Open Borders Agitators Worry that COVID-19 is Bringing Back the Nation-State…

….as migrants, refugees and asylum seekers will be blocked from admission because of fear that they are “diseased.”

This line from near the end of an article published in The Nation yesterday sums up the fear of the international Open Borders movement:

The existential threat of Covid-19 has prompted a swift retreat to the nation-state, at the cost of international human rights, as countries rush to fly their own citizens home while keeping others out.

I’ve snipped some highlights from the article, but it is very well worth your time to read it all!

Could Covid-19 Mean the End of Asylum Law in the United States?

As this type of hand-wringing story is wont to do, it begins with a paragraph about the travails of those stalwart souls who walk for months to our southern border expecting to be let in (so they can disappear into their ethnic enclaves and hide for years).  LOL!  No it doesn’t say that last part.

(Emphasis below is mine)

For almost all of the people who made this kind of journey but were unlucky enough to complete it in the past two months, their time in this country has lasted less than a few hours before they were summarily—and illegally—deported back into Mexico.

Since March 21, the Trump administration has sent over 20,000 people back across the border, thousands of whom would have otherwise sought refugee protection. In that same time, only two people were allowed to stay to seek asylum.

One of the earliest victims of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States was the country’s refugee system. On March 20, the Trump administration announced a sweeping and unprecedented order: Instead of processing new arrivals for asylum, the Border Patrol was encouraged to deport them as rapidly as possible. The United Nations said the decision was illegal under international law; advocacy groups and elected officials called the new policy a travesty. The administration defended the move, claiming it was only a temporary, 30-day measure to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. But the rapid expulsion policy remains in place, almost two months later. It has not yet been challenged in court.

While the administration has justified the end of asylum on the border as a necessary public health measure, it’s not hard to see the ways in which the pandemic is merely the pretext for the order, not the motivation.

“From its earliest days, one of the Trump administration’s chief objectives has been overturning and circumventing US laws that were designed to protect refugees and people seeking protection, as well as unaccompanied children,” says Eleanor Acer, the senior director of refugee protection for Human Rights First. “It’s now using the pandemic as yet another weapon to try to circumvent US asylum law.”


Why, despite its clear illegality, has the total asylum ban remained in place?

Scholars of immigration say the administration has capitalized on two things: the current crisis, and over 100 years of anti-immigrant propaganda casting immigrants as diseased.

Now, here is an interesting piece of news—the ACLU in “disarray!”  Why? Is it because they are busy defending the civil liberties of rioters, looters and thugs?

The Nation continues….

Organizations that would typically challenge the law, such as the American Civil Liberties Union, are in disarray, as they deal with the shock of multiple emergencies and a pandemic that is impacting their lawyers across the country.

However, even after the intensity of the shutdowns and quarantines wear off, advocates worry that fears of “diseased” outsiders will make Americans—including those who otherwise support the institution of asylum—more willing to give up on refugee law: Foreigners will simply be seen as too dangerous to admit, no matter the circumstances.


“Crisis produces an instinct to close the border and keep people out,” says Charanya Krishnaswarmi, Amnesty International’s advocacy director for the Americas.

But the Covid-19 pandemic might create long-term damage to refugee law in ways other crises have not: Sickness provides a convenient pretext to mask xenophobia. Even in the best of times, immigrants are seen by those seeking to limit immigration as a threat to “our” culture, “our” economic well-being. Now, the risk of a deadly virus means the outsiders can be presented as an existential threat as well.


On April 21, the president announced plans to “temporarily suspend immigration into the United States” in a move Democrats have called “xenophobic scapegoating.” Covid-19 has made tangible the parallels the president himself has drawn between migrants and disease, and given such claims a veneer of legitimacy.

