Uganda: UN Re-opens Corruption Investigation at Camp Where US-bound Refugees are Housed

I’ve been sounding like a broken record when I continue to report that we are taking tens of thousands of DR Congolese refugees (housed in camps like this one) at the behest of the United Nations.

Nakivale’s camp sign, where corruption is alleged, is meaningful. Hijra is the Islamic doctrine of migration and although they don’t say it, it means spreading Islam via immigration.


In fact, the DR Congolese make up the largest number of refugees being admitted to the US right now, during the Trump administration, even as Congolese elsewhere in Africa are going home.  See here.

In case you are wondering, most Congolese are not Muslims, but a small number being admitted to the US are.

The Uganda camp sounded familiar to me, so I went to my archives to see if I had written about Nakivale and sure enough I had, in 2010, when we were taking thousands of Somalis from that camp.

(It is no wonder the speech police wanted RRW removed from the worldwide web, there is a heckuva lot of information archived here!)

Here is what I reported nearly ten years ago in a post entitled:

Are you sitting down! UN sending 6000 more Somalis to US this year


The Obama administration agreed to take that number from Nakivale camp in Uganda because the Somalis could not get along with the other refugees in the camp.

An article that has now been removed quoted a source who said this:

Explaining the reason of resettling Somalis to the US, Katura said Somali refugees have failed to integrate with other refugee groups living in Nakivale and with the local communities because of their unique language and culture.  [This is insane, they can’t get along with other African people but they are going to jump into the mythical American melting pot and come out as just good old regular Americans!—ed]

Later, in 2017, we learned that some of the Nakivale Somalis went to Minnesota thanks to Catholic Charities, here.

Earlier this year we heard about the allegations of fraud and corruption in the UN system in Africa, here, and this news is a continuation of a supposed effort by the UN to find out exactly how alleged corruption is occurring.

From 100 Reporters:

UN Refugee Agency Reopens Corruption Investigation

Refugee Sources Report Retaliation After Speaking Out

The United Nations is investigating allegations of corruption among employees at a Ugandan refugee camp following a 100Reporters investigation, but victims say they face retaliation for testifying and that the UN is not protecting them.

In a story published in partnership with NBC News and Journalists for Transparency, refugees at the Nakivale settlement in southwest Uganda said employees and contractors working for the UN Refugee Agency, the UNHCR, as well as local police and employees of the Ugandan government’s Office of the Prime Minister and police, were demanding bribes for everything from access to essential services, including medical referrals, to resettlement in Europe or the U.S.

The reporting came as part of a broader investigation this spring, in which dozens of refugees in East Africa accused UNHCR staff and contractors of exploiting refugees and whitewashing corruption charges.

Refugees interviewed said they felt they had nowhere to turn when they witnessed corruption, as they had to rely on the UNHCR, whose mandate is to protect them, for food, medicine and safety.

A UNHCR spokesperson denied the allegations of wrongdoing at the time the stories were published. But staff are now carrying out interviews with refugee witnesses at the Nakivale refugee settlement and elsewhere.

More here.

Continue reading because there is a question about whether the UN is looking for fraud and corruption, or trying to find out how allegations of fraud reached the mainstream media’s ears!

Maddening isn’t it!

First we took thousands of Somalis from this camp and now we are taking thousands more Congolese just because the UN wants us to take them off their hands.  

Endnote: Just had a quick look at the data at the Refugee Processing Center and see that we processed a whopping 2,697 refugees into the US from Uganda in the last fiscal year.  See here(Don’t look at the colored map it is messed up, look at the chart and scroll down to Uganda.)

First Group of 2020 Refugees Arrive: IOM Says 600 in the Last Week

As you know by now the President’s cap for refugee admissions for FY2020 is 18,000 and you also should know that none arrived in October (the first month of the fiscal year) because President Trump had waited a month to sign the order.

Well, here they come!  Who are they? And where did they go?

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), a branch of the United Nations that takes care of doling out the plane tickets American taxpayers pay for, is reporting 600 in the first wave.

IOM Welcomes First US Bound Refugees Resettled in FY 2020

Washington DC – More than 600 refugees landed in the United States this week, marking the first arrivals of US fiscal year 2020. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) welcomed the refugees who come from a variety of countries.


