Canada: Privately sponsored Syrian refugees do better than government-supported refugees

Editor: If you saw my weekly roundup on Sunday, here, you know I’ve been off at jury duty this week. It lasts for a month so if you read RRW daily, there will be some days I miss (and probably some great stories too!).
Besides the disparity in their financial status at the end of a year or two, I’m guessing the privately supported Syrians integrated better into the country as well.

For the latest on Canada and the mess they have on their hands (because they brought too many Syrians too fast), go here.

This map of Canada is from December 2015 and shows where private sponsors for Syrians are located. What I wonder about is this: what if the private sponsor quits or otherwise falls short, does the government step in?

Someone working on a documentary contacted me a few days ago asking me to point him to a family that is being privately sponsored in the US.  I don’t know of any because that isn’t something the US does often.  However, we have told you before that a group of Libertarians and Open Borders activists and resettlement contractors have been talking about getting a private sponsorship system going here too (there was one previously).
I would consider private sponsorships if we drop the entire VOLAG contractor system and go fully private.
Unfortunately, see here, what the US Open Borders people want is a system like Canada where there are both types of resettlement—privately sponsored and government-supported.  I see it as a way for them to increase the numbers entering the US. Perhaps they know that as taxpayers begin to wake up to the reality of what they are paying for in the present US VOLAG system and want it abolished, they are searching for other avenues to keep the flood of refugees coming.
Here is what the Taipei Times is reporting about Canada:

New refugees to Canada are more successful breaking into the job market when sponsored by private community groups rather than by the government, a finding that takes on added importance as the nation welcomes tens of thousands of Syrian migrants.

Refugees sponsored for a year by a community organization such as a church or a group of private individuals earned C$18,300 (US$13,934) in the 2014 tax year compared with C$13,300 for those who had government support, based on the median estimate of arrivals over the prior five years, according to Statistics Canada data.


The US has considered adopting Canada’s private sponsorship model, while supporting refugees through federally contracted resettlement agencies that help the newly arrived integrate in the local economy with an early financial boost and other assistance.

So, this is my question:  If refugees that are privately sponsored do better than government-supported refugees, then why have any government-supported refugees?

I know why the Open Borders Left will scream bloody murder if Congress were to consider a system where all refugees entering the US would have to have private sponsors!  Do you?

Honeymoon over in Canada for many of Trudeau's 35,000! Syrian refugees who can't find work

A youthful Justin Trudeau featured in this blog as a young-up-and-coming leader of Canada. I thought this photo was appropriate to highlight this news.

This time last year Canada began ‘welcoming’ thousands of Syrian refugees who were flying in by the planeload as the young new Prime Minister had promised when he was elected weeks before.  As a result, Justin Trudeau became the darling of the world’s humanitarians who were clamoring for America to do the same!
Now, one year on, my alerts today are filled with stories like these—panic sets in as one year of government support ends and Syrians can’t find jobs to support their families!
From The Star:

Bedrettin Al Muhamad and his wife, Mariam [featured family—ed] have been taking English classes and making every effort to immerse themselves in Canadian culture since arriving here from Turkey in February.


But the honeymoon will soon be over, as the Mississauga couple ponders quitting their English classes and starting to look for jobs to support their five children, Hanan, 13; Hasan, 11; Azzam, 9; Mohammad, 8; and Rahaf, 6.

“We are scared we are not going to find jobs. It’s a cause of stress. How are we going to pay for our ($1,735) rent when money stops coming in?” asked Al Muhamad, 37, whose family’s monthly government refugee resettlement assistance ends on Feb. 12.


For many of the 35,000 Syrians who have arrived in the country — 15,000 in Ontario — since Canada started bringing in planeloads of newcomers last Dec. 9, what is commonly known in the refugee resettlement circle as “Month 13” is looming.

After a year of being warmly welcomed into local communities across the country, the 12-month financial commitment to these refugees by Ottawa and private sponsorship groups will start to come to an end.

Trudeau in December 2015: I come bearing coats (no jobs) but we have coats for this year at least!

And, here is another story (with another featured family) from The Guardian:

Canada had previously granted asylum to a small number of Syrian refugees. But one year ago this week, 163 Syrian refugees were greeted at the airport by Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, in scenes that contrasted sharply with the hostile rhetoric emanating from some US politicians, including then Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Thousands more refugees would arrive in Canada the following months, supported either by the federal government or by private citizens who committed to covering their expenses for their first year in Canada.


But the one-year mark means an end to the monthly living allowance from the government that has, along with food banks and donations, sustained their new lives. From February onwards, the family must either support themselves – a seemingly monumental task considering the parents’ search for jobs have so far been fruitless – or enroll in the province’s social assistance program, in which they would likely receive less of an allowance than what they’re currently receiving.

