Update! A reader tells me I fell for fake news!!! See here! Sorry! Problem still for Trudeau now that this is out there circulating forever … I’ll delete the post shortly, just wanted readers to see how stupid I was!
Syrian refugees are an important part of the plan!
What a find by Robert Spencer atJihad Watch(hat tip: Chris): You can learn more shocking information about Imam Mazin Abdul-Adhim’s caliphate ideas (sounds like he would like to be the Caliph himself!) here: http://en.cijnews.com/?p=30769
This Toronto Sun story dates from January, and the video from November; we don’t usually post archival material, but this is important enough to make an exception. Mazin Abdul-Adhim says: “The problem is that we don’t understand our own system — the Khilafa (caliphate). And therefore, how do we support the people of Syria? We must send money and help the refugees that are coming here in every way that we can.” The Toronto Sun reports: “Helping Syrian refugees coming to Canada and building an Islamic caliphate are part of the same cause, according to a pro-Shariah speaker at an Islamic conference in Hamilton.”
How can they possibly be part of the same cause? How does helping the refugees who are coming to Canada aid the cause of the caliphate? The obvious answer is that they’re coming as emigrants in the way of Allah, to whom Allah promises a reward for Islamizing a new land (see, for example, Qur’an 4:100). Abdul-Adhim, speaking in Hamilton, Ontario, says: “We’ve been sitting and not really doing very much for the application of Islam in society … We’re required to call for something — the full implementation of Islam — we’re not allowed to call for anything else or compromise in any other way.” The refugee increases Muslims’ political and societal clout and strengthens these calls for “the full implementation of Islam.”
Continue reading at Jihad Watchand watch the video! Go hereto see our archive on Syrian refugees going to Canada thanks to the boy (Trudeau) and his silly campaign pledge. He is playing right into their hands and you can bet that behind closed doors Abdul-Adhim is having a good laugh!
According to CBC Canada, almost 27,000 Syrians have arrived in Canada since November and already (in 6 months) their private sponsors are falling down on the job and even government-funded refugees are scurrying to local food banks because they have no jobs and no money. In photo op, Canada’s boy wonder, Justin Trudeau, greets Syrians at the airport. But, has he invited any home for dinner or planned how to feed them all so they aren’t running to the media with tales of woe? Photo and sickening propaganda video: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2015/12/11/syrian-refugees-arriving-at-pearson-tonight-but-well-wishers-asked-to-stay-home.html CBC Canada(begins by describing the plight of one hungry family dependent on food banks for indigent Canadians), then this:
“When we come here, we didn’t expect we get any kind of help, and, unfortunately, that was the ugly truth,” she said. “So, we are alone, and we struggle still.”
Demand is growing for food banks and the organizations that supply them.
From February to March, Daily Bread, which supplies its own food bank and 200 other food programs in Toronto, including the Scott Mission, saw a 20 per cent jump in the number of clients using its services.
It was the largest increase in recent memory, said head of research Richard Matern, and most of it was because of the influx of Syrian refugees.
“We are being overwhelmed at the moment,” he said.
Across the country in the Vancouver suburb of Surrey, more than 700 government-sponsored refugees have used the local food bank since February. [of the 1,500 resettled there—ed]
Canada has a bifurcated system. Some refugees are government-funded (like in the US) and some are privately sponsored. Clearly they didn’t screen the private sponsors very well! But, as reported above, even the government-sponsored refugees are devouring the supplies at local and regional food banks.
Under federal guidelines, private sponsors are legally required to cover the cost of food, rent and other living expenses for up to a year, a minimum of roughly $27,000 for a family of four, according to government estimates.
But in Asoyan’s case, her family’s sponsor, Sarkis Shaninian, is unemployed.
He had a job when he signed up to sponsor the family but has been without work for three months.
“Money, I don’t have money to help them, no,” he said in an interview with CBC News.
At last count, 26,921 Syrian refugees had arrived in Canada since last November, and thousands more whose applications are still being processed are expected to arrive by the end of this year.
Can Canadians impeach prime ministers (just wondering)?
See our complete Canada category (177 posts), here.