Medicalized migration reinforces this connection between immigrant and threat, while simultaneously buttressing the inequalities between citizens and noncitizens.  [There are, and should be,”inequalities” between citizens and non-citizens.—ed]

What does this mean for the future of refugee law? Human Rights First’s Acer, like other refugee experts we spoke to, suspects that the new, total asylum ban will last long after the coronavirus pandemic ends. “I expect they will fight to make it last as long as this administration, however long that is,” she says.


Acer worries that the Chinese virus will give yet another reason for their most-feared world leader and ultimate boogeyman—Viktor Orban!—to keep Hungary’s borders closed in order to save Hungary for Hungarians.


However, even if asylum is reinstated on the southern border (for instance, under a hypothetical Democratic administration), Acer worries that the pandemic-inspired exclusions policy might have already done significant damage to international refugee protections.

“What I’m worried about now is how countries like Hungary and Turkey will be emboldened to further refuse refugees,” she says. The language of public health creates a convenient narrative for anti-immigrant zealots like Hungarian President Viktor Orbán to obscure racist and Islamaphobic rhetoric with the language of medical necessity.

There is much more (it was hard to decide which were the best bits to snip!).

It is always worth learning how the opposition thinks and what they fear the most which in this case is that they fear the hardening of borders worldwide while using their humanitarian mumbo-jumbo as a cover for their real goal of erasing borders altogether.

See my Viktor Orban (the world leader I would most like to meet) archive here.

We Paid to Welcome Them to America, Now They Join the Mob

I had been wondering if Minneapolis’s large population of African refugees had joined the throngs of rioters and looters. It seems they have.

It is more proof that the citizens of Minnesota’s St. Louis County who just last week protested against refugees for their towns and cities are right—diversity destroys the social fabric of communities.

Feel the rage!  From the refugees?  Or, from American taxpayers who for decades have been paying billions of their hard-earned dollars to bring, dare I say it, a bunch of ingrates who now say we are racists and they fear for their sons?

I suspect you have one answer for them!

From Channel News Asia (yes, an international news site painting white America as the root of all evil):

In Minneapolis, African refugees see American dream in tatters

(Their dream in tatters?  What about our dreams for the country we love?)

MINNEAPOLIS: African refugees living in Minneapolis were already struggling with their “American dream” when George Floyd died in police custody.

Now their dream is in tatters and they have joined their African American “brothers” in the streets to protest racism in their adopted homeland. [Cut the B.S. with the mushy “adopted homeland” lingo. They didn’t come here because they love America!—ed] 


The state of Minnesota, where Minneapolis is located, has the highest percentage of refugees per inhabitant in the whole country, with two percent of the US population but 13 per cent of its refugees, according to the most recent census.

Among them are a large number of people from the Horn of Africa – Ethiopians and Somalis – whose presence in the marches was noticeable because of the colourful robes worn by the women.


Deka Jama, a 24-year-old woman who came to the United States from Somalia in 2007, showed up with friends, all of them veiled, to protest the discrimination that met them in their new homeland.

“We thought that everyone would be equal, that we would not be judged by religion, by colour, by our dresses. That’s not how we were welcomed,” she told AFP.

She feels a close affinity to African Americans, many of them descended from slaves and who have been Americans for generations.

There is “something connects us,” she said. “We are all dehumanised, regardless of our cultural differences. We have to be here for them.”

Minnesota’s Somali community has a source of pride, though, in Ilhan Omar, a 37-year-old born in Mogadishu who was elected to Congress in 2018.


“So many people know a social and economic neglect,” Omar said on Sunday.

According to Minnesota Compass, a website that tracks the state’s demographics, families from Africa are particularly hard hit.

In 2016, Obama was President, he sure didn’t do much for African poverty in America (or was that part of the plan?)!

In 2016, 12 per cent of the population of Minnesota was living under the poverty line, but that number rose to 31 per cent among the Ethiopian community and 55 per cent among Somalis.

Immigrant-owned businesses destroyed too!  And, yet, it is all about racist white America.  Have they no eyes to see or brains to think?

That has meant that for many refugees, an important facet of the American dream — social mobility – has broken down over time.

