Comment worth noting: Send Refugee Report to your Congressman

Here is a comment from Gary Henderson.   Mr. Henderson says he is sending the Center for Immigration Studies report that I just mentioned in my previous post to his Congressman.  That is a good idea for all of you who have asked what you can do.   And, just do it whether you have a receptive Congressman or not—send it to your US Senators as well!

I am forwarding your post and Mr. Barnett’s report to my Congressman, Jeb Hensarling. Jeb is an economist and is joined at the hip with Paul Ryan.

In my exchanges with Mr. Hensarling I find that he is genuine and caring about the real concerns of the American people, but his demanding work on the budget takes so much of his time that there is little left to get into the fine details of the enormous problems that immigration forces upon us. I will use this opportunity to fill him in and hope that he will be able to use this information in deciding budget-cutting moves.

I have been heavily involved with illegal immigration on the Texas/Mexican border for more than five years now. Yet, until a relative short time ago I had no idea about the tremendous problems that the Refugee and Asylum “business” has caused dozens of towns and communities, often without their permission or control.

I came upon the Refugee Resettlement Watch site by accident, became an instant avid fan, and am rewarded daily by the insightful, pertinent and informative material that has been so revealing to me.

Thank you for exposing the seedy elements of what, on the surface, appears to be a compassionate effort driven by purely egalitarion motives. Nothing could be farther from the truth, and the same usual suspects are embedded in the czarist activities in our own government, the ruthless Soros organization, our manipulative State Department and the hate-America Cartel that dominates the United Nations.

Citizen Of The USA-Texas

Comment worth noting: “Somali” says westerners are gullible (among other things!)

This is a comment written last week in response to this post from a reader identifying himself/herself only as Abdi and claiming to be Somali.   This category at RRW  (comment worth noting) was originally included to highlight comments that interest us but might otherwise be lost to most readers who didn’t see that particular post.  Here Abdi says Somalis have no intention of assimilating and the Somalia will always come first.    A couple of other commenters would agree we are gullible if we believe the writer, Abdi, is Somali.    Your thoughts?

Abdi (emphasis mine):

Somalis have learned to cope and manage against a hostile majority, to work in cohesive groups, to have ethnocentrism these things are essential in surviving. Westerners don’t have this because they’re bombarded with multiculturalism, liberalism, and diversity. This benefits us but not the majority (White Americans or Canadians), thus if that’s why there’s no such thing as a White Persons Human Rights Group or Advocacy or anything like that because then that would be “racist”.

The only way to kill a country, is to kill it within. Do Mexicans have more loyalty to Mexico than America? Do Afro-Americans think of America as their “motherland” or is Africa? Are Somalis more loyal to Somalia than the Western nations they’re living in? Are Jews more loyal to Israel or to the States? You people need to ask yourselves. Who are you hosting? And are they loyal to you? Nope not all, I love being Somali and I’m working hard to better Somalia most Somalis are proud of their identity as Somalis and identify with being “Somali” than being an “American”, “Canadian”, or “British”. Only White people can’t be proud of their heritage, thus the Jewish invented “White Guilt” and “White Enslavement of Colored Peoples”. So if there today was a White genocide no one would care, but they would if they weren’t.

More than 99.9% of Somalis are proud their heritage and culture, you will rarely see any of them calling themselves anything. And by the way we Somalis hate White Europeans (Adaan in Somali) more than any ethnic group, even though we hate the Natives (Alibeystaan in Somali), Madow (Black), Shino (Asiatic peoples), also because they are also rivals etc. If you don’t know our history well look at Kenya how we control it, how the MP is Somali, how all the Kenyan businesses are owned by us and the companies, how native Kenyans are depraved from it, how we control the northern part of Kenya: called NFD. If you don’t know our history look at how we forced the British and Italian settlers in colonial Somalia to give taxes to us instead of us giving it to them. If you don’t our history look at how we deprived European Somalis in Somalia in colonial times to have children in our homelands but we went to Europe (Cardiff, Wales in the early 19th centur) and we settled there and built our community there. Now the oldest and largest Somali British community there.

If you don’t know our history look at how the British colonials would sympathize with us, and have beocome what is called “Somaliphiliacs” showing us immense love for our strive for independence and freedom yet we didn’t return the same. And the same generals who showed us were slaughtered by our own hands among them are:

Col. Richard Cornfield
Christavao da Gama (the son of the famed explorer Vasco da Gama)
Severly injuring Sir Richard Burton and John Hanning Speke
Incase you didn’t the British themselves have wrote that we were an extremly treacherous group of people who would only befriend to gain something. For if we help the Sheeshaye (non-Somali) that would be an act of hypocrisy and betrayal to the Sha’ab (Nation/Race).

