Comment worth noting: Somalian Princess says they will leave when Somalia is peaceful

This is a comment that was just posted at one of our most read posts of all time.    “How did we get so many Somali refugees—the numbers are tellinghere, has had 13,703 readers over the years since I first posted it in 2008.    Today “Somalian Princess” left this comment which I am posting here because most of  you will never see it where it was posted.

She is responding to another reader who suggested Somalis go back to Africa:

U go back to England u evil person and i will go back to Africa, Deal?

ALso, Africa’s only behind because your people were stealing our resources for centuries U evil white people killed everyone, so go back to dry, boring, europe and go eat your pork, beer GM food. hahahahahahahha. Plus living in europe is rather [expletive deleted] u have [expletive deleted] weather, [expletive deleted] food and the most racist and evilist people i have ever seen. Most somalis would do anything to go back to somalia we are just waiting until it is peaceful. Also, if u are living in America, America belongs to the native peoples not white people same with Austrialia it belongs to the Aborigines

As far as I can tell the violence in Somalia these days has nothing to do with white people.  Looks like African on African violence to me.  Maybe Somalian Princess should go back now and try to bring peace to HER people, or is she waiting for us evil westerners to solve Somalia’s problems?

Coincidentally, I just mentioned “boring” England earlier this morning here, where a religion of peace gang slashed up a teacher.

Comment worth noting: Australia’s failed experiment with multiculturalism worse than Europe’s

This is Australian reader B.L.’s response to the post in which we reported that a petition had been filed in Australia to halt Muslim immigration for ten years.   B.L. is referencing recent reports from Europe, here, about the failure of multiculturalism in the UK, France and Germany.


We all wish for the sake of a better and more peaceful world don’t we? Unfortunately, reality isn’t so nice and this petition won’t have any legs to stand on in this gutless and left driven parliament of ours.

Let me remind readers that my country of Australia has problems with Arab Muslims on a daily basis here. In this country they have a notorious reputation for crime and disregard for society at large. They strategically have outspoken community leaders that cry foul at the very onset of anything that remotely attacks their race, culture or religion, even though what is said is absolutely true. The very sad thing is these community and religious leaders succeed under the blanket of political correctness. Surely Australia’s present state is worse than Europe’s. The political correctness disease has spread so much here due to the government’s cowardliness and the Muslim communities constant protests that it wouldn’t be far fetched to imagine Sharia Law being implemented in the not so distant future here. Perceivably, one would swear that Arab Muslims can do absolutely what they please in our communities without fear of reprisal.

It is just an absolutely shocking state of affairs here but the saddest part maybe that the average Australian is too ignorant or has fallen prey to the government’s multiculturalism propaganda even though it slaps them in their face on a daily basis.

Comment worth noting: Somalis in America have population goal

The other day I told you how wrong the American Community Survey is about the US Somali population, here.   They have way underestimated it.  We have actually brought more Somali refugees to the US in 27 years than this branch of the US Census could find and count.

Reader Nur, sent this comment:

Ann you are very right,our number is more than that,we are wondering where that figure comes from?Our target is to hit 300,000 by 2020.

I am betting they are well into the 200,000s already.

Comment worth noting: Ann is angry and hateful and the US is crappy

So what else is new?

Readers this is a comment I received in a private e-mail from Matt Rodrigue, apparently connected with Temple University (listed here in the graduate department in history).  Mr. Rodrigue sent a series of comments to articles, especially on the Somali issue in Lewiston, ME, in which he used so much profanity (lots of f-bombs) towards us and other readers, that I asked him to take out the profanity and I would post his arguments.

I guess this is what he wants to say, sans foul language.   Since apparently highly educated graduate students at Temple University haven’t learned about paragraphs yet, I’m putting in bold some of the highlights of Mr. Rodrigue’s arguments to help make this comment-worth-noting easier to read.

Ann, I will give you 4 dollars (‘Merican of course!) if you actually read this entire e-mail.

First off please don’t pretend that you have a dignified position to defend here, ok? Don’t you think your many disclaimers about how un-racist, un-xenophobic, and un-intolerant [I don’t know where I posted such disclaimers?—Ann] you are kind of belie your wonderfully presented prose? I remember finishing my thesis for a master’s in US history and wondering just how my topic might be perceived as controversial. But, I certainly knew I wasn’t being blatantly racist or intolerant (or ignorant), so there was of course no reason to state such considerations in plain english anywhere in the forward or anything. Sure, some of your critics might be your run-of-the-mill bleeding heart liberals who only get their news from MSNBC and Jon Stewart. However, many of those people that call you racist lob such epithets your way because they understand that you’re angry and hateful toward immigrants and the notion of immigration out of sheer emotion. You then forcefully connect your irrational fears to tenuous economic, social, and cultural arguments with complete disregard to the ways in which your factually inaccurate statements damage this country. The problem is, people like you are afraid of critiquing your own country! Stop blaming other skin colors for your country’s crappy ideas! [I guess this is not Mr. Rodrigue’s country—Ann]  Don’t worry about any edits or reposts (I mean, after all, you’re no New Yorker, eh?), just try spending a day reading actual scholarly work that addresses the subjects you treat so haphazardly and immaturely. Let’s put it this way: If I presented arguments like yours in an academic setting, I would have been failed out of my graduate program. Doesn’t that tell you something? Or are you one of those people that think all academics (historians, sociologists, and political scientists in particular) are part of some vast liberal conspiracy meant to “put those darned Mexicans” before the good ole ‘Mericans? Note that I used the word “darn,” and not damn… Point is, what you’re doing, whether you believe in it or not (and yeh, I truly think you believe in what you’re saying) is a useless task because it’s based on innumerable false assumptions.