And the riots that have followed some protests have not helped their plight, since some of the looted businesses were immigrant-owned.

Here is an idea!  If so many live in poverty, then we need to stop importing them. Clearly there isn’t enough work!  Clearly they are ungrateful.

Frankly more angry demanding refugees, like these Minnesota Africans, will be the death knell of America.

By the way…..

Where were all these angry Somalis (and their African-American “brothers”) marching in the streets demanding justice for Justine Damond when one of their people, a Somali police officer, killed an unarmed white woman in ‘Little Mogadishu’ in the summer of 2017?

That police killing didn’t send white mobs into the streets to demand justice by committing violence, and to rob and steal.  Civilized people respect our legal system—the legal system that is the bulwark of a successful and prosperous country.


Minnesota County Backs Out of Vote on Refugee Resettlement, Opposition Out in Force

“It’s not lost on me the refugees people have such a problem with have black and brown skin.”

(Commissioner Beth Olson speaking in support of refugees for Louisa County)


A week ago, before I was called away for a (happy) family duty, I told you that the St. Louis County, Minnesota County Commission was planning to vote on an issue they tabled months ago—the question is should the county in northern Minnesota open its arms to refugees, or not?

Those who do not want the social and economic burden of ‘welcoming’ third worlders to northern Minnesota came out strongly in advance of the vote.

On Wednesday the Grand Forks Herald  gave this report:

Topic of refugees raises citizen voices in St. Louis County

Peacefully demonstrating in northern Minnesota on Tuesday!


VIRGINIA, Minn. — Throughout most of April and May, only one person who wasn’t previously scheduled to do so spoke on record to the St. Louis County Board.

As the board had gone straight to web-based conferencing once COVID-19 emerged, constituents held back, mostly emailing and voicing their opinions privately to commissioners.

But that changed Tuesday as calls poured in to the site of the board’s remote meeting at the Virginia Government Services Center.

An unofficial count of 94 residents spoke or left voicemails that were aired during the daylong meeting.

“I thought we’d have more calls — I expected more,” board chair Mike Jugovich said, still pleased people seized the opportunity.

Demonstrators in Minneapolis on Wednesday!

The callers were fueled by months of anticipation around the topic of refugee resettlement consent.

And while the board voted to file the issue away with county administration, citing a federal court injunction nullifying a President Donald Trump executive order, people were heard.


“I’d like to express my disdain for refugees coming to St. Louis County; they can go elsewhere,” said one Mountain Iron caller.

“It’s a disgrace they’re being shoved down our throat,” another woman said. “Nobody wants them here; put them in Minneapolis.”

Commissioner Beth Olson


Commissioner Beth Olson refuted doubts about vetting, saying refugees were vetted by nine agencies, including the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service.

“It’s not lost on me the refugees people have such a problem with have black and brown skin,” Olson said.

More here.

It is not lost on the citizens of  St. Louis County*** that the Left’s insatiable desire for diversity destroys the social fabric of communities. 

Just look at the photos and videos coming out of Minneapolis in the last couple of days!  Any sane person would not want this coming to their towns and cities.

When Trump is gone…..

One of the most persistent arguments, by those who want more refugee resettlement for a given location use, is that the Trump Executive Order (requiring approval by the local county government for refugee resettlement) is tied up in the courts and besides so few refugees are coming now anyway.

Don’t fall for that argument to dodge the issue.

I can’t express strongly enough how important it is for groups like those who took to the streets this week and peacefully demonstrated in Virginia, MN are helping to insure that the message gets out—find another resettlement location in future!

If the Dems win in November, the future is only months away! 

Joe Biden says he will open the doors to 125,000 third worlders in year one.

Or, it might be 2025 that the flood gates open!

Whichever it is, from past experience, I have found that the resettlement contractors and the feds will stay away from towns and cities they see as clearly ‘unwelcoming’ because they will still have plenty of locations eager to welcome the multi-cultural Nirvana they foolishly dream of—like the one they have been growing and nourishing for years in Minneapolis!

