Buchanan: Immigration the issue of the 21st Century

I agree completely and that’s why I have been saying that I’m a one-issue voter.  Immigration is it, nothing else matters.
Patrick Buchanan writing at World Net Daily yesterday succinctly tells us why.  He mentions Trump’s “comprehensive,” “stunning,” and “toughest,” immigration proposal and then springboards to the invasion of Europe, something we have been writing (and warning!) about for the last couple of years as a harbinger of what will happen to America if we continue to permit mass immigration of the third world to our towns and cities.

Buchanan saw all this coming years ago….

Buchanan (emphasis mine):

Will the West endure or disappear by the century’s end as another lost civilization? Mass immigration, if it continues, will be more decisive in deciding the fate of the West than Islamist terrorism. For the world is invading the West.


Is the West still blind to reality, to the inevitable future that awaits if the West does not secure its frontiers and close its borders to mass immigration?

Peoples of European descent, everywhere they live, have birth rates below replacement levels. Yet, most live in the world’s most desirable neighborhoods.

The great and growing populations of mankind are in the Third World. Countless millions are determined to come to the West, legally if they can, illegally if they must. And the more who succeed, the more who come.

Either Western nations take tough measures to secure their borders, or the Western nations will be swamped. The character of their countries will be altered forever, and smaller countries will become unrecognizable. And as this is happening, ethnic and racial clashes will become more common, as they are now becoming across Europe.

“The principle that America’s immigration laws should serve the interests of its own citizens” is paramount, said Sen. Sessions.

More here….
An afterthought:  Do you remember who else said something like this?  Communist Angela Davis said that the refugee issue is the issue of the 21st Century, here.

Trump working with Sen. Jeff Sessions on immigration platform

Update: Here is Breitbart calling this new development a “game changer.”
Signaling that he couldn’t be more serious about getting immigration under control, Presidential candidate Donald Trump has sought out the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, Senator Jeff Sessions, to help craft his immigration policy platform.
Readers know that if I could have waved a magic wand and chosen a Presidential candidate it would be the highly respected and tireless champion for the “national interest,” Senator Sessions, so this is the next best thing!  Other Presidential candidates should be beating a path to Senator Sessions’ door but I doubt they are!
From the Washington Post (hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum).  Emphasis below is mine:

Trump at border in July
Trump in Laredo, TX visiting the US border in mid-July.

Donald Trump will unveil a series of position papers in early September, he said in an interview Friday, beginning with a plan to address immigration policy that was crafted with the counsel of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), a favorite of conservative activists and an outspoken border hawk. That document will be followed soon after by his proposal for revamping the U.S. tax code.

“My immigration paper, my tax paper — they’re pretty much done. But I don’t want to do them in August. I’ll wait until September, when everyone is back, in all fairness,” Trump told The Washington Post. “We’ll release a number of them. We’ll start with immigration and then we’ll do tax. Those will be the first two.”


Trump’s consultation with Sessions, which came in a mid-July phone call, is the latest sign that the celebrity billionaire will continue to take a hard-line stance on immigration, which has rallied many conservatives this summer to his campaign.

Sessions, who is closely aligned with the tea-party wing of the GOP and is the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on immigration, has argued that lowering legal immigration levels will improve employment prospects for low-wage U.S. workers. He also for years led efforts to increase fencing and barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border.

“I like him,” Trump said of Sessions. “Tough guy. I like that. We have a similar thought process.”

More here.
See all of our previous posts on Senator Sessions here.  Sessions fought valiantly to defeat the Gang of Eight bill in the Senate that included two of the other GOP candidates as sponsors of the bill—Senators Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham.  Just a reminder, here is the NYT crowing about Rubio when the so-called Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill passed the Senate by a vote of 68-32 in June 2013.
See Senator Sessions calling out the meatpacking lobby, as one of many business interests looking for cheap immigrant labor, here when the bill passed. As you know, it never got traction in the House.  Longtime readers know that BIG MEAT is a driving force behind the refugee resettlement program and many of those companies work closely with the federal resettlement contractors (aka Volags).

Daniel Horowitz: Carly is in no position to punch Hillary on immigration issue!

told you the other day, I’m a one issue voter.  If we don’t get immigration (how many and who we allow to become permanent residents) slowed (stopped!) nothing else matters.

Carly Fiorina happy to support Dream Act and Gang of Eight!

