Although they don’t have a score for positions on the Refugee Admissions Program of the US State Department and how it too affects jobs, NumbersUSA has two areas in which they score potential 2016 Presidential candidates that give some idea of where the candidate might stand on refugee resettlement—they score on that horrible Diversity visa lottery and chain migration.
See their scores here (Worker-protection immigration scorecard!) I think you will find it as fascinating as I did!
Remember readers that the nine major federal resettlement contractors all support AMNESTY, Obama’s deportation moratorium, and actively lobbied for the Senate-passed ‘Gang of Eight’ bill.
Category: Diversity Visa Lottery
Diversity Visa Lottery: LEGAL immigration program allows 50,000 into US each year because we don't have enough diversity!
We have written a little bit over the years about the truly outrageous ‘Diversity Visa Lottery,’ sometimes referred to as the ‘Green card lottery.’
I’m writing about it now so that our many new readers understand that it isn’t just the Refugee Admissions Program that is allowing immigrants into the US who could potentially threaten our security in addition to competing with Americans for limited job opportunities.
The program, like the Refugee resettlement program, is the brainchild of Senator Ted Kennedy and was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush in 1990.
Beginning in 1996 we began offering 50,000 slots (it can be confusing because some reports say 55,000) for legal immigration to the US in a lottery system that is shocking when you begin to examine it. It’s primary purpose is to increase our diversity!
We sure did increase our diversity as 1 million LEGAL immigrants entered the US in the last 20 years as a result of the Kennedy/Bush lottery.
The lottery aims to diversify the immigrant population in the United States, by selecting applicants mostly from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States in the previous five years.
Unsuccessful efforts have been made in recent years to kill it, but among the programs great supporters are the very same federal refugee resettlement contractors we write about every day. Every time Congress has advanced bills to cut the lottery or cut its funding, who pops up to defend it? The VOLAGS!
One would think they might be concerned about increasing competition from the lottery winners for the scarce jobs that their refugees desperately need! Guess not!
If you would like to check it out yourselves, just type in one of the contractor’s names along with ‘diversity visa lottery’ and you will get lots of testimony and lots of lobbying by the contractors to keep the lottery alive.
New York Uzbek’s largely here thanks to Diversity Visa Lottery
What got me thinking about it this morning was a New York Times piece about ten days ago entitled:
Accusations of Terrorism Worry Brooklyn’s Uzbek Community
We learned that a large number of New York City’s Uzbek (mostly Muslim) immigrants came in through the lottery. However, we have also admitted Uzbek’s as refugees and have had some terror busts involving those. Here is one in Idaho.
Immigrants from Uzbekistan have been arriving in New York with help from a diversity visa lottery program, which the United States government created in 1990 to foster immigration from countries with previously low rates. The State Department issues 55,000 green cards every year through its diversity visa program and for the 2014-15 year, 4,368 were allotted to Uzbek lottery winners, the department said. [It was 5,101 in 2013, see below—-ed]
In my quick search I couldn’t find the 2014 “winners,” but here are the 2013 lucky ducks! I’ve selected some of the countries (those with the largest number of winners) from which “enrichment” has arrived on our shores. (See this commentary about the US Conference of Catholic Bishops going to bat for the lottery in Congressional testimony). Remember this line when you look at the list!
….a diverse pool of immigrants makes our nation a culturally richer place. [Who says so?—ed]
Selected entrants—2013
Here (and below) are the largest ethnic groups given green cards after winning the lottery in 2013:
Algeria (2,161)
Cameroon (3,858)
DR Congo (3,924)
Egypt (5,015)
Ethiopia (4,910)
Ghana (5,105)
Kenya (4,410)
Morocco (2,068)
Nigeria (6,218)
Sierra Leone (2,516)
Togo (1,065)
Iran (6,029)
Nepal (4,370)
Albania (1,520)
Armenia (1,174)
Belarus (1,195)
Bulgaria (1,299)
Poland (2,038)
Russia (2,846)
Turkey (1,807)
Ukraine (6,424)
Uzbekistan (5,101)
The next time you hear an elected official mouth this foolish line know that he or she doesn’t know what the heck they are talking about!
I’m o.k. with legal immigration, but it is illegal immigration I have a problem with!
To learn more, we have a category on the ‘Diversity Visa Lottery’ here.
Megyn Kelly and Gov. Bobby Jindal go toe-to-toe on Muslim immigration to the US
There is no doubt that the subject of Muslim immigration is now coming front and center in the debate on how much immigration is too much as was demonstrated by the fact that Fox’s star host, Megyn Kelly invited Gov. Bobby Jindal to explain himself on the subject.

Before getting to the exchange, I want to be clear that refugee resettlement is only a portion of US LEGAL immigration that is bringing thousands of Muslims to the US every month, but it has perhaps a disproportionate impact because the refugees’ hands are being held by the resettlement contractors which are guiding them to small cities and towns throughout the country. Also, the refugees’ start in America is fueled by the federal government (and state governments!) through welfare payments, healthcare, low-income housing and job counseling and training.