He is the Archbishop of Aleppo, Syria and in this interview with Catholic News Service he is highly critical of Canada’s mass importation of Syrians. (By the way, we have never seen a breakdown of the percentage of Muslim v. Christian Syrians Canada is admitting.) I’m guessing he would be even more appalled if he knew how the US Conference of Catholic Bishops takes millions of tax dollars every year and is now busy scattering Syrians to the four winds and into every corner of America.
Here is what he says about the cradle of Christianity potentially being devoid of Christians.
I wonder does this give any good Catholics pause about what is being done in their name when thousands upon thousands of Syrians are scattered for permanent resettlement?
MONTREAL (CNS) — Seated in a quiet room, the MelkiteCatholic archbishop of Aleppo, Syria, spoke slowly, in an almost muffled voice.
He goes on to describe a horrible bombing of the city. Then this….
The city is 8,000 years old. It gave civilization to the world,” said Archbishop Jeanbart, giving details about what Aleppo brought to history, culture, science and economics. Located in northern Syria, until recently Aleppo was a driving force for the country’s economy, providing work to 1.2 million workers and hosting 150,000 university students.
“More than half of the city’s population left over the last four or five years,” added the archbishop who has served there since 1995.
Ever since the war started, Archbishop Jeanbart has said that his wish is to see the population — and especially the Christians — stay in Syria. When asked what he thinks about Canada welcoming 25,000 Syrian refugees in the past few months, he was not impressed.
“We’re not happy when we see the Canadian government moving refugees and facilitating their integration. It hurts us. A lot,” he said.
….he would rather see the Canadian government making more efforts to allow the Syrian population to stay in Syria.
We will reconstruct our country. We want to build and stay,” he said, pounding the arm of his chair. “We want it to be our country and stay in this country where Christianity was born, and give a testimony of Christ’s love and charity, and of the possibility to live together, as men believing in God and respectful of one another.”
Continue reading here. Go here to see our complete Canada archive with recent posts about ‘Boy’ Trudeau’s impulsive, supposedly humanitarian, airlift of over 25,000 Syrians in only a few months.
And, I wonder if the Pope ever listens to others of his faith who clearly must disagree with what he (the Pope) is advocating.
A month ago I created a new category which I subsequently didn’t use (laugh of the day) because everything has just been too darn deadly serious. But, here is a laugh for you….
[My apologies to our many Canadian readers because I have a whole pile of news on Canada I haven’t gotten to. Problems are starting to arise (no surprise!) because of Boy Trudeau’s hasty resettlement of thousands upon thousands of Syrians.]
Rival coach on Jonathan Nicola high school bball wonder: look at that face, is that the face of a 17-year-old?
Here is the story, a request for a US visa confirmed what other coaches were saying about the ‘star’ player (hat tip: Joanne):
Canadian authorities said Wednesday that a budding high school basketball star is actually a 29-year-old refugee*** from South Sudan.
The Canadian Border Services Agency said that Jonathan Nicola was arrested earlier this week for contravening the country’s Immigration Refugee Protection Act.
The agency said Nicola “misrepresented material facts” on his application for a study permit to Canada, submitting an application with a date of birth of Nov. 25, 1998 — which would make him 17. The agency says when Nicola recently applied for a U.S. visitor visa, a fingerprint match determined he was an individual who had made a previous application to the U.S. using a date of birth of Nov. 1, 1986 — making him 29.
The Windsor Star reported that Nicola was remanded into custody after a hearing before the country’s Immigration and Refugee Board Tuesday. Another hearing is scheduled for next week. Nicola faces deportation if convicted.
Nicola was attending Catholic Central High School in Windsor and played on the basketball team, even living with head coach Pete Cusumano. In January, Cusumano told the Windsor Star that he thought Nicola had a chance to play in the NBA.
***Fox Newsis using the word ‘refugee’ loosely because Nicola appears to be getting around (the world) with a student visa not as a refugee. But, in fact it is just such visas that the UN and the Obama Administration are looking to in order to increase rapidly the number of Syrians coming to the US, see here. Update: Forgot to tell you where the photo came from: