Why are Jewish groups "scampering" to save Muslim refugees?

Good question isn’t it!  It is a question I’ve wondered about for 8 years, ever since I first heard of HIAS and Muslim refugees.

President and CEO of HIAS, Mark Hetfield, pulls down a salary and related income package of about $300,000 a year to save Muslim refugees among others.

But, now that I know more, it is not too complicated to answer—they are doing it because they are politically-correct hard Leftists working to change America, and they are doing it for the money they receive from the US taxpayer to resettle Muslims in America.
I’m speaking specifically here of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), one of the groups mentioned in this editorial in the Jewish Voice entitled: HIAS & ADL Spend Jewish $$ to Bring Muslims to the US?
Regular readers know that HIAS is one of nine major federal resettlement contractors colonizing and changing your towns and cities.
We also learned last December that HIAS has dropped the word “Hebrew” from its name!  Go figure!
From the Jewish Voice (emphasis is mine):

It’s almost too embarrassing to tell the story about the Jewish organization, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) and its new job of resettling Syrian/Muslim refugees into this country. And how many of us have ever heard of the umbrella group of this endeavor, calling itself the Jewish Coalition for Syrian Refugees in Jordan which includes under its umbrella, other such name brand charities as: ADL, the AJC, JCPA, Jewish Federations of North America, to name but just a few?

Before we dig deeper into this lunacy, just how many Jews are there to be resettled from the nations of Syria and Jordan? How many fingers do you have on your left hand? So, without being geniuses, we conclude that the “refugees” being aided and abetted to immigrate to this country are…Muslims.*** And major American Jewish charities are stumbling over themselves to be the rescuers of these Jew haters. And Jew haters they are. We hear no words of love for Jews emanating from any major figure or leader from among the Muslim controlled lands in that area of the world. In addition, we must ask, “How are these people being screened to rule out terrorists being welcomed to this country?” If our southern border security is any indication of our ability to weed out undesirables, we are in big trouble.


So to all of the Jewish groups scampering to save the lives of Jew hating Muslims, please come to your senses and do what such groups back in the 1930’s failed to do. And that is to concentrate on using your good offices, power, clout and Jewish funding to focus on the needs of the Jewish populations that need assistance. And do so before it’s too late!

There is much more, read it all by clicking here.
*** The vast majority of refugees being resettled from Afghanistan, Iraq and now Syria are Muslims.  We have reported on those numbers many times on these pages, but I have no time this morning to find those posts.
Before I get a bunch of anti-Semitic comments, just a reminder that the Catholic Bishops, Lutherans, Episcopalians, some mainline Protestant churches and some Evangelicals are also taking cold, hard cash (your cash!) to resettle Muslims in America too!  I have never heard of one of them saying—we want to save the Christians and Jews FIRST!
Photo: You can check my numbers on HIAS by going to a recent Form990, here.  They received (in rounded numbers) income of $26 million and $16 million of that came from government grants (you).  They have 5 other employees in the 6-figure salary range.

Fox News special features Christian Iraqis entering US illegally across our southern border

Arabo and Obama
Mark Arabo, right with Obama in 2014 story. http://brennerbrief.com/the-truth-about-the-islamic-state-is-bad-enough/

For those of you who have contacted me to see what I know about Mark Arabo, the Iraqi Chaldean man helping Iraqi/Syrian Christians get across our southern border illegally with the help of Mexican coyotes, I don’t have much to say at the moment.
See Fox News special:  ‘Christians Find Refuge from Terror in Jordan.’
We do know that the normal channels for Syrian refugees to enter the US are clogged with mostly Sunni Muslim ‘refugees’ chosen by the UN, but I remain very suspicious of anyone working with Democrats to further more illegal activity at our borders and especially those expanding the use of asylum.
For new readers, once granted asylum, these migrants become legitimate refugees and as such receive all forms of welfare and eventually a green card and citizenship.

Arabo and others like him should be pressuring the Obama State Department to prioritize Christian refugees in the official Refugee Resettlement Program over the thousands and thousands of Iraqi and Syrian Muslims we presently admit, rather than break the law at the US border.