In addition to refugee resettlement….
We need to learn more about the ‘Diversity Visa Lottery’s contribution, as well as ‘Temporary Protected Status.’ Also, not to be overlooked are the Investor Visa programs which allow Muslims to enter the country as permanent residents where (as one example) they purchase ‘convenience stores’ (then they set up shop committing food stamp trafficking fraud).
Also, as I said at a meeting last evening, we need a qualified demographer to really nail down the numbers on how many are coming in to the US because, although a country, like Iran, is mostly a Muslim country, our refugees from Iran are mostly NOT Muslims.
And, frankly, there is no way to separate out the so-called ‘moderate’ Muslims and the Sharia-loving ones, so there is only one real solution and that is a MORATORIUM on Muslim migration (the Hijra) to America.
In April of 2013, Laura Ingraham called for a moratorium here, so the words have actually been uttered in public! Wouldn’t you love to see Laura go toe-to-toe with Megyn!
From George Rasley writing at Conservative HQ:
Louisiana’s principled limited government constitutional conservative Governor Bobby Jindal’s presidential aspirations got a major boost from an appearance on Fox News that many in the establishment panned, but that conservatives took as more evidence that Jindal is the only presidential candidate who understands the war that Islamists have declared on America and the West.

Jindal began his exchange with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly defending his remarks that U.S. citizenship rules should be updated to exclude Islamic radicals, such as the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood movement. “It is common sense to say we’re going to prioritize [among immigrants], and if you say you want to be American… we’re going to prioritize you over someone who doesn’t want to be American,” he said at a March 16 event hosted by the American Action Forum.
Under questioning from Kelly Jindal clarified that his comments only referred to “radical Muslims,” like those who “treat women as second-class citizens.”
“Why would I want to allow people who want to kill Americans to come to America?” he said.
Kelly responded that she thought it was “controversial” for the Governor to discriminate against anyone who believes in Islamic Sharia law.
“Who decides how far into Sharia law you have to be?” she asked. “Who decides who’s a radical Islamist and who’s just an Islamist?”
Jindal responded that as long as a person is not causing harm to another person, then they have a right to be in the U.S. They do not have the right, however, to come to the U.S. and impose certain strict beliefs like those regarding women and children, he said.
Jindal was immediately attacked the Council on Islamic Relations (CAIR) various other Muslim organizations dedicated to “understanding and acceptance” that have well documented* ties to the Muslim Brotherhood – a terrorist organization outlawed in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and dedicated to Islamic supremacism, terrorism as a means of achieving political objectives and spreading the misogynistic totalitarian ideology of Sharia.
According to documents seized by law enforcement and submitted as evidence in the largest terrorism finance trial in American history, the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is to wage a “grand jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house…”
First, let’s dispense with the notion that there’s a difference between “radical” Islamists and “just an Islamist.” There is no difference, or if there is a difference it is merely one of timing, not objective.
And as long as mass legal (and illegal) immigration from Muslim countries continues unabated we are losing that war.
Endnote: Short of a moratorium if we could get the Somali, Iraqi and the soon-to-be-opened Syrian pipelines stopped we would be going a long way to staving off the colonization of American towns.
Dallas is ground zero for largest Medicare/Medicaid fraud ring yet uncovered—Nigerians this time
Last week we had the largest Medicaid fraud bust in DC history and as it turns out earlier in February we were given more details on the massive 2012 Texas bust as that case heads to trial. In the DC case, the ringleader was a woman from Cameroon, and in Texas, 1/3 of the cases involve Nigerians.
Where is David Lubell and “Welcoming America” with his immigrant-entrepreneurs-bring-economic-boom-times to your “welcoming” cities mumbo-jumbo. (‘Welcoming America’ is partially funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement to get your minds right about the joy immigrant diversity will bring to your town and a large part of their campaign is to convince you that hard-working immigrants are fueling the local economy.)
Readers, increasingly we see home health care businesses listed as one of those economic enterprises refugees and other immigrants bring to multi-culti cities. (Somalis here in St. Cloud!) Now we see why!
Keep in mind, as you read this, that we don’t resettle refugees from Nigeria in any large numbers, there may be some among the asylum seekers, but I would guess the largest numbers are here because they overstayed a visa—student or tourist. Also, know that Nigerians were “winning” the diversity visa lottery in such large numbers that they are barred in the upcoming cycles from that LEGAL immigrant pipeline to America.

From Dallas News. (Hat tip: the ever-vigilant ‘pungentpeppers’) Emphasis is mine:
Hundreds of North Texas Nigerian-Americans are caught up in the biggest home health care frauds ever uncovered by U.S. law enforcement.
Federal indictments were issued in 2012 against those who allegedly profited the most from half a billion dollars in fraudulent local Medicare billings. But many other Nigerian-Americans living in the area and operating small health care businesses were also involved, federal law enforcement officials say.
Those officials say most of the health care fraud in Texas is committed by Texans with no particular ethnic background. And community leaders insist most Nigerian-Americans in the health care business in the Dallas area are honest.
