with a federal resettlement contractor to get the cheap refugee labor. It is all the more galling when you know the cheap hourly wages are being supplemented with your welfare dollars in the form of subsidized housing, Medicaid, and food stamps.
Jordan mentions JBS Swift & Co. hiring refugees in the Louisville, KY area. Swift is a Brazilian-owned company.
Think about it, a Brazilian company is changing your American town by bringing in cheap immigrant/refugee laborers with the help of federal government supposedly ‘religious’ refugee contractors!
Click here to see where Swift & Co. is operating (and changing your community).
We first learned about the impact of meat packing in conjunction with the refugee industry here in 2008 when we learned about Bill Clinton bringing Bosnian ‘refugee’ labor to Iowa!
I was told repeatedly for years that meatpacking wages were excellent and American workers were very happy with the work until the industry discovered first cheap illegal immigrant labor and then legal immigrant labor, so I took a few minutes (and it only took a few!) to find out that it is factual—wages in meatpacking were excellent BEFORE the 1980’s.
(Related? Remember Hillary’s special little gig involving Tyson Foods)
Really someone should write a book:
How the meatpacking industry demographically destroyed America!
So check this out. Here is some information (and I will bet there is much more if someone really looked into it!) about how wages declined when the industry (now monopolized by four major companies) discovered CHEAP immigrant labor.
The average wage of animal slaughterers and processors remained comparatively strong from the 1960s through the early 1980s. The average wage earned by a meat packing employee during the 60s and 70s was 14-18 percent higher than their counterpart in the larger U.S. manufacturing sector. The peak average hourly wage of a meat packing employee during this period was nearly $20 an hour when adjusted for inflation. [Remember Jordan reports that the refugees in KY are making about $10 an hour today—ed]
The 1980s were a transitional decade for America’s meat packing industry. Developments such as improved distribution channels allowed meat packing companies to move out of urban, union-dominated centers and relocate to rural areas closer to livestock feedlots. New industry powerhouses like Iowa Beef Processors (IBP) sought to undercut the competition by operating on slim profit margins, increasing worker speed and productivity, and cutting labor costs.
Please remember readers that this is all about MONEY (Democrat voters, and erasing borders)!
Forget the BS about how bringing refugees to America is all about humanitarianism!
Kansas governor on Syrian refugees….
I thought I would have more time this morning, but alas, I do not.
Please see my post at American Resistance 2016! about Kansas Governor Sam Brownback’s new position on Syrian refugees.
See also, conservative icon Phyliss Schlafly: Trump is only one who can save America, because this election is all about immigration!
Visit me at my new blog! American Resistance 2016!
Dear faithful readers,
Refugee Resettlement Watch had its best year ever in 2015 breaking all previous records for visitors (over 2 million viewers!) from 220 countries, islands, and territories in addition to US readers.
I’ve decided that for 2016 I want to broaden the topics I write about. Don’t get me wrong, the Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department is still a critical part of the plan to change America by changing the people, but I believe that in 2016 we must all turn our work toward the election in November.
If we don’t begin to turn this ship this year, we are finished as a great nation.
All of you please continue your work on the Refugee Admission Program (if you have lots of time), but please, if your time is limited, and you can’t do both, turn your energy to Election 2016 because if we have 4 more years of a Democrat in the White House, and Republicans who can be bought in Congress, we are doomed!
No changes in the makeup of the donor class Republican House and Senate or the Marxist/socialist Democrat White House means that refugee resettlement will only grow and expand.
Heck, look at all the pushback you provided this past year and the Congressional Republican leadership did nothing to advance your security or our economic well-being as they opened America’s gates even wider to mass migration from the Middle East and the impoverished third-world.
Starting today, find a place for yourself and your talents in Election 2016!
Click here for my new blog: American Resistance 2016! (
(There will be many posts there relating to Refugee Resettlement and I’ll be cross-posting those here as time permits.)