Notes on the anti-jihad conference of the Freedom Defense Initiative

Update February 25:  Jamie Glazov interviews Pamela Geller at FrontPage Magazine on the conference, here. Well worth reading.

Update February 23rd:  Richard Falknor at Blue Ridge Forum also has an excellent post on this conference, here.

Yesterday I attended the anti-jihad conference put on by Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, which Ann posted on a few days ago. This two-hour program was not officially part of CPAC, though that’s where it took place. CPAC is the Conservative Political Action Conference. Pamela pointed out that the only official CPAC session that dealt with jihad was one on the opposite side called “You’ve Been Lied To: Why Real Conservatives are Against the War on Terror.” But I noted there was one called “What is a conservative foreign policy?”   John Bolton was a speaker and he probably dealt with it in some way, and certainly Lt. Col. Allen West (Retired) did, since he spoke at the anti-jihad program and didn’t pull any punches (as I report further on).

I’m going to note below some of the points the speakers made, not trying to include everything. They were all knowledgeable, eloquent and courageous. I found it hard to understand some of the people for whom English was not their native language, but I got the gist of their talks.

1. Wafa Sultan is a psychiatrist originally a Muslim from Syria, now an American citizen and not a Muslim. She said: Islam is not just a religion but a political ideology. Neither George W. Bush nor Barack Obama has recognized this. Jihadists have reinvented themselves as mainstream civil rights activists in America.

The envoy Obama appointed to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Where is his first loyalty, to the U.S. or to Islam? The OIC is 57 countries working to stifle freedom. Does Obama support freedom of speech?

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has the power to effect change overnight. He needs pressure on him.

2. Stephen Cloughlin was a senior analyst for the Pentagon. His contract was not renewed; they disagreed with his conclusions about Islam. His job, he said, is not to define true Islam, but to define the beliefs the enemy holds. Everything is in publicly available books. He showed several titles, Islamic Laws of Warfare published in 1955; Islamic Jurisprudence,  and others.

He spent quite a while talking about the doctrine of abrogation. That means that parts of the Koran that were written earlier are abrogated or overruled by parts written later. So when someone quotes verses in the Koran that advocate tolerance and peace, we need to know that these have been abrogated in favor of later verses that command Muslims to fight and slay the unbelievers.

Coughlin was just one of several speakers who pointed out how clueless American intelligence and military officials are about Islam and what the threat really is. They talked about political correctness and how it made it impossible to define the threat. A major theme of the conference was the danger to our freedom of speech, and how there is no free speech in Europe any more when it comes to Islam, and we are not far behind.

Coughlin pointed out that in Sharia law, slander means noticing anything that does not benefit Islam. So under Islamic law, associating Islam with Muslims who carry out acts of terrorism in the name of Islam is slander. (Does this sound like 1984, or maybe a surrealist play?)

Robert Spencer said that even at CPAC most people would say that Islam is peaceful, it just has some violent extremists. Conservative leaders marginalize Robert and his allies. The only weapon against this is the truth.

3. Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff is an Austrian woman who is, or might be, charged with hate speech offenses because she talks about Islam negatively. A magazine sent an undercover journalist to a seminar she was giving for the Freedom Party, and reported on it. Establishment people, including representatives of religions, were outraged at her words. They did not say that what she said was false; they said “You can’t say that.” Wolff has spent many years in Muslim countries so knows the problems firsthand.

The European Union Declaration of Human Rights, she pointed out, says (or is interpreted as saying) that freedom of expression must be balanced against community harmony. Criticism of a religion is called racism.

4. Anders Gravers is the head of a Danish organization, Stop the Islamization of Europe. He talked about the salami method of making demands — a little at a time. When Muslims in Scandinavia were few, they demanded little. As their numbers grew they demanded more, and each time a demand was fulfilled, which they always were, they demanded more and more. Their goal is to become dominant, and they show this in their behavior. There are gangs of Muslim young men who intimidate people on the streets and commit rape and other crimes of violence. The crime rate has risen sharply. Jews are beaten up; many have left Europe.  There is a need to push back, such as holding demonstrations against the building of mosques, which have been successful in several instances.

5. Simon Deng is a Sudanese Christian who spent several years as a slave of Muslims and is now an activist for human rights in Sudan. He calls himself the voice of those who have no voice under Islamic law. He spoke eloquently of his love of freedom and his appreciation of the United States.

