Reader comment: What I learned about the SPLC over the years

Editor: From time to time, I publish/feature (as posts) comments from readers that would otherwise be lost in the daily din.


This is from Deena Flinchum (see a previous comment here) who enlightens us on the Southern Poverty Law Center and how they have evolved over the last 4 decades. (Emphasis is mine)

Ann, I sent this to a reporter and thought you might find it interesting:

The social philosopher Eric Hoffer, author of The True Believer, once said: “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” This has been my observation of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

In 1973, I received a fundraising letter from the SPLC signed by Julian Bond, an icon of the civil rights movement, asking me to become a retainer supporter, meaning I’d send a monthly payment to retain lawyers for African-Americans seeking to secure voting rights, access to schools and neighborhoods, etc. I readily agreed, sending in my monthly contribution for over 25 years. Never missed a single payment. I was gratified to see progress in a cause I believed in and to have a chance to be a part of it.

As time went by, I saw less and less civil rights work but the fundraising continued.

We were told that SPLC needed to put away a lot of reserves so that they could withstand loss of contributions, etc. In essence, SPLC had become a business, piling up retained earnings from contributions that they didn’t spend on the cause. I began to see more effort in hunting down ‘hate’ and less on suing entities on behalf of those whose civil rights were being violated. It costs a lot less to ship copies of Teaching Tolerance out to schools and libraries and to designate as ‘hate groups’ organizations that disagree with you on issues than it does to finance complex lawsuits. More money in the reserve fund!

The break for this old-line environmentalist came when SPLC entered its racket phase by declaring FAIR and CIS – two organizations that saw massive immigration as not a good thing for the US – to be ‘hate groups’. How can two very mainstream organizations, ones who shared the opinions of the Jordan Commission led by Congresswoman Barbara Jordan under President Bill Clinton, be classified in the same terms as the KKK and Nazis? Were Congresswoman Jordan and President Clinton ‘far-right haters’? Hardly. I stopped my support immediately and told SPLC why. I was left alone for years until after Trump’s election when, I guess, SPLC considered me fair game again. I’ve had about 4 letters since then wanting me to re-up. Hilarious!

No way. I look upon the SPLC the same as I do scammers who try to separate senior citizens from their savings by pretending to be good causes intent upon some good work or another if only the mark would come through with hard cold cash. Unfortunately too many still do.

I’m stunned that anybody in the media takes the SPLC seriously anymore after all of the exposure there has been about their dishonesty, discrimination in hiring, and simple greed. All they are doing with their ‘hate group’ designations is trying to shut down dissent or even discussion if it varies from their opinions. I firmly believe that a lack of discussion over the years because people were afraid of being smeared is what has led to a lot of the bitterness in the debate over immigration now.

See other comments and guest opinions by clicking here.

Guest commentary: What you can say, when they say _____

I’m asked all the time: What can I do?  What can I do?
This is an excellent example of the kind of thing you can do.  This is a list of talking points thoughtfully prepared by Brenda Arthur of the Charleston, WV Act for America chapter.  As a citizen activist, she put some serious time into preparing this point/counterpoint and made it available for all of you!



1. Your town is losing population. Bringing refugees will revitalize your city.

+ Truth: Saying that Importing third world poverty into our city or state revitalizes it just defies logic and commonsense.

+The educational level of many refugees is low. They will only qualify for minimum or low wage jobs. Therefore, they will continue to qualify for some form of government assistance such as Medicaid and/or Food Stamps aka SNAP.

+ Big Business uses refugees for cheap labor thereby depressing wages for Americans with low education levels.

+ The cost of educating a refugee child is apprx $10,000+ per year not to mention the additional cost of English language assistance/interpreters and additional tutoring due to a lack of previous education.

+ Refugees often send some of their money out of the country to family left behind. Those remittances that leave the country are dollars unavailable to the local economy. This is never factored in.

+ As the refugee population grows more languages will be required to be provided by the school system. This erodes the quality of the schools and reduces teaching time for American kids whose parents are paying the bill.

+ In towns where the refugee population has grown, parents are finding 17-20 year-olds in class with their children.

+ Some school districts across the country have as many as 81 languages for which they must provide ESL teachers and interpreters.

2. Another selling point by the proponents is that “It is our moral obligation. That’s who we are as a country.”

+ Our tax dollars were never meant to be someone else’s charity .

+ We should aid refugees where they are. For every one brought here we can help 12 people there. The administration of mercy belongs to each of us individually—-not to the government.

+ Our first moral obligation is to our own people.

Arthur created this refugee crimes poster to use as a visual aid when she speaks to groups in West Virginia. You can do this too!