IOM works closely with the US Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration to provide case processing support, pre-departure health assessments and cultural orientation, as well as transportation support for refugees.

Congolese senior citizens, new Americans, get instructions on how to get their benefits.

A group of 25 Congolese refugees were the first to arrive on Tuesday morning at Washington Dulles International Airport before continuing to their final destinations. Due to ongoing violence, the families fled to neighbouring Rwanda where they remained in limbo for years. [And, remind me why this is our problem!—-ed]

Almost half of the refugees resettled in the US in fiscal year 2019 were from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Several others arriving this week are also Congolese.

What is so maddening about the Congolese wholesale movement to America is that Obama told the UN in 2013 that we would take 50,000 over five years and we are now almost at 60,000 and they are still coming. 

I bet the deep staters at the US State Department never told the Trump people there was supposed to be a limit on the Congolese!

So it is no surprise that when I checked the data at the Refugee Processing Center I see that 226 of the 563 refugees admitted in the last week are DR Congolese!

I suspect the discrepancy in the numbers reported by IOM and the RPC is that IOM has shipped off 600 (maybe), but the State Dept. data base isn’t up to the minute and shows that we admitted 563 refugees from the first of November to today.

Because I don’t plan to report every month about who came and where they went, I’m going to give you a tutorial on finding out yourself!

Go here

Click on ‘reports’ in the right hand corner.

Then click on ‘Interactive reporting’ (there are useful data in the other categories), but for today’s lesson it is ‘Interactive reporting’ that you want.

You will get a screen that looks like this:

For the first exercise I picked the first choice:  MAP.

A screen opens that asks for your start date and the last date. I chose November 1 to today, the 9th.  It asks for nationalities and provides a drop- down (I chose all) and I chose for sort order ‘number of individuals.’

And presto, I got this map (below) to show where 563 refugees were placed between November 1 and today.  On the page after the map I can see the numerical breakdown for all of the states that ‘welcomed’ refugees over the last week.

As usual Texas is numero uno!

(Reminder! These are just refugees admitted through the US Refugee Admissions Program, not unaccompanied alien children, not Special Immigrant Visa holders, and not asylum seekers!)



Now go back to the first screen and see your other choices for searches.  You can find out which ethnic groups were placed in which cities in your state.

When choosing parameters for the ‘arrivals by destination’ search, choose ‘fiscal year’ and ‘destination.’  Just for fun I did Minnesota.  Here are the ‘new Minnesotans’ that arrived this week.

You can find out the religions of refugees arriving (although not by state). And you can even find how many kids are coming (cost to your schools!) and how many senior citizens will be coming to collect their SSI.

I’ve never been able to find out which contractors settled which refugees.  It might be there somewhere and if you find it let me know!

Here is what I did learn for the whole batch this week:

Of the 563 we brought in as ‘new Americans’ ….

226 are from the DR Congo

Moldova 56

Afghanistan 40

Ukraine 38

Syria 32

Burma 27

Liberia 26

Somalia 26

Eritrea 18

Iraq 18

Sudan 15

Plus smaller numbers from many other countries.

Of the 563, 154 (27%) belong to one or another Muslim sect. I was surprised to learn that a small number of the DR Congolese are Muslims.  There is no Muslim ban!

Now you too can do this yourself and I recommend that you do it at least monthly and see who is coming to a town near you!

(Have fun, play around with it!)

For serious students of the refugee program, this post is filed in two categories here at RRW: ‘Where to find information’ and ‘Refugee statistics’. All categories are in a drop-down on the right hand side bar at RRW, here.

Myth of South Africa as Beacon of Hope for African Migrants Eroded Further Yesterday

I reported here just a few days ago that hundreds of Africans were camped in front of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees office in Pretoria demanding to be resettled in the West after experiencing xenophobic hatred from black South Africans.

Additionally, I reminded US readers that we are taking some of those migrants to America as ‘refugees.’

They went to the mythical Rainbow Nation because they believed the international propaganda that the socialist government there welcomed one and all.

It doesn’t!

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa leads the party of Nelson Mandela and unleashed police on the foreigners who came to S. Africa believing it was a beacon of hope for them.