6. Lt. Col. Allen West is a retired war hero who is running for Congress in Florida. Introducing him, Pamela said we need to elect the right politicians, and we need to ask candidates if they understand jihad.  West was a riveting speaker who got many standing ovations. He said people look to the conservative leadership to protect them. If they don’t, people will turn away.

He is sick of people using the term “war on terror.” We didn’t talk about the “war on kamikaze pilots” in WWII; we don’t fight against a tactic. We are not fighting with a strategic perspective. The drone attacks are not strategically sound. We are at war with an ideology and we need to understand it and their methods. Not every Muslim participates, but it is a Muslim ideology.

Bin Laden sent a letter to the United States in the 1990s telling us to convert, submit, or we’ll come and get you. Ahmadinejad recently sent a similar letter. These letters constitute a declaration of war but we have not recognized this.

Our soldiers are operating under restrictive rules of engagement. We need to develop strategic-level rules of engagement. An enemy tactic is to use our legal system to get us to shut up, and we have not developed a way to fight back, or even recognized what they are doing. Through our political correctness and multiculturalism we are paralyzing ourselves. (Speaker after speaker made this central point.)

The media need to stop using the word “profiling.” It is actually identifying the enemy.

We need to get the right kind of leadership here and in Europe. “When tolerance becomes a one-way street, it becomes cultural suicide.”

Amen, Lt. Col. West. Let’s hope he wins his election and inspires other politicians to speak out.

Rep Gutierrez to introduce Amnesty bill Tuesday

The Federation for Immigration Reform is alerting its supporters that Amnesty is back!  Rep. Gutierrez  plans to introduce his bill, so-called Comprehensive Immigration Reform, on Tuesday, December 15th, according to the Dan Stein Report, here.

“On Tuesday, December 15, Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez (D-IL) will introduce new legislation, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity Act of 2009 (CIR ASAP), to the U.S. House of Representatives,” notes a press release today. “The time for waiting is over. This bill will be presented before Congress recesses for the holidays so that there is no excuse for inaction in the New Year,” Gutierrez said in the release.

Be sure to follow the link back to the press release and see who the co-sponsors are.  If you are looking for some action you can do now, contact your Congressman and tell him or her not to co-sponsor the bill.

Tea partiers and friends will be in Washington Tuesday for another demonstration on health care reform, Gutierrez bill introduction tells us we will have many more reasons to be riding the bus to DC in coming months.  Code red rally, here (wearing red and seeing red)!

Comment worth noting: ‘Mad in Maine’ wants to know what she can do

In response to my post this morning about another immigrant food stamp scam, this one in Utica, NY, here.    Frustrated ‘Mad in Maine,’ a lady we met a few days ago (here), is asking what she can do.

Back again and getting Madder in Maine.

We’ll pay for public defenders and use tax dollars to keep them in jail/prison. Our tax dollars are probably the money they’re going to use to bail out as well. I say send them home. If they can’t follow the rules here, they shouldn’t be here. I have to follow the rules.

This is another thing that’s really grating my cheese today. I have to budget $100 for our weekly shopping trip that will include groceries for the next week (and hopefully a few things I can put in the freezer for upcoming meals), toiletries, paper products (toilet paper, as I refuse to use leaves even in Maine) and cleaning and maintenance products. I’ve heard of some refugees (of all nationalities) using food stamps to buy grocery items that they then turn over to the resturants and shops their families/friends/neighbors own, to ultimately sell back to us!!

Mortgage payment due, car insurance due, electric bill due…I still haven’t turned the furnace on though.
And I’m about to lose another part on my old car…hopefully it will hold out until next payday.

I guess I have a really big question: Is there anything I can do to help put a stop to all of this?

Mad in Maine

First, I don’t think any one person can stop all this, look at ACORN for example, people have been investigating the fraud there for years and finally it took one daring effort by a couple of brave young people to finally push the whole issue into the mainstream.  Few of us are going to become James O’keefes or Hannah Giles, but we can do our  little bit within the framework of our lives.   My first admonition to ‘Mad’ and everyone else, is to find your role and focus like a laser on it.   I don’t know you, ‘Mad in Maine’, or what sort of person you are or how much time you have so these suggestions are for you and all of our other angry and frustrated readers to think about.

