Sorry, if I will offend some of you, but I am pretty much a one issue voter. The future of America is not going to hang on what happens to Obamacare or any other social program.
The future of America and indeed the future of Western Civilization hangs on one thing only—what we do about immigration and specifically what happens with the migration (the Hijra) of Islamic supremacists the world over.
Carly Fiorina, former chairman and chief executive officer of Hewlett-Packard Co. Time to admit she was wrong! Fox News seems to be making sure that Carly Fiorina moves up in the polls. Yes, I agree, she spoke well in the debate last week. But, I won’t let you forget what she said right after 9/11. It’s not her facts (or her lack of facts) that is a problem, it is her judgement in uttering the words she spoke. Here, Gates of Vienna, reposts an article that was written in June. It begins:
“There was once a civilization that was the greatest in the world.”
And so began a mythical, deceptive tale by Carly Fiorina, when she spoke in praise of Islam within a mere two weeks of their bombing of the World Trade Center. The concern is not that she was attempting to deceive others, but that she, a person who aspires to the presidency of the United States, was herself deceived regarding the true nature of Islam, and that she has never retracted her statements.
Continue reading……
We will be waiting for Ms. Fiorina to tell us how wrong she was!
By the way, she has a C- score on immigration at NumbersUSA.
Never a Kelly fan anyway, but never will be now! As a shill for the RNC it was despicable for her to play into that ‘war on women’ meme. Update August 10: Looks like Fox failed and I’m laughing my head off! Here at Breitbart (Trump jumps in polls post debate!). I am so sick of the establishment and that includes Fox! See also Mark Steynwhere I challenge you to get past the first paragraph without falling off your chair laughing. Update August 9th: At Diana West, the best commentary I have seen on this sorry state of affairs, here.
I’m not going to say much here except that I was very glad to see the discussion of immigration elevated to the level it has reached in the GOP primary contest.
See my previous post on how Americans feel about more immigration.
Some of you may disagree…..
But, it was the Fox moderators themselves (especially Megyn Kelly) who caused me to turn the TV off halfway through last night’s Cleveland debate. They were so obviously doing the bidding of the RNC (Republican National Committee for our foreign readers) that I found it sickening to watch.
One or two gotcha-questions sprinkled throughout the night might have been interesting, but their confrontational and provocative performance from the opening salvo was over-the-top in my opinion. And, if they thought the blatant RNC-ploy of making candidates pledge that they would support the nominee whoever it was, was somehow a good idea, they blew it!
How many of you, may I ask, are going to support anyevery one of the seventeen that could be chosen in the end to represent the party? (LOL! I had to rewrite this!, in my haste I was not clear the first time. See commenter who took me to task!).
I found the earlier debate (withoutthe moderator star-power of Kelly, Wallace and Baier) much more useful and informative.
Toronto, Canada – A new Ipsos global poll finds that fully half (50%) of those citizens surveyed in 24 countries say there are too many immigrants in their country—and almost as many (46%) agree that immigration is causing their country to change in ways they don’t like.
Like it or not (mostly NOT!), here they come!
Against a backdrop where 81% of citizens indicate that over the last five years migrants have increased in their country (and just 30% say immigrants make their country a more interesting place to live) only one in five (21%) citizens surveyed say immigration has had a positive impact on their country; only three in 10 (28%) say immigration has been good for their economy.
Further, half (50%) say immigration has placed too much pressure on public services in their country.
And almost half (45%) of global respondents believe immigrants have made it more difficult for their own people to get jobs in their country(and just 41% say priority should be given to immigrants with higher education and qualifications to fill shortages in professions.)
Here are the averages for each of the questions and the percentage of Americans feeling the same way (go have a look at your country!):
81% of citizens indicate that over the last five years migrants have increased in their country…
US 69%
Half (50%) say there are too many immigrants in their country…
US 49% (More education needed as not enough Americans know how high the numbers are!)
And almost as many (46%) agree that immigration is causing their country to change in ways they don’t like…
US 43% (This number doesn’t jive with the following areas in the survey. They must have asked it first!)
Only one in five (21%) say immigration has had a positive impact…
US 25% (So this means 75% of US respondents must be saying immigration has a negative impact!)
Only three in 10 (28%) say immigration has been good for the economy of their country…
US 30% (Tell Grover Norquist and the Koch Brothers!)
And half (50%) say immigration has placed too much pressure on public services in their country…
US 58%
Almost half (45%) say immigrants in their country have made it more difficult for their own people to get jobs…
US 48%
Four in 10 (41%) believe priority should be given to immigrants with higher education and qualifications to fill professions shortages…
US 35%
Only three in 10 (30%) say immigrants make their country a more interesting place to live…
US 41%
Go here for lots more numbers! Fascinating stuff!