So, just thought you should see what Daniel Horowitz writing at Conservative Review yesterday tells us about Carly Fiorina on the issue of immigration (among many other issues).  Here is the immigration portion, but please go read the rest of his good analysis.
By the way, it sure looks and sounds like Fox News is doing a Carly coronation these days!  I’m thinking that Rupert Murdoch would love to see a Rubio/Fiorina ticket because they could be controlled and move his open-borders agenda forward!
From Conservative Review:

In 2010, while running for Senate in California against Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer, Carly affirmed her support for the DREAM Act amnesty, noting “I would support the DREAM Act because I do not believe that we can punish children who through no fault of their own are here trying to live the American dream.” The DREAM Act has served as the foundation for Obama’s cycle of amnesty and Fiorina’s defense is the heart and soul of the arguments Hillary can and will use during the general election. Don’t we need a candidate who will be able to throw what is perhaps our biggest punch with full force?

Carly also opposed fixing the birthright citizenship loophole for illegal aliens and referred to it as an “emotional distraction.” She also accused some opponents of amnesty as taking on a racist tone. Again, that is exactly what Hillary says. How can she throw the immigration punch with such vulnerabilities?

In February 2013, when the Gang of 8 released the worst comprehensive amnesty bill of our time, Carly was one of its biggest cheerleaders on the Sunday shows. Appearing on Meet the Press, she said “I applaud and salute the Gang of Eight`s proposal. Let`s move forward and vote on that.” She appeared on This Week on February 3 praising the bill as a “carefully crafted” balance and a “good first step,” while expressing hope that the Democrats would not oppose it. This bill was the embodiment of what is wrong with the very political class she now inveighs against in her well-honed stump speech. Yet, when people like Cruz and Sessions were fighting to stop this bill, which emboldened Obama to expand his executive amnesty and create a new wave of illegal immigration, Carly was cheering the armpit of the political class. This is unbelievable. Hillary can eat her alive.

Read it all.
On the Gang of Eight bill, just remember it would have greatly expanded the role of the federal refugee resettlement contractors and consequently they all lobbied heavily for it.

CPAC 2014: Trump was out in front (virtually alone) on immigration issue

Yesterday Ann Coulter tweeted this little walk down memory lane about the premiere (supposedly) conservative conclave held in Washington, DC each year known as CPAC.
For the record, we have written often on CPAC, but will not attend primarily because CPAC ‘leaders’ including Grover Norquist have worked hard for many years to keep discussions on immigration to a minimum and have outright banned those who want to discuss the Islamist threat to America.
Go here for our archive of posts on Grover Norquist.  BTW, while pushing his amnesty agenda, Norquist worked very closely with the office of Senator Marco Rubio in helping craft that now discredited ‘Gang of Eight’ amnesty bill, but I’m digressing.
Here is a piece (3/7/14) written by Jon Feere at the Center for Immigration Studies (tweeted by Ann Coulter yesterday) which chronicles how Trump was alone among a list of Republican leaders and Presidential wannabes in addressing immigration.

Trump was talking about our borders, our sovereignty and the future of the Republican Party long before he decided to jump into the Presidential race, and he must have been very unpopular (with the ‘leaders’ at CPAC) with this message! 

From Feere at CIS (emphasis below is mine):

Nearly every speaker at the first day of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) avoided any discussion of immigration or amnesty, a sign that Republican politicians are starting to understand that conservative voters have very little interest in doubling legal immigration and amnestying illegal aliens.

Of all speakers, which included Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), and governors Chris Christie and Bobby Jindal, only one speaker spent any time on immigration policy: Donald Trump. He came out strong on sovereignty and garnered strong applause for noting “we’re either a country, or we’re not; we either have borders or we don’t.” Trump also noted that amnesty is a benefit for the Democratic Party, while calling out Rubio:

When you let the 11 million — which will grow to 30 million people — in, I don’t care who stands up, whether it’s Marco Rubio, and talks about letting everybody in, you won’t get one vote. Every one of those votes goes to the Democrats. You have to do what’s right; it’s not about the votes necessarily. But of those 11 million potential voters which will go to 30 million in a not too long future, you will not get any of those votes no matter what you do, no matter how nice you are, no matter how soft you are, no matter how many times you say ‘rip down the fence and let everybody in’ you’re not going to get the votes. So with immigration, you better be smart and you better be tough, and they’re taking your jobs, and you better be careful. You better be careful.