1) Write a blog.  Don’t just run your mouth with your opinions, but pick a topic and become an expert on the topic (you can still throw out your opinions!).  Research and provide a service to your readers.  Eventually, if you are patient, what you do will have an impact.  You could for instance write a blog about welfare/food stamp/home health care fraud in Maine, or the whole US.  Or, write a blog about immigration issues in Maine.  There is enough material out there for that for sure!  And, there are very few real investigative reporters anymore, so this is a sorely needed job.

Don’t be deterred by computer technology.  Blogs like this one are really simple and free.  Oh, and one more thing.  To fit blogging into your life, you can write posts as often as your schedule allows.

2)  Get involved in local and state politics.  Goodness knows you have a couple of US Senators in Maine who need their backbones stiffened from time to time.   I don’t know what city you live in, or are near, but you could get involved there too.

3)  Write letters to the editor.  I was at a meeting this past weekend and a few people told me they set google alerts for some topic (like illegal immigration) and then when they see an article, even in another state, they write a letter to the editor in response.

4)  Join a group that is fighting for the same things you are, and become involved enough to run a local chapter.  Maybe a local Tea Party, Beck’s 9/12 Project, Federation for American Immigration Reform, NumbersUSA and so forth.

5)  I know some people who have built e-mail lists and they send out articles daily to their lists on given topics.

6)  Here is a suggestion for the ‘skulker’ personality.  Pick a subject that you are personally passionate about.  I’m thinking more about local type issues.   Dig into documents, use the Freedom of Information Act or your states open government laws, attend meetings of groups you oppose or are promoting what you object to, and basically gather information to make a case someday to expose the whole corrupt business–whatever it is.

7)  If you are someone most comfortable in a circle of local people, get together with others who have the same concerns and jointly make a plan for what you can do.

Those are just a few ideas.  But, I need to emphasize again, don’t get frustrated if you can’t work at this every minute of the day. Don’t be a gadfly either.  Pick your project, focus and know that you are doing your little piece to save America.  I hope that helps!

New civil rights group to protect former Muslims will launch next week

Earlier today I told you about a new group making its debut in Washington next week called  Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), and now tonight I received a press release for another group concerned with the threat of Islamic activity in America.  This one, Former Muslims United, has formed to protect the rights of apostates and it too will hold a press conference in Washington next week.

WASHINGTON, DC (September 21, 2009) – Prominent former Muslims– apostates from Islam– will hold a press conference Thursday, September 24 to announce the launch of a new civil liberties organization, Former Muslims United, and the start of a national campaign to educate the American public and policymakers about the threat from authoritative Shariah– Islamic law– to the religious freedom and safety of former Muslims.

At the press conference, Former Muslims United founders Nonie Darwish and Ibn Warraq (both internationally-respected authors and scholars) will release letters calling on the Department of Justice and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to investigate possible hate crimes and civil rights violations against apostates from Islam, including the circumstances of the current Florida case of 17-year old Rifqa Bary, a former Muslim. The letters are also signed by Former Muslims United co-founders Mohammad Asghar, Wafa Sultan and Amil Imani.

Darwish and Warraq will release the text of Former Muslim United’s groundbreaking “Muslim Pledge for Religious Freedom and Safety from Harm for Former Muslims,” copies of which will be received in the offices of dozens of Muslim leaders across America by September 25, the 220th anniversary of Congress passing the Bill of Rights. They will also distribute a list of the names of this first group of Muslim leaders to be asked to sign the Muslim Pledge. Additional Muslim leaders will be sent the pledge in the next month as the national campaign gets underway. The names of all pledge recipients will be listed at

President Obama, an apostate himself, might want to join this much-needed new group.

New group launched to educate about the Islamization of America

From New English Review:

WASHINGTON – Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) will hold an organizational launch and press conference with speakers and panel discussion on September 25th, to coincide with Islam on Capitol Hill Day and the 220th anniversary of the passage of the Bill of Rights.


SIOA’s mission is to educate the American people about the political doctrine of Islam, its history, Sharia (Islamic Law), and Jihad. SIOA believes that Sharia Law is incompatible with our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

So what’s this Islam on Capital Hill Day?  Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs has the inside story, here.