P.S. Work to make sure Ms. Olson is not elected again!

*** Sorry, I had the county name wrong in my first version of this post!


UN to Italy and Malta: Let the Mediterranean Migrant Flow Continue!

Invasion of Europe news….

The Chinese Virus crisis has caused legitimate concern to European frontline countries which have been the target of migrant boats launching from Libya.

In recent weeks, Malta and Italy have been forcing ‘rescue’ boats back toward the Libyan coast infuriating ‘aid’ agencies and the UN which claim that, “departures from Libya during the first quarter of the year rose four-fold over the same period in 2019.”

It’s been awhile since I reported on the Mediterranean route to Europe from the north African coast, primarily from Libya.

Hillary and her gal pals are directly responsible for the hell hole that is Libya today.

Just a reminder that the chaos that is Libya today is a direct result of the Obama Administration’s policy then crafted by Hillary Clinton (with Rice and Power) that brought down the government of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, not exactly a decent guy, but his absence opened up the sea route, a fast lane, for the invasion of Europe.

See my Hillary and Libya archive here.

From Middle East Monitor:

UN urges EU member states to disembark rescued migrants

Two UN agencies on Thursday called on Malta and other European countries to speed up efforts to bring to dry land some 160 rescued refugees and migrants from Libya, who remain at sea aboard two private vessels after two weeks, Anadolu Agency reports.


Earlier this month, Italy impounded the German rescue ship, Alan Kurdi, after its latest batch of migrants was quarantined offshore for two weeks due to the virus crisis in Italy.


Middle East Monitor continues:

The UN Refugee Agency and International Organization for Migration (IOM) warned that direct or indirect state involvement through the commercial Captain Morgan vessels in the return of the rescued migrants and refugees to Libya might violate international law.

“UNHCR and IOM unequivocally reiterate that no one rescued at sea should be returned to Libya,” said the statement.

“The misery and risk to life posed by intensifying conflict, arbitrary detention, and widespread human rights violations, amongst other factors, meaning it cannot be considered a place of safety.”

Necessary health measures undermine reception capacities in some Mediterranean States due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, prompting the UN agencies to offer support for the effective and speedy processing of new arrivals.


The UNHCR and IOM noted that the Mediterranean countries had been at the forefront of receiving sea arrivals in recent years and that their efforts, along with non-governmental organizations’ search and rescue vessels, had prevented many tragic deaths.

“However, the UNHCR and IOM are also deeply concerned about reports that States have been ignoring or delaying responses to distress calls, especially amid a sharp decrease in state-led and NGO search and rescue capacity,” said the statement.

More here.

See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive for more than a decade of news on the subject.

Sweden: Iraqi Refugee Accused of Decapitating Swedish Girlfriend

Invasion of Europe news…..

She had gone to his home to collect her belongings after breaking up with him.  Sick story at the UK Daily Mail (hat tip: Paul):

Swedish girl, 17, was decapitated ‘by Iraqi-born boyfriend, 23, who wrapped her head in aluminium foil’ after she broke up with him in case that has shocked the country

The story at the Voice of Europe says the alleged murderer is an Iraqi Kurd.


A 17-year-old girl was beheaded by her ex-boyfriend after breaking up with him in Sweden, it is alleged.

Wilma Andersson vanished on November 14 last year and police found a ‘body part’ two weeks later – which was later revealed to be her head.

Her ex-boyfriend Tishko Ahmed Shabaz was arrested at the time and has now been charged with her murder, which he denies.

Shabaz is accused of decapitating Wilma when she went to collect her belongings before wrapping her head in foil and hiding it at his home.

Read on if you can stomach it.

My Sweden file is here.  I’ve long predicted it will be the first European country to be completely annihilated by its own stupidity regarding immigration.

Find my Invasion of Europe archive by clicking here.