PJ Mediaquestioned possible 2016 Presidential contender Carly Fiorina about how she might differentiate herself from Hillary Clinton who in fact was in charge, as Secretary of State, of our Refugee Resettlement program in the early Obama years, and Fiorina said this (hat tip: Paul):
‘Why Would We Think We Could Distinguish Good from Bad?’
She criticized the Obama administration for having a “wrong-headed policy” on Syrian refugees. The Obama administration is reportedly planning to increase the number of refugees allowed in the United States. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mike McCaul (R-Texas) said admitting thousands of refugees is a very dangerous and reckless policy.
“ISIS has telegraphed that they want to exploit the refugee process to gain entrance into the West and United States. And we need to stop that,” he said.
Fiorina holds the same position as McCaul, arguing that ISIS is trying to “exploit” the problems with the U.S. legal immigration system that exists today.
“It’s a wrong-headed policy. I mean, this is an administration that is telling us that the reason they are not arming moderate rebels in Syria is because they can’t distinguish the good guys from the bad guys,” she said. “Now, if we can’t distinguish the good guys from the bad guys there, why would we think we could distinguish the good guys from the bad guys here?”
We can’t! We rely too often on what the refugees tell us. What a coincidence that we are just now learning how Bill Clinton got it wrong with the Bosnian refugees twenty years ago.
Breitbartreports that radio talk show host Mark Levin weighed in on the Syrian refugee resettlement plan on Friday.
To better understand how the resettlement is evolving, check our post yesterdayabout how everyone is now talking about the planned Syrian refugee resettlement (driven by pressure from resettlement contractors and the UN).
And, PLEASE go here to see that Syrians are already arriving!
And, please, please tell Mark Levin and others who have now woken up to the Muslim migration to America that it is worse than he knows—we brought in 20,000 Iraqi refugees (three fourths are Muslims) and 9,000 Somali refugees just last year alone!
Here is Mark Levin:
Talk radio host and author of “The Liberty Amendments,” Mark Levin declared that a government who has mishandled Obamacare shouldn’t be trusted with vetting Syrian refugees coming to the US on Friday.
“Don’t worry, when it [the government] brings in these refugees from Syria, right in the heart of the Islamonazi battle, everything’s going to be vetted very, very well…because lookee here ‘Feds sent incorrect tax information to 800,000 people on ObamaCare.’ These clowns can’t even run a website, but don’t worry, we’re gonna know if people [who] come into this country mean us harm” he stated.
Levin continued, “and don’t worry, should Jeb Bush*** become president, we’ll change the rules. Rather than assume that people coming here are going to violate our laws, which is our current assumption under the immigration laws, we’ll assume that they’re here to love us.”
***See Jeb Bush and Grover Norquist, here. They want more refugees too!
I told you about them here (Globalists seek to change Nebraska and the ‘heartland’ with immigrants) last fall. Michelle Obama is on the board and they had just put out a study about how to change the ‘Heartland’ by bringing in more immigrant labor. Here is one thing I said then:
Reports like this one—Growing the Heartland—will be used as propaganda to convince American towns and cities that it is inevitable (and necessary!) that third-worlders will be moving in. It is really all about global corporations, like meatpackers, needing cheap and abundant labor, and Leftists needing Democrat voters!
Here is the news at Breitbartabout Bush’s speech at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs (I won’t give the hat tip, but just what the hat-tipper said of this news: “What a pantload!”):
On Wednesday, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush reiterated that immigration reform is “hugely important” for America even though the country’s middle class, as Bush acknowledged, is getting more squeezed.
“Immigration reform for our country is so hugely important. Race is not a national identifier in this country. We’re 34 flavors. We’re as diverse as diverse can get,” Bush said during a question-and-answer session after his foreign policy address at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. “And that is a huge strength looking over the horizon right now, where multiculturalism kind of creates pockets of despair in Europe in many cases.”
This makes no sense! If multiculturalism creates pockets of despair in Europe, it will surely do that here—it is such a crock to promote this “melting pot” myth. We won’t melt when the numbers are too high!
Bush, who has been praised by top GOP 2016 donors [it is all about the money!—ed] for leading on the amnesty issue, said “the United States has this potential of being young and dynamic again” and, “if Europe embraced that similar kind of approach, I think that they could see some economic growth as well.”
But his response to an audience member’s question on the “permanency of poverty” displayed that his support for massive comprehensive amnesty legislation may make it tougher for Americans to move up the economic ladder.
The Grover Norquist connection……
For new readers and those who may have forgotten (I won’t let you forget!). Jeb Bush joined Grover Norquist and other RINO Republicans in telling the GOP to embrace MORE REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT, here, last year.
