I missed this story about ten days ago, but thanks to reader Joanne for sending it.
It is from Bloomberg, and isn’t a surprise to me. Japan takes virtually no refugees because they see what is happening in Europe and the US, and because they want to maintain their own culture.
So, no surprise that this Asian country doesn’t want to roll out the ‘welcome’ mat either.
They aren’t refugees, they are able-bodied men say locals on tourist-friendly Jeju Island.
‘Fake Refugees Get Out’: How South Koreans Are Channeling Trump
I should have posted this yesterday, but it doesn’t matter if the news is a bit old. The major point I want to make with this post is this (something that no one seems to want to get the answer to):
So where are these impoverished people from all over Africa and the Middle East (Central America too!) getting gobs of cash to pay traffickers?
Where are the investigators trying to find that answer because that answer, whatever it is, could potentially bring down the whole scam.
I have some ideas, and you probably do as well, but why doesn’t anyone (who could actually do something about it) ever seem to want the answer.
Or, do they know, and they don’t want us to know!
Africans piled up in Libya waiting for the next boat out.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban traveled to Germany this week for a pow-wow with Angela (Mama) Merkel over, what else, migrants.
Hey, Mr. President, you have had Merkel to the White House, it is now time to invite Orban. Ask him how well his border fence is working and watch media heads explode!
Here (below) is just one of many accounts of what happened.
“Under her continued leadership, Germany will be largely immobilized at home and in Europe.”
(Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff, director of the Berlin office of the German Marshall Fund)
To save herself (HER government) she agreed to border controls for Germany.
Details are “sketchy,” but she agreed to the creation of transit centers at Germany’s borders to detain incoming migrants.
The migrants will be sorted and those who applied for asylum elsewhere in Europe will be returned to that country. The others??? Will they be deported immediately? Or, is Germany in for many years of housing migrants in camps?
Will the migrants love her now?
This New York Times story on what happened yesterday isn’t bad considering the source and makes the point near the end that Donald Trump is also putting pressure on Germany to pay-up for their NATO defense protection, or else. The ‘or else’ could be the removal of more of our military from the German state where we have tens of thousands of American servicemen stationed.
When President Trump goes to the NATO summit in a week, he will be meeting a very much weakened German chancellor.
Agreeing to any sort of border controls is a BFD! One of the founding principles in the creation of the European Union was the idea of free movement of people between its participating countries and Angela Merkel was a leading proponent of that policy.
From the New York Times:
Merkel, to Survive, Agrees to Border Camps for Migrants
BERLIN — Chancellor Angela Merkel, who staked her legacy on welcoming hundreds of thousands of migrants into Germany, agreed on Monday to build border camps for asylum seekers and to tighten the border with Austria in a political deal to save her government.
It was a spectacular turnabout for a leader who has been seen as the standard-bearer of the liberal European order but who has come under intense pressure at home from the far right and from conservatives in her governing coalition over her migration policy.
Although the move to appease the conservatives exposed her growing political weakness, Ms. Merkel will limp on as chancellor. For how long is unclear. The nationalism and anti-migrant sentiment that has challenged multilateralism elsewhere in Europe is taking root — fast — in mainstream German politics.
Ms. Merkel agreed to the latest policy after an insurrection over migration policy led by her interior minister, Horst Seehofer, threatened to bring down her coalition.
Mr. Seehofer demanded that Germany block migrants at the border if they have no papers, or have already registered in another European country.
Ms. Merkel, who supports free movement across Europe’s borders, has been opposed to any moves effectively resurrecting border controls until Monday night, when she made the deal to stay in power.
It would establish camps, called “transit centers,” at points along the border. Newly arriving migrants would be screened in the centers, and any determined to have already applied for asylum elsewhere in the European Union would be turned back.
Turning them back to the countries where they first arrived is going to cause even more tension between Germany and its neighbors.But, not mentioned here is what about all those who have no legitimate right to asylum, are they going to ship them right back to Africa or the Middle East?
Merkel in the breach—holding back the rise of the right! The New York Times story briefly refers to the rape and murder of Maria, a German student, by an Afghan asylum seeker as the beginning of the change in attitude of the German public about Merkel’s welcome to migrants in 2015.
Under Ms. Merkel, Germany has been a bulwark against the rise of the far right in Europe and the increasing turn against migrants. Even as neighboring countries turned away those fleeing war and strife in the Middle East, she has welcomed more than a million since 2015, and lobbied for a collective European solution.
Anti-migrant feelings helped lead to the rise of a far-right political party, the Alternative for Germany, or AfD, which has put Germany’s more mainstream parties under pressure to change.
Ms. Merkel has been unable to stem the changing tide, with cascading implications for politics in Germany and Europe.
Much more here.
President Trump should find her less cocky (than he found her in Canada at the recent G7 meeting) when he gets to the NATO summit next week in Brussels.
LOL! Maybe they can share notes on detention centers! Will German’s separate the children for instance? Go here for my archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’
Every one of you who tweets or has a facebook page, a website, or an e-mail list must get this news out to everyone before that shameful Time Magazine cover becomes the definition of Trump’s policy at the border. This really steams me! Ultimate FAKE News!
First, the little crying girl was NOT separated from her mother.
The mother paid a smuggler $6,000 to get her to Texas. Where did she get that kind of money?
The mother left behind a husband (who has a good job and wants her back!) and three other YOUNG children.
The mother left Honduras without saying goodbye or informing her husband that she was taking the baby on a dangerous journey.
Forget the poster baby!
The mother is a poster child for asylum fraudsters as she has no reason to request political asylum.
Ship them both back to Honduras and send a message far and wide.
The father of the Honduran girl who became the face of the family separation crisis has revealed that he still has not been in touch with his wife or daughter but was happy to learn they are safe.
Husband: I asked her, why? Why would she want to put our little girl through that?
Denis Javier Varela Hernandez, 32, said that he had not heard from his wife Sandra, 32, who was with his two-year-old daughter Yanela Denise, for nearly three weeks until he saw the image of them being apprehended in Texas.
In an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com, Hernandez, who lives in Puerto Cortes, Honduras, says that he was told yesterday that his wife and child are being detained at a family residential center in Texas but are together and are doing ‘fine.’
He revealed that his wife had previously mentioned her wish to go to the United States for a ‘better future’ but did not tell him nor any of their family members that she was planning to make the trek.
‘I didn’t support it. I asked her, why? Why would she want to put our little girl through that? But it was her decision at the end of the day.’
He said that Sandra had always wanted to experience ‘the American dream’ and hoped to find a good job in the States.
Denis, who works as a captain at a port on the coast of Puerto Cortes, explained that things back home were fine but not great, and that his wife was seeking political asylum.
Asylum from what? So much for the children, this woman left behind two other young daughters and a son. Send her back!
He said that Sandra set out on the 1,800-mile journey with the baby girl on June 3, at 6am, and he has not heard from her since.
‘I never got the chance to say goodbye to my daughter and now all I can do is wait’, he said, adding that he hopes they are either granted political asylum or are sent back home.
Denis said that he believes the journey across the border is only worth it to some degree, and admits that it’s not something he would ever consider.
He said he heard from friends that his wife paid $6,000 for a coyote – a term for someone who smuggles people across the border.
I wouldn’t risk my life for it. It’s hard to find a good job here and that’s why many people choose to leave. But I thank God that I have a good job here. And I would never risk my life making that journey.’
More hereand more photos at the Daily Mail. The photos reveal that this woman is in no way in danger of anything!