Let’s try this

Here’s a start, in case you decide to seek actual truth. Try thinking of a product. It could be a crop, a piece of textile, oil, etc. Now think of which countries have been the most energetic in centralizing and controlling such resources and products in, say, the last 500 years (if you answered any of the countries of Europe and the US, you’re correct!) Now think of all of the different, yet equally intense, ways in which such countries (represented by their businesses) have sought, and obtained such goods. Now you can start to understand that, in order to take control of goods and resources in other countries, the people standing in the way of those goods must either 1. get out of the way 2. be hired as cheap laborers (or slaves) in the extraction process, or 3. die. Ok, I hope you’re still with me (its hard condensing 500 years of imperialism into one paragraph [now I get why you guys choose to conduct your much crappier form of scholarship!]). So during this long (very long, as in 15th century until now) and ever-changing process of consuming the bounty of other countries, people tend to get displaced. First, they’re kicked off their land and forced to move into urban areas. Or sometimes they’re pushed further back into unpeopled countryside. But usually the lack of available means of production, or the lack of well-paid labor, or some other combination of forces leads to a painful realization on the part of these people that in order to live; indeed in order to provide for their families, they have to leave their home and look for pay somewhere else. Of course, while this is going on, the host government in these “backward” countries often make out very well doing what the US tells them to do. And that’s why we have Somali peoples in Lewiston, ME and “illegal” Mexicans in our southern border regions. And don’t think we’re the only country receiving new peoples. Mexico has seen a considerable increase in immigrants from southern Latin American countries like Guatemala (since about 1994; it rhymes with NAFTA) because of such predatory government/business practices. I know this is all very hard to understand, but it helps to think of politics, economics, and culture from outside the American perspective. Because as much as you don’t want to hear it, and as Carly Simon said once, “this song ain’t about you.” I hope in this present e-mail I’ve presented myself in a more presentable manner. [Yes, thank you, we really appreciated hearing your views without the foul language—now do I get my Mexican $4—Ann]

Presently yours,

Matt Rodrigue

Ps: I agree, it’s not all doom and gloom. Sometimes, like in the case of Cuba for example, two countries develop such strong and fascinating cultural ties that the interchange of peoples becomes a reality. And yeh, there’s truth to the idea that slighted Europeans came to the US in search of a better life. I mean, whether they got that better life is up for debate…

Endnote: What is the tuition at Temple University these days?  (just asking!)

Comment worth noting: Britain gone wild with Somalis

Readers, this is a comment from a reader to my previous post that is worth posting separately (prominently!) so you don’t miss it.

DP111 says:

Britain has allowed in over 300,000 Somalis, some 95% living on Welfare.

Even by East African standards, Somalis are “different”. Somali society is essentially a clan based nomadic society, with highway robbery playing a pivotal role in Somali economy – if one can call it that. Most travellers to that part of the world have written of the contempt and hostility of other East Africans, such as Kenyans and Ethiopians, for Somalis.

So we have, in the Great Multicultural Sweepstakes, imported hundreds of thousands of Somalis into Europe/West, without bothering to find out if they were even remotely capable of adjusting to civilisation?.

As Somalia deteriorated from nothing to below nothing, even highway robbers could not make a living in Somalia. So they have taken up piracy or fled to the West, which, in its unbounded idiocy has accepted these people. Look forward to violent robbery, and other cultural delights.

For Somalis, Britain is paradise – apart from free everything, they can practice their culture without being bothered by the police, as the police in Britain do not “do” robbery or burglary. They simply issue you with a crime number for insurance purposes.

Then we have this

Somali asylum seeker family given £2m house… after complaining 5-bed London home was ‘in poor area’–complaining-5-bed-London-home-poor-area.html

In “All the trouble in the world”, 1994, P. J. O’Rourke, has a complete chapter on Somalia, and its well worth reading.

The general consensus of the marines deployed in Somalia at the time was to give Somalis more weapons and ammunition, and seal the borders.