And, I’m too pressed for time to look up the numbers, but we have brought in roughly 30,000 Iraqi Christians since Obama took office in a stream of about 120,000 Iraqis (mostly Muslims) in the normal Refugee Admissions Program.  Did all of Arabo’s illegal border-crossers first try for that program?  Were they somehow rejected?  I would like to know!
We have been watching the ‘invasion of Europe’ for years now as mostly African and Middle Eastern phony asylum seekers break into Europe.  Is it about to happen here in a big way?  Could Islamic extremists simply pretend to be Christians? Is Arabo a NO borders activist with an angle?  We have a lot of questions!
We’ll see what else we can find out….

Christians in Iraq utter desperate plea to the West: Destroy ISIS or open your doors and save us!


Just as the US Conference of Catholic Bishops lobbies Congress and the White House to admit 65,000 Syrian refugees (over 90% will be Muslims) a Catholic cleric in Iraq begs the West to save the Christians from the Muslim invaders.
You can bet I’ll be watching to see if the US Bishops say a word about their fellow Christians.
If any of you see a statement (other than a few words of sympathy) from the Bishops, please let me know.  I have never seen one of the nine contractors say that we must first save the Christians!
Imagine what an earth-shaking event it would be if the federal resettlement contractors refused to resettle Muslims while Christians in Iraq were being persecuted.
From World Net Daily today (emphasis is mine):

A leading Iraqi prelate has called on the U.S. and its allies to double down on their efforts to defeat ISIS militarily, and, if that is not possible, to rescue Iraq’s 120,000 exiled Christians and grant them asylum in the West.


Archbishop Mouche [Syrian Catholic Archbishop Yohanna Mouche] said if the West is unable or unwilling to expand its military options against ISIS, then it should open its doors to Christians and other minorities seeking asylum.

“I am calling on the international community: if they cannot protect us, then they must open their doors and help us start a new life elsewhere,” he said.

But “we would prefer to remain in Iraq and be protected here,” he added.


The United States, which accepts the majority of the world’s refugees and asylum seekers, has taken in 119,210 refugees from Iraq since 2008, but 72,983 or 61 percent of those have been Muslims and only 42,000 or 35 percent have been Christian, according to U.S. State Department data.

As for the other major Middle Eastern source of refugees, Syria, the numbers are even more slanted toward Muslims. Among the nearly 850 Syrian refugees sent to the U.S. for permanent resettlement since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war, 92 percent have been Muslim and less than 6 percent Christian.


Christians pose no security risks, yet they have been left largely to fend for themselves, said Joel Richardson, author and filmmaker who has recently been on missions trips to Iraq.

“There’s no question we need to open our doors to the Christians of Iraq,” he told WND. “There’s been a lot of anecdotal evidence that within Congress and the various departments and channels that oversee U.S. immigration that for some mysterious reason we’re putting up these roadblocks that prevent these Christians from coming to the U.S. when we’re morally obligated to let them in particularly in light of the fact that there is zero security risk and most of their plight can be attributed to the foreign policy blunders of the U.S. State Department under Barack Obama that was led by Hillary Clinton.”


While the Christian refugees of Iraq pose no security risk, the loudest voices in the refugee resettlement industry, such as former U.K. Foreign Minister David Miliband, who now heads the International Rescue Committee, have lobbied in recent months almost exclusively on behalf of the Syrian refugees. Miliband and others have said the U.S. needs to take in at least 65,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2016.

This same demand — for the U.S. to accept 65,000 Syrian refugees — has been made by the Refugee Council USA, the main lobbying arm of the nine agencies that do the resettlement work under contract for the U.S. government.

There is much more in this exclusive report, continue reading here.

Muslim ‘refugees’ throw Christians overboard in Mediterranean crossing

Just yesterday we told you about the latest wave of European invaders from North Africa launching from the coast of the failed state of Libya (Thanks Hillary!).

Our correspondent on Malta had previously reported that the Italian press says many destitute Africans and Middle Easterners were being herded onto boats (presumably by Islamic terror groups) instead of paying their way through human traffickers.

Rescued migrants arrive in Palermo harbor in Italy. http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/aid-agency-41-migrants-feared-dead-sea-tragedy-30361985

Thanks to all who sent it!  This story might give us more evidence that such a scenario is happening—were murdering Islamists placed on boats with Christians on purpose?

So much for a free ride to Europe.