The politicians in places like Italy, France, Germany and Belgium better darn well pay attention! And, LOL! I laughed to see that the Saudis, the Chinese and the Japanese weren’t particularly stressed by immigration—-of course not! They hardly take in any immigrants!
Know the opposition! Frank Sharry. Learn more about him here: America’s Voice is one more of those well-funded No Borders organizations that promotes “comprehensive immigration reform.”
They loved the bill the Gang of Eight (supported by Graham, McCain and Rubio) got through the Senate two years ago, a bill which would have expanded the refugee program and given more money to the nine federal contractors to do the work of getting the newly amnestied their “services” (aka welfare). Incidentally the contractors lobbied for the Gang of Eight bill and probably used your tax dollars to do it!
Here Frank Sharry’s organization blasts Trump in an e-mail to their supporters and tells them they want a “comprehensive” bill just like last time. (hat tip: Jim) By the way, they want a “comprehensive” bill so as to hide all the giveaway goodies in over a thousand pages of unreadable gobbledegook! America’s Voice:
Have you heard about Donald Trump’s latest attack on immigrant families?
Last week, during an interview with CNN, Donald Trump stated that his plan for the 11 million undocumented immigrants would be to “find them, and get them out.” When pressed on this point, Trump just reiterated that he would get immigrants “out” of the United States.
This is just the latest attack on our communities from Donald Trump and his supporters. Meanwhile, anti-immigrant extremists in Congress are looking to capitalize on the momentum generated by Donald Trump by introducing enforcement-only legislation that scapegoats immigrant communities.
You and I are familiar with the grotesque comments that Donald Trump made about immigrants living in the United States. As we continue to approach the first Republican Presidential debate, there are no indications that Donald Trump will tone down his anti-immigrant rhetoric.
If Republicans want to get serious about reforming our broken immigration system, they need to publicly denounce Trump’s hateful comments towards immigrants, and propose solutions to achieve bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform — just like the bill passed by Senate Republicans and Democrats back in 2013.
Congress should be seeking to enact comprehensive immigration reform, not considering policies that further increase deportation.
It is time for our allies in Congress to stand against Donald Trump and his enforcement-only inspired policies. Now is not the time to give Donald Trump and his supporters in Congress a free pass to attack immigrant communities.
We need our allies in Congress to stand against anti-immigrant legislation! Click here to ask they oppose all Trump-style, enforcement-only policies.
Thank you for your support,
Gabe Ortiz
America’s Voice
But what about Bernie?
Did you see what Bernie Sanders said recently about open borders—-it would make America poorer to flood the country with low-skilled/low-wage labor!
This is Byron York writing at the Washington Examinera few days ago (if you missed it!).
As a socialist moving up in the Democratic presidential polls, Bernie Sanders raises the expectations of many on the Left. Some assume Sanders believes what they believe and are disappointed if they discover he does not. In a newly-published interview, Vox founder Ezra Klein, an advocate of an open-borders immigration policy, asked a question virtually inviting Sanders to agree with Klein about allowing any and all would-be immigrants to come to the United States. Sanders most emphatically did not go along:
Klein: You said being a democratic socialist means a more international view. I think if you take global poverty that seriously, it leads you to conclusions that in the US are considered out of political bounds. Things like sharply raising the level of immigration we permit, even up to a level of open borders. About sharply increasing …
Sanders: Open borders? No, that’s a Koch brothers proposal.
Klein: Really?
Sanders: Of course. That’s a right-wing proposal, which says essentially there is no United States …
Klein: But … it would make a lot of global poor richer, wouldn’t it?
Sanders: It would make everybody in America poorer — you’re doing away with the concept of a nation state, and I don’t think there’s any country in the world that believes in that.
What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy. Bring in all kinds of people, work for $2 or $3 an hour, that would be great for them.
Right on Bernie! Cheap immigrant labor—just what we have been saying all along! And, what is so maddening to me is that the Catholics, Lutherans and Evangelicals are all-in to help bring in cheap labor to compete with low income and minority Americans! We will be waiting to see if America’s Voice blasts Bernie (publicly).
And, that is so you can get out there and tell your Senators and Members of Congress how you feel about over a million immigrants legally arriving in America each year. Tell them it is not good for your towns or for those Americans looking for jobs. Go to NumbersUSA for the interactive version of the map.
Visit their interactive map, here, and find out what is happening near where you live.
Resettlement Accountability National Security Act
We would especially like you to use these face-to-face meetings to ask your Member of Congress to co-sponsor the new bill by Rep. Brian Babin to suspend the Refugee Resettlement Program until a study of the fiscal costs has been completed and the public is assured that the program does not jeopardize our security. This bill represents a moderate approach and should be a no-brainer for some members. It will be very telling if your member (particularly on the Republican side of the aisle) is too frightened to co-sponsor!
By the way, while you are at NumbersUSA see one of Roy Beck’s famous “gumball” demonstrations about US population growth by clicking here.