As I have previously wailed—can’t we draft Senator Jeff Sessions to run for the Presidency of the US! Here is a 2014 Senate floor speech, just eight minutes long, which has the elements in it that should serve as the core of any argument being made on the immigration issue for 2016. Hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum.
This is not just about illegal immigration, but about how our LEGAL immigration numbers are too high and hurting American workers!
Who are those “Masters of the Universe?” Watch and find out!
Did you see the tragic news from Lake County Ohio yesterday? Another illegal alien (known to law enforcement) has been arrested in what appears to be a random shooting of a 60-year old woman, the wounding of another woman and the attempted rape of a 14-year old. Another alleged illegal alien killer: Juan Emmanuel Razo
Here is the story at tip: Cathy):
PAINESVILLE, Ohio — Lake County sheriff’s deputies learned that Juan Emmanuel Razo was in the U.S. illegally from Mexico more than two weeks before his arrest in the death of a 60-year-old Concord Township woman.
Razo made his first court appearance Tuesday in the death of Margaret Kostelnik where a judge set a $10 million bond. He’s also accused in the attempted rape of a 14-year-old girl and the shooting of another woman who survived.
Razo pleaded not guilty to a charge of attempted murder, but still faces possible murder and other charges in connection to the other incidents.
Lake County Sheriff’s Det. Brian Butler said during the court hearing that during a July 7 traffic stop, deputies contacted border patrol agents who advised the sheriff’s office not to detain Razo despite his status as an undocumented immigrant.
Then two weeks ago we learned that Ohio Senator Rob Portman had asked for an investigation into the alleged trafficking of Central American children in a slave labor case involving a large egg processing facility there. Did the traffickers feel safe to do their dirty work in Ohio? Some of those arrested in the case were here illegally.
Ohio targeted to receive large numbers of refugees!
Two years ago we told readersthat Cleveland(site of the August 6th Fox News Presidential debate and the location for the 2016 Republican Party convention) was becoming a community destined to be diversified with the resettlement of a large number of refugees by the likes of Welcoming America. Are we to believe that the Governor knew nothing about the arrival of Welcoming America to Cleveland?
I’m starting to wonder if the big push is on to diversify Cleveland byObama-friendly community organizersat Welcoming America to somehow stick it to Republicans in the lead-up to the November 2016 election.
By the way, Welcoming America played a key role in crafting the Obama New Americans strategy to seed American towns and cities with diversity.
Just ten days ago we told you how Ohio is now number 7 in the nation for refugee resettlement.
There is no doubt in my mind that the No Borders movement agitators (aka Democrats) are stacking the decks in all-important states like Ohio by pushing more immigrants (legal and illegal) into the state. And, for all of you who are saying, they can’t vote if they aren’t citizens, you are in la-la land. They are voting illegally, they have been voting illegally and no one is stopping them!
So why did Governor John Kasich (with a D on NumbersUSA scorecard) let the state become a sanctuary state? Was it willful blindness?
Note to concerned citizens and wannabe bloggers, someone should write an entire blog just on Immigrants voting in the lead-up to the 2016 Presidential election, and beyond! Previously we told you that the resettlement contractors and other non-profit groups are receiving tons of federal cash to get immigrants ready to vote! I bet an analysis of where that Obama cash is going would reveal that the bulk of it is in 2016 swing states.
The Left can’t win with ideas so they are simply changing the electorate, and the big question is: why are Republicans letting them get away with it?
Trump still trails Santorum and Walker.
There has been much controversy surrounding recent statements by Presidential candidate Donald Trump regarding his position on a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens, but it seems his team has worked to clarify recent statesments over the last day or so. Here is Roy Beck at NumbersUSA last evening on Trump’s score (now a C +) at their all-important ‘Worker-Protection Immigration Grade Cards.’ Bring up that score instantly! Roy Beck’s phone should ring off the hook today with candidates reporting that they support ending the Visa Lottery!
This is Beck’s clarification:
After a lot of criticism over the weekend of his recent remarks about letting the “good” illegal aliens stay, Donald Trump has gone on national media to clarify his remarks about amnesty — a bit. There is still a lot of confusion about the details of his stance, and it is likely that he has not yet thought about those policy details.
On the basis of the new details he has provided in the last two days, NumbersUSA is changing his amnesty rating from HARMFUL to MIXED on our Worker-Protection Immigration Grade Cards. (See all ratings and grades for 21 Presidential Hopefuls at: www.
With that change and the ratings he has on the other nine immigration categories, Trump has raised his overall grade to a C+, which again puts him in the No. 3 spot among all 21 Presidential Hopefuls of both Parties.
(Rick Santorum earns an A grade, and Scott Walker earns a B-minus as the only Hopefuls whose policy stances on 10 immigration issues are more positive toward American workers and their families.)