A few minutes later Abdi sent another comment:

The only thing that I suggest to non-Muslims and especially non-Muslim Somalis is to watch because Somalis are here and we will always be here and more of us are on the way, and there’s nothing you people can do about it. Why? Because you can’t even control you’re own borders of Canada and Mexico so how can you control immigration? Once[Until?–ed] you start to promote your own identity and heritage, and once [until?] you start to clean your house nothing is going to happen.

Now go back to the original post on Toronto and note that readers JJ and RRWHAT? both suggest that Abdi is not Somali, here.   RRWHAT? said this:

Yeah, “Abdi” reads like a Tea Partier with too much time on his hands, Wikipedia, and an online word translator.

So, what do you think?

Comment worth noting: you are inflicted with chronic cynicism

Reader Mary posted this comment to my post yesterday on the immigrant court system in the US.

You appear to have fallen off the cliff to chronic cynicism. People are desperate and are forced to leave children behind. Who are we to judge? I, for one, have never been faced with these decisions.

Yes, I admit, the more I learn about the worldwide refugee industry, the more cynical I get.  But, Mary, please answer my questions, and the questions in the minds of many who read the story about the poor woman from Cameroon who spent 5 years wrangling with our court system before being granted asylum.

First and foremost, how does a poor third worlder (not just this woman, but all of them!) with virtually no English manage to acquire the tens of thousands of dollars required to make a trip halfway (or more!) around the world, through several countries that you and I couldn’t easily get into to arrive on the US border and know to ask for asylum?

Who is paying the trafficker, the airlines, the passport forgers, the lawyers?

And, I suppose I shouldn’t make a cultural judgment, but I will!   What mother leaves her children alone in a country she now claims is dangerous for her family to take a risky trip halfway around the world on the off chance she will be granted asylum in the US?  Was she just trying to save her own skin?  Who told her that asylum might be possible; who put her up to it?

Mary, you suggest I’m a chronic cynic.  Tell me how can you be so chronically gullible?

P.S.  Mary, I am sure you are a decent well-meaning and good-hearted person, but it’s time to see that “humanitarianism” is merely a smokescreen for, in my view, a devious political plan that uses poor people (and people with good hearts) to accomplish its goals.

Comment worth noting: Rowana returns!

Readers, take a few minutes and read my previous post on Australia.  There you have a well-known, well-educated editor of a major paper, a world away, who has come to the same conclusion as an elderly lady from Columbus, Ohio.  Wake up America!

I posted a comment from Rowana as a ‘comment worth noting’ here two days ago.  Now Rowana is back warning of the end to a great American city—Columbus (emphasis mine).

I had four uncles in WWII who fought to maintain freedom in this country. You young people can wuss out all you want and be “politically correct,” and be afraid to speak the truth. I will not. What exactly are you afraid of in not speaking out? That a group of people who do a stupid, inconsiderate, unAmerican thing might be mad at you? England was mad at some of my ancestors in a revolution, too, but it did not bother them. Duh!

Jewish Family Services (and any other agency or group) had NO BUSINESS bringing all those Somalians into central Ohio. TENS OF THOUSANDS of them! The Columbus Dispatch said the Jewish Family Services brought those Somalians to Columbus and that is a fact. I can’t figure out why Jews would bring in Muslims. They are in a nasty war with them over in Israel. Duh!

I wonder, could it have had something to do with all those grants and all the money they possibly got? Some Somalians told me personally that the grants allowed about one million dollars per 50 Somalians imported, and they placed them in government housing, gave them a bag of groceries, and left.

Why not demand an accounting for how much money in grants the people who brought these Somalians over here, received?*  How about a FOIA public records request? (Freedom of Information Act) Did they line their pockets while taxpayers paid to bring those people here, and then taxpayers have to pay to keep them? I suppose we are not “allowed” (snort) to even ask that? (Do not even go there with an old lady.)

A little Nation within a Nation

And many are not the poorest Somalians. Some came with African gold, one group bought their own radio station, they have their own little government, and their own paper, but all work the system and cling together as a little nation within a nation. They were already talking about carving out their “own section” of Columbus to be “theirs to govern.”

Some were the elite who abused their own people, and were thrown out of power. They provided a huge billboard in the courthouse translating everything for them (not even the Mexicans got that)as well as instructions and brochures for government offices.

I will speak about facts and if that includes Jewish people (or any other group who comes forth to claim this travesty on taxpayers) bringing this plague upon Columbus and the Ohio taxpayer, so be it. They did not ask the local residents if they wanted those people or discuss all the problems the people would bring, or who would pay for it, on and on. They just dumped them.

Columbus was a better place before they arrived and you would think that local Jewish people would appreciate that and not bring this mess to the area. Oh, I forgot to note, they did not dump them in the Jewish suburb back yards of wealthy Bexley. They dumped them everywhere else!