But law enforcement officials and leaders in the Nigerian-American community describe Dallas home health care fraud as rampant and say a surprising number of the perpetrators — a third of all cases under investigation — involve Nigerian-Americans.
Greed and lax enforcement! And, possibly a cultural predilection?
“It is embarrassing to the Nigerian community that this type of thing is going on,” said Ihekwaba, who is also president of the West Africa America Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Dallas.
“It’s greed. Greed and trying to see the easy way out,” he said. “People took advantage of lax enforcement by the federal government on this issue.”
The FBI says health care fraud is the costliest crime in America. Estimates of the losses to federal health insurance programs like Medicare and Medicaid run from $44 billion to $80 billion a year.
Dallas has some of the highest Medicare spending in the nation. While the amounts spent on hospitals, drugs and doctors are not far off the national averages, home health care spending is far above the norm.
Over $100 million in fraud allegedly funneled through Dr. Joseph Megwa.
Between 2006 and 2012, federal law enforcement authorities allege more than 230 Dallas-area home health care agencies funneled patients to Arlington physician Joseph Megwa to approve $100.5 million in care they didn’t need. The owner of the largest home care agency in the case, Nigerian-American Ferguson Ikhile of Irving, has pleaded guilty.
But, LOL! Don’t mention Megwa’s nationality or immigration status because of backlash against immigrants! If the shoe fits!
Last month, Megwa’s attorneys asked the judge in the case to prohibit prosecutors from mentioning Megwa’s nationality or immigration status because of “a backlash in this country against immigrants, particularly immigrants of color and immigrants from Africa, who are charged with criminal offenses.”
Nothing makes Americans angrier than opening our doors to immigrants who then turn around and rip us off! As a matter of fact, we think there should be a law that when an immigrant crook is indicted, their immigration status should be made available to the public, so if they are here legally, we can begin to identify which legal programs need to be tightened up.
The next time one of your pals says, ‘I’m opposed to illegal aliens, but I’m o.k. with LEGAL immigrants,’ know that they don’t know what they are talking about!
The article at Dallas News is a long one with lots of details about how the scam is done, so I recommend reading the whole thing.
From Bangladesh to Brooklyn, but not as refugees
Several readers sent me this important article by Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage magazine, published last week, entitled, ‘Beheadings, Bombings and New York’s Little Bangladesh.’ They wanted to know if most of these Bangladeshis taking over neighborhoods in NYC are “refugees.”
Well, no, not technically. We have only taken a handful of Bangladeshis directly from Bangladesh through the Refugee Program in the ten years reported in the most recent Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) report to Congress. If you have never looked at these reports, which the ORR is notoriously late on producing, then check this one out. Tables near the end, have stats on who we admitted in the previous ten years. I also went back to the years 1983-2000 and we did not bring any Bangladeshi “refugees.”

Here is Greenfield:
Bangladesh is more than 90 percent Muslim. Hindus are being attacked in the streets of its cities by Islamist mobs because Islam does not co-exist. The other religions of the city do not demand that everyone join them or acknowledge their supremacy and pay them protection money for the right to exist.
Islam does.
Its immigration is also a Jihad, a form of supremacist manifest destiny to colonize the Dar al-Harb and subdue it to the will of a dead prophet with sheer numbers or sheer force. [Al-Hijra!—ed]
The number of Bangladeshis in New York has increased by 20 percent in only four years to an estimated 74,000. And those numbers don’t take into account the unofficial Mohammeds living in basements while nursing their murderous grudges.
Diversity Visa Lottery!
So, not refugees as such! However, one absolutely insane immigration program we have is the ‘Diversity Visa Lottery’ (sometimes called the green card lottery) to allow immigrants into the US from countries that have not sent us 50,000 in the past. Bangladeshis took so much interest and won so many lotteries over 5 years that they are now banned from participating. By the way, there are US lawyers who help the hopeful lottery participants craft their applications to get them just right, thus enhancing their chances of ‘winning.’
Here is what we learned at the Bangladesh US Embassy website:
The Diversity Visa Program in Bangladesh ended in October 2012. The DV program no longer exists in Bangladesh since Bangladesh has sent more than 50,000 new permanent resident visa holders to the United States over the past five years.
Once they have a foot in the door, then through family reunification (chain migration!) they bring in the extended family!
It is possible that some Bangladeshis came as asylum seekers, but I don’t know that. And, surely, some are here illegally. As is the case this time, rarely does the mainstream media give us any information about the immigration status of alleged murderers and criminals like Siddiquee.
Endnote: It should be mentioned that some experts believe that the Burmese Rohingya Muslims are actually from Bangladesh. We are bringing in some Rohingya Muslims who may be attracted to the Bangladeshi neighborhoods since they speak a dialect similar to the Bangladeshis and not so similar to the Burmese dialects. I believe that Esar Met, the recently convicted child rapist and murderer, is a Rohingya, but he is only described generically as a Burmese Muslim tragically placed in a Burmese Christian apartment building.