+ Proponents will present the picture that everything is “sweetness and light “. Not true. Many problems are occurring with refugee populations in towns all across America: Gangs, increased drug trafficking, sex slave trade, domestic violence, crime, drug resistant strains of TB, female genital mutilation, and more.

+ Cultural differences are often great and cannot be bridged. Some refugee cultures believe that “honor killing” and rape of non-muslim women is acceptable.

+ In addition, there have been terrorist acts committed by refugees as well as many crimes. Taxpayers pay for expensive trials, and for those who are sentenced we must bear the cost of imprisonment for many years.





+ Medicaid–Unreimbursed cost to the state
+ TANF–Cash Welfare payments –Unreimbursed costs to the state
+ Interpreters–Provided to students and other refugees as needed
+ Education–Cost for educating children K-12
+ State Employees’ salaries and benefits who work w/refugees

5. The vetting is very, very rigorous.

+ Former FBI Director, James Comey, Obama’s Special Envoy to the Middle East to fight ISIS, General John Allen, Former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, Mike McCaul, Chairman of Homeland Security in the Congress , and now we know from the leaked Wikileaks documents that even Hillary Clinton herself said at a private meeting in 2013 that the refugees cannot possibly be vetted.

+ Further, Leon Rodriguez, former Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, reluctantly told former Senator Jeff Sessions’ Senate Committee in September 2016 that some of the refugees get in based solely on their testimony alone.

+ Fraud is rampant in the refugee program. Many refugees come from failed states. They have no documentation. We are supposed to believe the lie that everyone is who they say they are.

+ ISIS has sworn to infiltrate the refugee population. They already have.

6. The refugees become self-sufficient within 5 years.

+ The fact is that the Office Of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) defines self-sufficiency in a way that is contrary to the common understanding of the word. A household is considered self-sufficient if it is not receiving “a cash assistance grant”. But other welfare programs do not count under the ORR definition. Thus, ORR considers and reports them as self-sufficient even if they are receiving other forms of government assistance such as: Food Stamps (SNAP), Housing subsidies, or Medicaid .

Don’t be fooled. Make them define their terms.

7. Refugees pay taxes.

+ Consider that the average educational level of a Middle Eastern refugee is 10.5 years. That is not even a high school diploma. This means that the likelihood of them earning more than $9-$12 /hour is pretty unlikely. Having a low wage job is most likely. Further, even if they work and pay taxes the fact that the earnings level is low will often make them eligible for continuing government subsidies. There are other points to consider:

+ Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is available to people whose income is low. Many, if not most, refugees would likely qualify for this.

+ Child Tax Credit up to $1000 per child would apply based on income guidelines. This credit is IN ADDITION to deductions for dependent children.

+ Once the Tax Credits are applied it is possible that they are getting back all or most of the taxes that were paid and potentially more than they paid.

So, there we have it for those of you looking for something to do.  Use Arthur’s points for letters to the editor, arguing with ‘friends’ on facebook, or when corresponding with your elected officials.
This post is filed in two categories here at RRW:  ‘Comments worth noting’ (here) and in my new category ‘What you can do’ (here).
And, for all of you interested in Arthur’s home state of West Virginia, go here for my archive on the state.

Call your member of Congress/Senators to put brakes on refugee resettlement program

Thanks to reader Denise for making a very cool flyer to remind you to call your Washington representatives to counter the lobbying campaign by the refugee industry this week.  They are ginning-up thousands of calls to Congress in advance of World Refugee Day tomorrow.

This is a very handy way to get the phone numbers for your representatives.  I just tried it, and in addition to my reps in Washington, I received phone numbers for my state reps too!
Post is filed in ‘What can you do’ because you asked!

Comment from a reader: Ann, your comments are "classless and offensive"

This (below) is a comment (in response to Thursday’s post) that I received from a diehard Trump supporter, not the first to send a comment like this.
So let me be clear.  I have been writing about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program for ten years come this July. I was also a Trump supporter from day one.  I even had an opportunity to tell him briefly what was wrong with the US Refugee Program in May of 2015.

Nancy took offense at my mention of Ivanka’s position on Syrian refugees. See what Ivanka (the expert) said about refugees:

But, someone has to be willing to NOT PULL PUNCHES and tell the public where he is going wrong on this subject which I happen to know a lot about. (Just a tad more than Ivanka knows!)

For the umpteenth time, Trump did not have to include the US RAP in an Executive Order that was stopped by the judges. It is a separate issue from the ‘travel ban.’
The Trump team has the legal power to stop the flow of refugees altogether IF THEY WANTED TO!  (Now they have this handy excuse which Nancy has bought, hook, line and sinker—it is all about the judges!)