Human Rights First praised the signers of Norquist’s letter (remember Refugee Resettlement not only supplies third world laborers for big businesses, but tens of thousands each year are Muslim supposed ‘refugees.’). Here are those ten RINOs:
Washington, D.C. – As Republican leaders in Congress work through the party’s immigration reform priorities, ten of the nation’s most prominent Republican leaders released a statement today that urges the party to recommit to upholding the United States’ position as an international leader in protecting refugees fleeing oppression and seeking asylum. The statement is signed by former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez; former Florida Governor Jeb Bush; former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Tom Ridge; Kansas Governor Sam Brownback; former Senator Mel Martinez; Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform; Suhail A. Khan, chairman of the Conservative Inclusion Coalition; Jim Ziglar, former Commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS); Alberto Mora, former General Counsel of the Navy; and Dr. Paula Dobriansky, former Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs .
Breaking News! Norquist says he isn’t a Muslim agent of any sort:
And, check this out today, Norquist comes out swinging against those he calls “stalkers” who question his connections to Islamist movers and shakers.
Click here for our complete Grover Norquist archive which goes back to at least 2008 (maybe 2007) when Norquist was promoting the resettlement of Iraqi refugees to the US.
Thanks to Henry for sending this Breitbart News story. The lawlessness by the Administration was something we were trying to get across to viewers of Fox & Friends last week. And, certainly you have seen the newsthat a federal judge has halted (for now) Obama’s Executive Amnesty.
Breitbart Newson the Senator’s 50-page time line of lawless acts by the Administration:
As Republicans work to overcome a Democratic filibuster of a House-passed Department of Homeland Security bill that blocks President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is highlighting the Obama administration’s long history of dismantling immigration laws.
In a lengthy timeline released Monday, Sessions — the chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest — lists every instance of the Obama administration ignoring, rewriting, delaying and breaking the nation’s immigration laws.
The timeline begins in January 2009 with the administration ending worksite enforcement actions and, 50 pages later, ends on February 13, 2015 with the House Judiciary Committee’s revelation that the administration included a “sneaky” avenue for illegal immigrants granted deferred status to be placed on a pathway to citizenship.
Here is the section of the report we were attempting to explain on Fox:
September 30, 2014: Obama Administration Circumvents Congress and Creates New Central American In-Country Refugee Program
The State Department announces that parents who are “lawfully present” in the U.S. who have children living in El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras may request their child’s admission into the U.S. as a refugee—despite a lack of explanation as to how those children may constitute “refugees” as defined in the INA. Even when a child is not eligible for entry under the refugee program, they can still be considered for entry under a case-by-case parole program. Section 101 of the INA defines a refugee as a person “who has a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” Courts have held that persecution requires government action, and that general violence or poverty does not meet the requirements for refugee or asylee status. Parole, commonly referred to as “humanitarian parole,” is authorized by Section 212 of the INA. The statute grants the Executive Branch discretion to “parole into the United States temporarily under such conditions as [it] may prescribe only on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.” While the administration acknowledges in its release that parole, by definition, is temporary in nature, it says aliens granted parole from Central America would be allowed into the U.S. in two-year increments and allowed to renew their parole, apparently indefinitely. It is later revealed that those granted deferred action, deferred enforced departure, and withhold of removal, will be eligible to participate. In effect, the program will allow “illegals in the United States to bring their children, their adult children, their grandchildren, and even step-parents into the United States.”
Just as Congress (Kennedy and Biden) wrote the original refugee law, so must Congress re-write it!
I might have to break down and attend CPACthis year, something I haven’t done since Grover Norquistand his sycophants managed to sideline several outspoken critics of the Islamic agenda in the US—an Islamic agenda that depends heavily on the migration of Muslims to America.
And, why do we write so much about Europe’s death spiral?—so that you know what is in store for us if we don’t fight back now!
I expect Mr. Farage will have a warning for us. For more on UKIP go here.
Here is the story at Breitbart (hat tip: Cathy) about his CPAC appearance, but it was these last two paragraphs I found most interesting:
In a recent interview with Breitbart News on a trip to the United States this past fall, Farage said that U.S. conservatives seem to be going through the exact same problems with the political establishment—especially on the key issues UKIP is winning on in the U.K., including immigration and national security. Farage also said that if the GOP establishment in the United States doesn’t back down and let conservatives control the direction of the party, there may be a need for a U.S. version of UKIP to send the Republican National Committee (RNC) the way of the Whigs.
“I have no idea what the Republican Party stands for,” Farage said in the interview at the Breitbart News Capitol Hill headquarters in Washington, D.C. “I meet lots of individuals within it who want it to say one thing or another, but collectively it’s pretty blurry, it’s pretty unclear. If I was living over here, I would say to myself alright number one we’ve got to reclaim our party–we’ve got to take it away from being safe and establishment, because that way you’re never going to win because the Democrats have certain built-in advantages. If you are unable to reclaim your party, you might have to do a UKIP.”
Conservatives will never reclaim the party when the likes of Grover Norquist and Jeb Bush are prominent mouthpieces for it.