“All the Syrians say the same thing, we’re worried about what happens after one year. We don’t know. With no stipend, how are we going to live?” Alsakni said through a translator. “It’s like we’re blindfolded. We don’t know what is coming.  [This is the mother in the family speaking, she is the only adult in the family to begin to learn English, but she still needs a translator!—ed]

There are many more stories like this in my alerts today.

It is a good thing we have Germany and Canada as models for what NOT to do about Syrian refugees!

For our complete Canada category, go here.

News round-up for Monday, October 31, 2016

shutterstock_136997168Because there is way too much happening, here is another News Round-up of stories that interested me, but for which I have no time to post!
(Don’t confuse this round-up with my usual ‘Top posts of the week’ which I skipped this past week. Will do an October round-up tomorrow for hot news at RRW over the last month).
Listed here in no particular order:
Seventeen migrant men attack two women in Freiburg, Germany
Migrants moved from “The Jungle” at Calais, France to Alpine resort, want out of there ASAP
Canada admitted tens of thousands of Syrians, now all the relatives want in too!
Australia bars any rejected (boat people) asylum seekers from ever entering Australia again
Taqiyya at St. Ann Catholic Church in Arlington and more here: No questions allowed! (featuring one of our all-time favorites—Anastasia Brown)
Keep an eye on new pro-Palestinian Socialist UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres
Automation and advancements in technology will make jobs scarce for unskilled immigrant labor
Mogadishu, Minnesota: Somali activists upset by coming film about “recruitment” etc. in Minnesota
Federal pre-election coverup of US Southern border invasion.
Hillary’s America is already here—in Michigan!
More later…….

Canada: Diversity is soooo beautiful! Is this website for real?

This is rich!  At a Somali website, a guy named Mohamud is blasting the Chinese in Canada. I thought all this multiculturalism was going to be so wonderful and we would all be “strengthened” by it.

Welcome to British Columbia sign along the Cassiar Highway, British Columbia and Yukon border, Canada.
Welcome to British Columbia sign along the Cassiar Highway, British Columbia and Yukon border, Canada.

Editor’s note: Normally I’m a prude and don’t post profanity, but I am making an exception this time so you can get the full flavor of Mohamud’s comment.
From Somalispot (an online forum) on the topic: 100,000 Chinese millionaire immigrants in Vancouver

They are actual fucking cancer. Like BC is giving away our land to foreigners who have ZERO intentions of staying.

People who will never in a million years apply for citizenship and thus will never be taxed nor add to Canada’s revenue. Just google the water ordeal. Wallahi you’ll cry. Just google Nestlé and BC to see what these asshats are doing.

Ugh. I hate ’em. I hate them so much.

Ironically funny (sort of!).

Changing the subject….

In my travels I heard about Somalis walking across the border from Canada to North Dakota.  This particular batch was apprehended by border patrol, but how many made it through?
For more on Somalis in Canada, go here.

UNHCR: Canada naturalizes more refugees than any country in the world (really?)

More than the US?  That is what The Star (Toronto) is reporting.
I started to wade through the report released by the UNHCR this week for World Refugee Day, but lost patience when I couldn’t quickly find the information on the numbers becoming citizens in their new countries.  I find The Star‘s assertion hard to believe because the US takes in far more refugees each year than does Canada.

obama and trudeau
The boys (Trudeau and Obama) will hold a little pre-summit at the United Nations in September on refugees. Will Trudeau, with his big Syrian resettlement numbers, put Obama to shame? You can bet this is being timed in hopes of whacking Donald Trump. Watch for it! Hillary will be a featured speaker!

But, if true, knock yourself out Canada! You will go down faster than Germany or Sweden!
From The Star:

And the number of those who eventually receive citizenship in their new countries is vanishingly [vanishingly?—ed] small: More refugees became citizens of Canada than any other country last year, with 25,900 granted citizenship, but that represents the vast majority of a relatively tiny number of naturalizations recorded worldwide, the agency reported.

The sobering statistics were contained in the agency’s annual global trends report, released Monday to mark World Refugee Day.


Canada has consistently been among the lead nations in resettling refugees, with the Liberals’ Syrian program helping raise those numbers in 2015.

Approximately 32,000 refugees were granted citizenship worldwide last year, the agency reported. No other nation came close to Canada’s naturalization totals, though there are many gaps in the data as destination countries do not always distinguish when citizenship is granted to a refugee versus a non-refugee.


This fall, Canada will co-chair a special summit on the refugee crisis in New York.

If any of you have more patience than I and find the stats in the report, let me know!