Many thanks to all of you Trump supporters who sent messages in one way or another to the Trump campaign to improve what he was saying about legalizing illegal aliens. This is what supporters of every candidate ought to be doing. We provide contact information on each candidate. Just click on the photos on
The last issue on the card is “End Visa Lottery.” Of all the candidates, only former Senator Rick Santorum understands enough to flat out oppose it.
Think about it, we admit on average 50,000 LEGAL immigrants a year through a lottery system! An [expletive deleted] lottery!
I explained the lottery (also sometimes referred to as the ‘green card lottery’) in some detail here back in May when it was learned that there is some fear of terrorism rearing its head in the mostly Muslim Uzbek community in New York. A large number of those Uzbeks won the lottery.
Demonstrating that some in Washington know that the lottery is an abomination, ten years ago the House voted to kill it, but the Senate never acted:
In December 2005, the United States House of Representatives voted 273–148 to add an amendment to the border enforcement bill H.R. 4437 abolishing the DV. Opponents of the lottery said it was susceptible to fraud and was a way for terrorists to enter the country. The Senate never passed the bill.
The express purpose of Senator Ted Kennedy’s lottery is to add diversity to America! Every Republican candidate should call NumbersUSA right now and say they flat-out oppose the lottery!
Legal immigrants to America should be chosen based on what they would contribute to America, not because we don’t have enough of their particular ethnicity here!
P.S. Note to Beck! Reform (or stop altogether!) Refugee Resettlement Program should be a new scorecard category. Related update! Please read this important articleby Mickey Kaus (mentions Trump) but most importantly informs us that Kaus is re-thinking his earlier view of legal immigration and beginning to see Ann Coulter’s important point—all immigration must be curtailed at least for now.
A few years ago I was thrilled that Senator Rand Paul publicly challenged the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program. He even said for publication: Why are we bringing Iraqi refugees here and putting them on welfare! 2016 Presidential candidate Rand Paul: I don’t think we are being careful about who we let in.
This happened as it became known that two Iraqi refugees had been arrested and ultimately convicted of terrorist activity in Kentucky. However, he drifted away from the issue as his Presidential aspirations became clear.
Now, it looks like he is thankfully taking up the cause again asBreitbart reported here yesterday (via Creeping Sharia and hat tip: Paula):
HOUSTON, Texas — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), a 2016 GOP presidential candidate, told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview here that he wants to restrict immigration from predominantly Muslim countries after the Chattanooga, Tennessee, terrorist attack.
Paul said in an interview backstage at a rally his presidential campaign is holding inside the Hyatt Regency here in downtown Houston:
I’m very concerned about immigration to this country from countries that have hotbeds of jihadism and hotbeds of this Islamism. There was a program in place that Bush had put in place—it stood for entry-exit program from about 25 different countries with a lot of Islamic radicals, frankly. I think there does need to be heightened scrutiny. Nobody has a right to come to America, so this isn’t something that we can say ‘oh their rights are being violated.’ It’s a privilege to come to America and we need to thoroughly screen those who are coming.
The alleged shooter in the Chattanooga incident—which claimed the lives of four U.S. marines, whom he allegedly murdered in the terror attack—was named Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. The 24-year-old was born in Kuwait and immigrated to the United States before he opened fire in Chattanooga, killing four Marines.
Paul also told Breitbart News about another similar incident regarding foreigners from the Middle East who were placed in Kentucky via immigration programs for refugees—and tried to, before getting caught, buy military grade missiles.
Go to Breitbart for the rest of the story…..
See all of our coverage (both positive and negative) of Senator Rand Paul on refugees by clicking here.
Senator Jeff Sessions (R) Alabama
Any of you reading this and still saying to anyone who will listen that “illegal immigration is bad, but legal is good,” please stop saying it because it shows you don’t know what you are talking about!
Our LEGAL immigration policies and programs are a disaster and this week’s Chattanooga slaughter should be a wake-up call to every sane citizen. Thank God, Senator Jeff Sessions is now saying what we have been saying for years!
His piece entitled, Homegrown Terrorism ‘Made Possible by Unwise Immigration Policy’, is posted hereat the Weekly Standard. After listing myriad cases of terrorism perpetrated by LEGAL refugees and immigrants he wraps up with this:
It is time to affirm some fundamental but forgotten principles that will enhance not only our security but also our social and economic well-being:
· We are under no obligation to admit anyone to the United States.
· The selection of new immigrants to the United States should be based on what’s in the best interests of the people already living inside the United States.
· Immigrants selected for admission should be expected to be financially self-sufficient and chosen because they are likely to succeed, thrive, and flourish in the United States.
· Assimilation is the best policy to ensure both the success of our country and the success of those who arrive in our country. We do both the country and those seeking to enter our country a disservice by failing to promote our language, our laws, and our political customs.
Call Senator Sessions and urge him to hold hearings on the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program with an eye to throwing it out altogether.
He is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, here. I see Senator Ted Cruz is on this subcommittee, tell him he needs to get on this issue ASAP if he wants your support in his 2016 run for the Presidency.