Serbia gearing up for massive new wave of migrants escaping ISIS

Invasion of Europe news….
There have been several stories lately suggesting that the Obama Administration perhaps purposefully allowed ISIS to grow and metastasize in Syria and into Iraq.  We talk about the desire by anyone concerned about ISIS to want to stop their brutality. Worse, in the long run though, is the need to stop them from destroying Europe, which they are doing not by acts of terror, but by sending millions of needy people fleeing westward.  I guess what I am saying is maybe Obama is quietly cheering the invasion of Europe.
Here is some news from Serbia as it braces for the next onslaught. Most won’t stay in Serbia but will move westward to France and Germany and other more prosperous countries of the EU.

Serbia can expect another wave of refugees at the beginning of autumn—one which will be much larger than the current 1,000 Syrian refugees who enter every day, writes the Serbian daily “Blic,” citing information obtained from Serbian security services.

The second wave is expected to bring the poorest residents of Arab countries where the war with ISIS (ISIL/Islamic State) rages.

According to estimations of Serbian officials about three million new immigrants are on the Turkish border waiting to enter the EU through Greece, Macedonia and Serbia.

“The new wave of immigrants could pose the most risk to the safety and public health of Serbian residents. These immigrants who will arrive in Serbia come from the lowest social structures of their countries. That is why measures for greater control of their movement are being already planned,” says the latest information of Serbian security services that monitor the movement of asylum seekers, writes the daily.

Learn more about the Invasion of Europe by clicking here.   Remember that former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi predicted Europe would be conquered not with guns and swords but by a flood of mostly Muslim humanity.

Pope calls rejection of migrants "an act of war"

Invasion of Europe news….

Pope Francis has been chastising Europe for years now for not welcoming the hordes of migrants arriving on European shores and across its eastern borders.  There is nothing new here.   Apparently he must have gone to Lampedusa again.
I wonder how many migrants have been ‘welcomed’ to live at Vatican City? Does anyone know? Has anyone asked?

Meanwhile, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond is quoted as saying: “marauding” migrants threatened the British “standard of living,” which brought howls of criticism from members of the ‘human rights industrial complex.’

From the UK Independent:

Speaking to a youth group, he said the situation where desperate migrants were bounced from country to country seeking shelter was “an unresolved conflict… and this is war, this is violence, it’s called murder”.

In his speech on the island of Lampedusa in southern Italy the Pope called on European powers to do more to help the migrants that have been arriving on the island, according to the Gazzetta del Sud.Pope Francis has called the rejection of migrants fleeing violence “an act of war”.

Speaking to a youth group, he said the situation where desperate migrants were bounced from country to country seeking shelter was “an unresolved conflict… and this is war, this is violence, it’s called murder”.

In his speech on the island of Lampedusa in southern Italy the Pope called on European powers to do more to help the migrants that have been arriving on the island, according to the Gazzetta del Sud.

No surprise, the Independent goes on to criticize David Cameron quoting the Mayor of Calais calling Cameron a racist and then says this (below).  Frankly, at the moment the UK is holding firm and trying to save itself from the invasion that is washing across southern Europe and into Germany and most of the rest of Europe.

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond caused further controversy on Sunday when he told the BBC he believed “marauding” migrants threatened the British “standard of living”. Amnesty International condemned the remarks saying they were “mean spirited” and “shameful”.

For more in the ‘Invasion of Europe’ at RRW, go here.

Czech border town furious over planned placement of refugees at its German border

Invasion of Europe news…..

There is so much invasion news from Europe I hardly know what to post. Today I’ve chosen this story about protests in a small Czech Republic town as the German government is placing 80 refugees in an old customs building just inside the German border.

Photo is from a rally in June in the city of Brno. The Czechs do not want Middle Eastern and African refugees resettled there.

From Prague Post:

Dubi, North Bohemia, Aug 8 (ČTK) — Several hundred people from the Czech Republic and Germany protested against the arrival of refugees at the former customs building on the Czech-German border crossing Cinovec-Zinnwald today, Mayor Petr Pipal has told journalists.

The refugees are to be provided accommodation there at the end of September and beginning of October, Pipal said.

Pipal said as this was a decision of German authorities he could not influence it in any way.

“We do not have any influence on this,” Pipal said.

The Saxon town of Altenberg wants to accommodate the refugees in the former customs building. The capacity of the facility will be 110 places, while some 80 refugees from Syria, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan are to be placed there.

“These will be the people who have come through detention centers, passed medical check-ups and have the relevant documents,” Pipal said.

Pipal said he would like to ease the tension, planning a meeting with the police and residents of Cinovec.

The locals are afraid of the arrival of the refugees, resenting the fact that they cannot influence it.

We are told the refugees will be allowed to leave the center for “walks” during the day, but will not supposedly be allowed to cross the border into the Czech Republic.
See all of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news archived here.  Since American mainstream media is not saying much about the migration crisis in Europe, it is our job to keep you informed.

Greece in chaos as 50,000 refugees arrive in the country in July alone

Invasion of Europe news…..

What do you think? Could there be some planning in this invasion?

From Malta Today:

The Greek islands of Kos, Chios and Lesbos are in “total chaos” due to a heavy influx of refugees, the UN’s refugee agency UNHCR have warned.

The organisation said that around 50,000 migrants arrived in Greece in July alone, more arrivals than in the whole of 2014. The majority of them are refugees fleeing the wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

UNHCR European Director, Vincent Cochetel said that refugee facilities on the Greek islands are “totally inadequate” and called on the EU to do more to ease Greece off its burden.

“On most of the islands there is no reception capacity, people are not sleeping under any form of roof, so it’s total chaos on the islands,” he said. “After a couple of days they are transferred to Athens, there is nothing waiting for them in Athens.”

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras admitted that his country was unable to cope and that Greece’s economic problems meant it was facing a humanitarian “crisis within a crisis”.

Meanwhile in the US, the border flood is apparently underway again as July numbers reveal, here.
Go here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

Europe's refugees: Here come the infectious diseases

Invasion of Europe News….

This latest disease is not one that immediately comes to mind like TB and HIV/AIDS that we usually hear about.  BTW, American readers should know that even our “screened” refugees are permitted entry into the US with TB and HIV.


From Outbreak News Today (never heard of it, but maybe it is time to follow this news site!).  Story titled:  ‘Europe reporting imported cutaneous diphtheria in refugees’

People are fleeing certain African and Middle Eastern countries in large numbers and many are headed to the countries of Europe. In fact, one report notes that about 5,000 people flee Eritrea each month, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the UN refugee agency.

One of the things that can come from refugees and asylum seekers are infectious diseases contracted in their home country.

Europe is currently reporting cases of cutaneous diphtheria in asylum seekers to several countries to include Denmark, Sweden and Germany. To date, nine cases have been reported by the three nations.

The disease is contagious and can be deadly.  More problems and expense for Europe’s socialized medical system.
Go here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.  And, for new readers, you should know that we have a ‘health issues’ category, here (with 278 previous posts on health problems of refugees).