From USA Today (thanks to all who sent it):

Italian police arrested 15 Muslim migrants who survivors said tossed 12 Christians from a boat during a recent Mediterranean crossing attempt. In a separate incident, 41 migrants were feared drowned as the situation in the region intensifies.

The Muslim migrants involved in the clash with Christians were arrested in the Sicilian city of Palmero and charged with “multiple aggravated murder motivated by religious hate,” police said in a statement Thursday, according to the BBC. The victims were from Nigeria and Ghana. The suspects were from Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal.

Police learned of the incident through interviews with survivors, who said they boarded a rubber boat Tuesday off the Libyan coast with 105 passengers aboard, the Associated Press reported. The surviving Christians were able to remain onboard only by forming a “human chain” to resist the assault, police said.

While the UNHCR and the ‘humanitarian industrial complex’ generally say, to save lives, Europe should fling open its gates to any one who wants entry…..

There is only one way to save Europe.  The Italian Navy among others must form a blockade on the North African coast and turn back all of the migrant boats.  That would save lives (and save Europe).

Reminder!  We are taking some of these very same migrants as ‘refugees’ to America as we pick up Malta’s over flow!  Where is Congress on that?

For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.

In refugee-saturated North Carolina, Burmese refugee kills Burmese children in his neighborhood

Update March 19th:  See refugee agency “disturbed” and quick to say refugees have criminal background checks before arriving in the US.  So what about mental illness screening?  The victims had only been in the US for just a little over 4 months.

He was described as crazy and people feared him.

So the next time a resettlement contractor tells you that refugees are screened before entering the US, remember that mental illness is obviously not a bar to admission.

The accused murderer, 18 year old Eh Lar Doh Htoo is believed to be Karen (Christian).

Although this creep doesn’t appear to be a Muslim as was the Burmese child murderer in Utah, Esar Met, he should never have been allowed into the US.  His mental problems were likely apparent to his interviewers as were Met’s.

From the Charlotte Observer (hat tip: Cathy):


A Burmese immigrant accused of stabbing three young brothers to death had scared a different neighborhood family by knocking on their door several times in the middle of the night.

“He’s crazy,” neighbor Ner Wah said Wednesday. “I told my wife: ‘Be careful. Don’t answer the door.'”

The suspect, identified as 18-year-old Eh Lar Doh Htoo, attacked a Burmese family in their home Tuesday night with a knife, killing the brothers — ages 1, 5 and 12, police said. When officers arrived, he was still holding the knife, New Bern Police Chief Toussaint Summers Jr. told The Associated Press.

Htoo also wounded the brothers’ mother and their 14-year-old sister. Police said they don’t know a motive for the attack and a language barrier hampered their investigation.   [Expensive interpreters will be called in and you, the taxpayer, pay for that service—ed]


New Bern is a coastal town and home to about 1,900 Burmese refugees, who resettled in the area after fleeing persecution from the country once called Burma.


Susan Husson, executive director of the Interfaith Refugee Ministry in New Bern, said the victims’ family and the suspect’s family likely came through her office before settling in New Bern, but she didn’t know them personally.

20,581 refugees were resettled in North Carolina since January 2005. 7,432 of them were Burmese.

Interfaith Refugee Ministry

On this last point (above) two comments:  First, interesting that they must resettle so many refugees in New Bern that the director doesn’t even know the people she has brought to the city.  And, then reader Cathy pointed out that maybe people are catching on and someone directed this reporter to the agency responsible for bringing them to New Bern— Interfaith Refugee Ministry.  It used to be very rare for reporters to figure out there was an agency involved when refugees ‘find their way’ to this town or that town.

Checking a recent Form 990 for Interfaith Refugee Ministry, we learned that they took in $1,138,222 one recent year and $1,054,809 came to them from you—via government grants.  They are 93% funded by taxpayer dollars, therefore they are an arm of the federal government, not a charitable ‘church’ group!

How many Burmese Muslims are entering the US?

Again, the accused killer is being described as belonging to the Karen ethnic group which are Christians.

However, I was recently shocked doing some numbers research to learn that the US admitted 1,439 Burmese Muslims to the US in 2014 alone.

North Carolina is not in the Top Ten resettlement states, but falls just short of making the list, here, at number twelve.