Media worldwide has been reluctant to tell the truth about post-Apartheid South Africa because they have built up for 25 years the false image of the governing black party, the African National Congress, as a model for the world!

I see this morning that worldwide media is now paying attention after South African police blasted water cannons and began arresting the protesters of many African nationalities outside of UN offices.

Apparently the UN was impotent to stop the violence.

Here is AP (one of many stories about the violence against ‘refugee’ wannabees):

South African police arrest 100 after refugees protest

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Police in the South African city of Cape Town used water cannons Wednesday while arresting and dispersing hundreds of refugees and asylum-seekers, including children, who had camped for weeks outside the U.N. refugee agency’s office seeking protection after anti-immigrant attacks.

Local human rights and legal groups expressed shock over images of small children clinging to people being dragged away by police. Some people screamed in protest as officers with riot shields and batons moved through the crowd.

Police said they arrested about 100 people who “failed to heed the call to disperse.” Many who weren’t arrested fled to a nearby church.

Some refugees and asylum-seekers had told local media they wanted to be relocated outside the country after a wave of deadly attacks on foreigners in South African cities earlier this year. Such attacks have erupted several times over the years in sub-Saharan Africa’s most developed economy.

They can’t call it racism because both sides are black, so xenophobia best describes the rampant discrimination.

Earlier this year more than 12 people were killed and over 700 arrested after bands of South Africans in Johannesburg and the capital, Pretoria, launched attacks against foreign-owned shops and stalls, looting and burning them and attacking some shopkeepers.


Ramaphosa’s government has faced criticism for not explicitly speaking out against xenophobia at first but instead framing the violence as crime.


Ramaphosa, who later called the xenophobia “regrettable,” has acknowledged frustrations about South Africa’s high unemployment — now 29%, the highest in more than a decade — and its sluggish economy, but he has told his countrymen not to take it out on foreigners.

Much more here.

I repeat!  Pay attention! In recent years, including in 2019, we have admitted as refugees to the US some of the Africans who traveled to S. Africa from elsewhere in Africa!

We should consider giving refugee status to white South Africans.

However, most of those demonstrating at the UN office are not legitimate refugees, but are economic migrants—they are South Africa’s problem, not ours!

UN Facing Crisis in South Africa as Black-on-Black Xenophobia Growing Out of Control

They want out of the Rainbow Nation! According to the UN, 268,000 African ‘refugees’ have flowed into the country from elsewhere in Africa presumably believing the propaganda that the new post-Apartheid South Africa held out a beacon of welcome to one and all.

They want out of the Rainbow Nation because they claim that the black majority that runs the country is discriminating against them.

The expanding crisis for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees now includes a major protest where hundreds are camped outside their offices in Pretoria and have been there for weeks.

Before I tell you the latest, know that the US State Department has been taking some of the supposed ‘refugees’ to live in Anytown, USA. Therefore, this story should matter to you!

From The Independent:


‘Our blood does not want to be spilled in the land of SA,’ say refugees camped outside UNHCR

For two weeks, the walkway of the Waldorf Arcade has housed rows of makeshift bedding, screaming children and exhausted refugees begging the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to remove them from SA.

South African whites are not the aggressors!  This is tribalism straight up!

“They are killing us, burning us alive, looting our shops,” said Eke Lyke Chibuzor, a refugee from Nigeria, who has been in SA for the past six years. “Sometimes I feel like I’m a slave in this country. Our blood does not want to be spilled in the land of SA.”


“Some people have asked what’s going on, but they did not send anybody to ask us if we still need documentation and those things,” said Sylvie Nahimana, a refugee from Burundi.

She has lived in SA for 21 years.

“All those things we have been asking them for almost 11 or 12 years … We don’t want those things any more. What we need is just to be out of this country, because we don’t feel safe [here].”

She said it’s too late for negotiations. “We are not moving an inch,” said Nahimana. “We want them to come up with a solution. We want out of SA.”


On October 14, the UNHCR released a second statement citing a two-day visit from the UN Refugee Agency High Commissioner Filippo Grandi. He met with representatives of refugees and asylum seekers and “listened to their concerns, mainly linked to better access to documentation and information, the process to obtain refugee papers, as well as issues of personal security”.