Using the liberal judges as as excuse, the Trump Administration is admitting an average number of refugees to the US at great expense to taxpayers and risking our security by including large numbers of unscreened Syrians, Iraqis, Afghans, Rohingya and Somalis. Nevermind that he said many times while campaigning for office that he wouldn’t do that!
I don’t want to hear anything about all the bigger issues Trump is dealing with!

There is nothing bigger than changing the demographic, cultural and religious makeup of America.  That is irreversible. 

We can fix Obamacare and our tax system AFTER immigration is controlled!
The most benign explanation for what, at the moment, appears to be a flip-flop by the Trump team is that they haven’t hired anyone tough enough to rein-in the bureaucrats at the Department of State (which doesn’t look good for Trump, the great manager, either!).

That is not to say, they won’t get their act together eventually, but right now someone has to tell them they are screwing up! 
Although I am not in her class, at least Ann Coulter is willing to tell Trump he is screwing up on immigration, in her case the wall with her new daily report on how many miles of the wall are being built each day—so far zero!

(See my report in the right hand sidebar of how many refugees Trump is admitting.)
Here is what Nancy and others (some more diplomatically) are telling me:

Shut up Ann, our man Trump can do no wrong!

Hi Ann,

While I enjoy your site, I do take exception to the Trump refugees article you posted. I think the same article should have been directed to the Ninth Circuit court, not Trump. It would appear to me that he has been trying …. and trying … to prevent this only to be thwarted again and again by a court that get’s literally 80% of it’s judgments overturned. Dare I say I’d get fired if only 20% of my work was accurate.

Also – the dig to Ivanka wasn’t fair either. Stop with the daddy comments – it’s classless and offensive. It should be beneath you to make such asinine comments. What she SAID was that it should be part of the discussion, not part of the solution. To me, a very diplomatic statement and perhaps way of getting a long-stalemated conversation going for real resolution. Perhaps you’re the dumb-dumb here.

My guidance is to stick to the issues and not the nonsense if you truly want resolution on this paramount matter. Thank you for listening

Regards Nancy

Thanks for listening Nancy!
One more thing, it is a wonderful thing to write a blog with no boss and for no financial gain to myself, because it doesn’t matter one bit to me whether I lose readers who don’t like what I say!
This post is filed in ‘Comments worth noting.’  Click here to see what other readers have said over the years.

Comment worth noting: It might be too late for some American communities

Editor:  This is a comment from reader ‘Seneca the Elder’ posted 4 days ago in response to this post.  I apologize for the late posting, I’ve been distracted by a family health issue (trying to squeeze in reading and posting between playing nurse).
From ‘Seneca the Elder’ “…it is kind of too late”

There have been a lot of missteps by the Trump administration when it comes to “refugees” aka invaders/migrants/barbarians/Third Worlders.

I understand that they have a lot on their plates, but immigration is probably THE most important issue for a lot of people. Especially those of us who live in or near a sanctuary city. Just yesterday I was walking around the one near me. Here I was in affluent Westchester County, walking around a small city that looked like it was in the slums of Ecuador or Guatemala. In violation of the City codes, the signs were in Spanish, not English. Judging by all the dish antennas on the roof and other parts of the houses, there were obviously half a dozen families living in many of the small, single family homes. The building inspectors and city employees are afraid of being called racists so they allow all the violations even though there have been fires where people lost their lives.

There are no more cute boutiques or specialty shops because all the store fronts have been taken by barber shops, dollar stores and hair salons (another zoning violation to have to many on one block) that are fronts for gambling, drug dealing and prostitution. Oh, and the roosters that you hear crowing in the distance are not from any farm- they are the ones the “immigrants” use for cock fighting, which has also made a comeback.

Sure, it’s not a no go zone like they have in Europe, but there are many blocks that I hesitate to walk down because of all the cat calls and nasty remarks made by the able bodied young men who hang around the barber shops which seem to be their main gathering place. It must be a third world cultural thing that these thugs are all getting their hair cut at 10-11 pm at night-there’s a lot of action at the barber shops for sure.

Most of the older families of Italian, Irish, Polish and European descent have left for the neighboring small towns where English is still the main language and the schools are better.

The liberal Dems who still live in the little city proudly send their kids to schools that are now 90% Hispanic and English is of course a second language. Taxes have gone up significantly to pay for all the help that the third world children and their parents need. I love it when I go to the local supermarket during the day and I see the wonderful families lined up to pay for their groceries. There’s young able bodied “dad”, young pregnant “mom” one kid in the carriage and another toddler holding on. Their hundreds of dollars worth of groceries are easily paid for with the latest benefit card that my tax dollars support.

So even if Trump & Co.. do everything right from here on out, for many places, even in our President’s own back yard, it’s kind of too late.

For more ‘comments worth noting’ from readers and guest opinion pieces, click here.