Incidentally, young people, hate, dislike, contempt, anger, frustration, irritation are all EMOTIONS. We as a free people can feel all we want, and when our survival is threatened, emotions tend to protect us and get us into a survival mode. The first part of feeling that your own survival is threatened, is to figure out who and what the threat is. To an old traditional American, anybody telling me I can’t question them or raise issues or ask for an accounting of how tax dollars were spent, is threatening the First Amendment, not to mention my tax bill.

Incidentally, Columbus is becoming a dead zone with about 40% of downtown businesses vacant. Even F. & R. Lazarus Co. (old traditional Jewish family in Columbus since the 1800′s) left Columbus! Maybe it will become “New Somalia.” And if you think I am just an isolated grump, guess again. Every native of the area that I know personally “feels” the same way.

If what Rowana describes is not happening where you live, I assure you it is happening throughout America.  The reason you don’t see it, is that the old media and even Fox News doesn’t go near this issue to pull it together into a national news story.  Perhaps they fear being labeled racists, Islamophobes and so on for even noticing the takeover of sections of some cities by Muslims who have no intention of assimilating.

But, the fear could be another sort—if they report on what is happening and really see it, then they must also be afraid to their very cores for the future of Western civilization.  So, it’s best not to mention it and maybe the monster will go away—maybe it will then only be the imaginary boogy man behind the closed door in their childhood closets.

LOL!  Thank God for people like Rowana who are not afraid to open the closet!

* It is very hard to track the finances of these resettlement agencies.  We’ve done it on many occasions but no one seems to pay attention to the flow of taxpayer dollars to non-profit groups.    Oh, people are starting to notice thanks to the much-publicized NPR sting or the Planned Parenthood travesty, but most don’t fully understand how the Hard Left has its dirty hands in the pockets of taxpayers.   Our money is funding Western Civilization’s and capitalism’s demise.



Comment worth noting: Columbus area resident says send Somalis back to Africa

This is a comment we received yesterday from reader Rowana to a post I wrote in January entitled, ‘Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?here.  It’s clear that Rowana has had enough—how about you?   He/she, not hampered by concerns about political correctness, suggests that instead of fighting the three wars we are already in, let’s clean up Somalia and send them all back.   And, heck, as we learned in my previous post on Columbus Somalis, they are going back and forth now anyway!

Rowana (original comment did not have breaks in the text, so I added those):

You suggest there are various agencies which resettle the Somalii here. You mention christian churches. In Columbus, Ohio, it was reported in the Dispatch that it was Jewish Family Services which brought in thousands of these radical Muslims into the city. Why not list exactly what agencies brought them to Minneapolis? Don’t we have the right to know exactly who brought these angry, hostile people here to raid our government services, fill up low income housing, stuff our schools, etc.? And when will it end?

How can anyone claim to be a loyal American and bring in such people to pillage our government services, lower our standard of living, plant terrorists among us, etc. And why would the Jewish Family Services bring them here? They have sure not made Columbus Ohio a better place to live! And they are NOT “melting” into the culture.

Numerous of their population have already been found to be planning terrorist attacks on our country! Maybe they should stay in their own county and fight for it.

I was told by one government worker that they nearly bankrupted the state’s Medicaid funds. They set up sham “health care” companies and billed for phoney services. They DEMAND Somalian interpreters (to keep their clansmen employed) and then refuse (or pretend not to understand)to learn English. They DEMANDED home health care workers from their own clans, while the rest of America takes who is assigned to them. They refused to interpret for their own grandmothers unless paid to do so.

If hired, they demand to have a place for their prayers and take their prayer breaks on their knees while everybody else works.

In the schools, they demanded the kids have a room for prayers (but nobody else got such privileges). Watch them walk around with half a dozen kids trailing behind them. How long will the American people have to feed these new generations of dependents and when will they finally call a halt to it?

When the women get a job, the men come in to pick up their checks and scream “discrimination” if one refuses to give it to them, not the woman. The men are completely contemptuous to women (white women especially) and will not be told what to do on a job by a woman.

Go to juvenile court halls in Columbus and they are lined up, with problems. Some have figured out how to give their kids custody every two years or so to a tribal member, to circumvent the limitations on government benefits. Anything to milk the system which was designed to serve the tax paying American in an emergency or crisis.

If a man separates from his wife, just try finding him for support. If his employer is served withholding support papers, he will bring in a “brother” who is to receive his paycheck, so his wages can’t be garnished. It is somebody else’s problem (aka American taxpayer) to feed his kids. It was so bad the clerks refuse to assist them in filing these change of custody papers, knowing what is going on.

I think all you feel good christians and jewish liberals should all line up and sign over YOUR paychecks to these Somalii terrorist breeders. They are a cancer upon our land and no friend to us. We would be better off cleaning out Somalia instead of the three wars we are in, and returning them all once we pay to make it “safe” and call it a very very bad learning experience.

Next I’m going to write a post on what you can do because I had another frustrated commenter to my post yesterday about San Diego asking how can anyone stop this.