The statement noted that Grandi “told [the refugees] that UNHCR will continue to develop its dialogue with them…”.

Going against the media meme that those who have been oppressed won’t become oppressors—that black people can’t be oppressors!  Is that why so few US media outlets ever mention what is happening in SA?

Francine Kinavuidi, from the Democratic Republic of Congo, has lived in SA for 15 years. She still receives xenophobic threats from co-workers.


“I say, ‘I’m black like you, I’m your sister’, and they say: ‘Don’t say you are black like me.’ I say, ‘You have red blood just like me’, and they say, ‘Who told you I have red blood like you?’”


The UNHCR released a third statement on October 16, saying “Grandi commended SA’s commitment to protecting people fleeing countries affected by conflict, violence and persecution” and “noted that resettlement to third countries is a very limited option for refugees worldwide, as the number of resettlement places available globally is unfortunately dropping.

For most refugees here in SA resettlement is not an option.”

More here.

However, over the years some have been moved from the Rainbow Nation to the US.

Although the number is small, even in this last fiscal year, during the Trump Administration! we admitted 64 supposed refugees from SA.

South Africa post-Apartheid was billed as a progressive welcoming country when black South Africans took the reins of government, so there is no reason the US should have to take one single refugee from this supposed African dream country!

Here is one page from the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center database showing the number of ‘refugees’ we took into America from hundreds of countries around the world. These are called “Processing Countries.”  Those arriving from these locations are not nationals of the country, they are just being processed in from that location.

(There is another page. I screen shot only this one.)


See my complete South Africa archive.  The black-on-black xenophobia has been going on for at least a decade.

And, see that our old pals at Church World Service are the primary UN/US State Department vehicle for Africans being placed in the US.

Germany Welcomes New Shipment of Somalis as Transformation of Europe Continues

Invasion of Europe news….

This is just a quickie follow-up to a post I wrote here on Tuesday in which I reported that European Union countries are behind in their commitment to the United Nations to take in 50,000 UN-chosen refugees over a two year period.

Oh Joy! More Somalis for dear Deutschland!

That 50,000 is divided among most EU countries and it is over a two year period, and they are behind in their promise.

Therefore, they have no room to criticize the US which admitted 30,000 in the last year.

Germany has done a lousy job with it commitment so I guess it is making up for lost time.

By the way, the European Leftists have a nutty idea that fewer migrants will illegally cross the Mediterranean if there is a legal pathway to Europe.

Mark my words, some will take the legal route, but it won’t diminish the flow of boat people one bit!

From Africa News:

First International Organization for Migration (IOM) International Charter Flight from Ethiopia Brings 154 Refugees to New Homes in Germany

(Just so you know the IOM had previously been a separate organization, but is now part of the UN. The US sends the IOM gobs of money!)

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Ethiopia organized on Tuesday its first international charter flight carrying 154 Somali refugees to be resettled in Germany.

If you see someone with a bag like this at an airport near you, you know they are refugees.

The group had been residing in Jijiga and Dolo Ado refugee camps in southern Ethiopia. They included 63 males and 91 females, 47 of whom are minors.

IOM has supported the German Resettlement Programme in their efforts to resettle 500 refugees living in Ethiopia to Germany since March. These efforts are closely coordinated with the Ethiopian Government’s Agency for Refugees and Returnee Affairs (ARRA), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Federal Government of Germany.

An additional 220 refugees will depart for Germany on a second IOM-chartered flight in mid-November. The majority of these people have already undergone the necessary interviews and health assessments.

“It is important that we facilitate the smooth resettlement of refugees by providing safe transportation,” said Milun Jovanovic, Operations Officer with IOM Ethiopia. “We are happy that refugees enjoyed this facilitated charter flight from departure to destination, with no hassles faced.”

For the past 15 year, IOM Ethiopia has been involved in relocating refugees to more than 16 countries, including the USA, Canada, Australia, Norway and the European Union through resettlement, family reunification and humanitarian admission programmes. Since 2016, the Organization has arranged 36 domestic charter flights for refugees travelling to Addis Ababa from camps throughout Ethiopia.

In 2019 alone, IOM has assisted 4,000 refugees to resettle to new countries together with UNHCR.

More here.

See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive which extends back at least ten years by clicking here.