Ft. Wayne folks are asking questions

It was just a matter of time before this “welcoming” city of Ft. Wayne, Indiana began saying “whoa” to more refugees.   I have to say I’m amazed it took them so long in light of the huge number of refugees they have been receiving and in light of the explosive reaction some other cities, like Emporia, KS, have had in recent months.  Here are some quotes from a column today in the News-Sentinel:

Predictably,the woman who called Wednesday afternoon didn’t want to identify herself. But she’ll speak for a growing number of Fort Wayne residents if the federal government doesn’t address the refugee crisis it has created here.


“This is nonsensical, and I’m not the only one who’s (angry),” she said, her blood clearly boiled by a story in Tuesday’s News-Sentinel about how local social-service groups fear being inundated by another 1,000 Burmese refugees in 2008 on top of the 700 who were resettled in Fort Wayne this year. “This isn’t why people donate to the United Way or Catholic Charities. How many can we absorb? Citizens should have a say, but we’re turning into a socialist place.”

If you are dismissing that as the ravings of some crazy woman, then see what their Congressman has to say:

……U.S. Rep. Mark Souder fears Fort Wayne’s capacity for charity is at risk of being overwhelmed by the fear of rapid change and the desire for self-preservation.


“Fort Wayne is one of America’s most welcoming communities. But there will be a backlash (against refugees) if Washington won’t help us. The tension over illegal immigration is spilling over, and it will get deeper.”

The column ends with this comment, one we have seen echoed around the country by people brave enough to not fear being labeled a racist, xenophobic, hate monger.

America must not turn its back on refugees, who are in this country legally and, as such, deserve appropriate services. But the people of Fort Wayne have legitimate claims, too – including the expectation their institutions will not be overwhelmed by a crisis they do not want, did not create and cannot control.

See our post here yesterday about the influx expected in 2008.    I noticed that the column I write about above has a forum for comments.   Some of you talkative folks from Emporia might want to say a word or two about your situation to the good people of Ft. Wayne, maybe prime the pump so to speak and get people debating.   It always helps to know you aren’t alone.

Wake up America! It’s the jihad, stupid

Writing at American Thinker yesterday, our friend Janet Levy talks about the “elephant in the room” that is almost completely ignored by the presidential candidates and for that matter our whole government—global jihad.

This campaign season, presidential candidates seem intent on battling each other with a war of words over universal healthcare, tax reform, immigration, the war in Iraq, the economy and Biblical literalism. Yet, they have spent few words on and have literally ignored the greatest threat to America and Western civilization since the Cold War: the global jihad.

We have seen this unbelievable willful ignorance demonstrated with the US State Department’s actions regarding Refugee Resettlement as they merrily bring hundreds of thousands of Muslim immigrants to America (208,702 between 1990 and 2003 to be exact) when there are Christians and people of other non- violent faiths who are persecuted, often by Muslims, and waiting to come.  And, when these devout Islamists arrive, with the help of “church” groups and are placed in our welfare system, many refuse to assimilate creating controversies such as the one on-going in Emporia, Kansas and the one about to explode in Shelbyville, TN.   See our Emporia category for the whole story.   Ms. Levy continues:

It is unprecedented that a minority group that freely immigrated to the United States and Europe of its own accord is now endeavoring to overhaul Western civilization to its Koran-dictated, specifications. The West, particularly America, has a tradition of welcoming people from other cultures and practitioners of different religions. However, immigrants have always assimilated and strengthened American society rather than demand that we adopt their ways at the expense of our own.

Remember Imam Hendi, “30 Muslim mayors by 2015”!   See especially this post.

Immigration and the Intifada/from Paris to Emporia

Two days ago, Frontpage magazine published an article by Patrick Poole with a lead-in about the French “intifada’ —Paris in Flames this week.   And, as we said the other day, why on earth would we think that this could only happen ‘over there’?   The pyromaniacs of Paris are African Muslim immigrants or their children.  Hello!  Emporia, KS.

We can’t pussyfoot around it any longer.  Let’s face it,  Muslim immigration is part of an overall strategy to change America, to bring jihad here, not just through blatant acts of terrorism but through quiet seepage into the  fabric of our lives–religious, social, cultural and ultimately political.   Here is a chilling quote from Frontpage:

In order for Islam and its Movement to become “a part of the homeland” in which it lives, “stable” in the land, “rooted” in the spirits and minds of its people, “enabled” in the lives of its society and has firmly-established “organizations” on which the Islamic structure is built and with which the testimony of the civilization is achieved, the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain “the keys” and the tools of this process in carry out this grand mission as a “Civilization Jihadist” responsibility which lies on the shoulders of Muslim and – on top of them – the Muslim Brotherhood in this country.

It’s all pretty clear, they are spelling it out for us:

The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the means. The Ikhwan [the Arabic name for the Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is not escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack.


The critical aspect to the “Civilization-Jihadist Process” is that it works upon two separate lines: “their (non-Muslim) hands” and “the hands of believers”. The document further outlines how to exploit existing internal weaknesses within Western civilization: “we must possess a mastery of the art of ‘coalitions’, the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation’”. Through internal sabotage and creating their own external pressure (jihad/terrorism), they aim to topple the West.

As I threatened yesterday.  I am again reminding readers that Imam Hendi, a leader in the Muslim American Society which sprang from the Muslim Brotherhood predicts that America will have 30 Muslim mayors by 2015.   Optimistic?  Maybe!  How many of you are willing to just wait and see? 

Footnote:    If anyone has any doubts about the incompatibility of African Muslims to life in America, one only need see the images of thousands of rioting Muslims in Khartoum, Sudan.   Imagine being a middle-aged English teacher whose life is now threatened because she allowed little children to name a teddy bear Mohammad.

Reflection upon the Emporia frontporch meeting

Judging from the Emporia Gazette post, the town meeting appears to have been helpful in conveying information and helpful to the citizens in expressing their concerns.  The special forum set up by the Gazette for citizen response is also helpful for further reflection and venting.

However, the councilmen were in up over their heads.  They were not dealing with simply a “business” problem, tied to town image and building codes. They were not dealing simply with an economic development problem. They will be measuring what it means to have two adverse cultures collide on their watch in their town, thanks to the goodwill of US taxpayers and the government.  In this they were dealing with a quality of life issue that will affect future generations.

What will come from this frontporch meeting?

As one forum commentator related, it was hardly mentioned at a meeting with Congressman Moran, the morning after.  Perhaps dust hadn’t settled, yet.  The problem, though immense, still seemed local, the day after.  However one in the forum expressed concern that part of Emporia was becoming a ghetto.  That being said, are the citizens properly assured that Emporia will not become a new resettlement site when these refugee immigrants remain, though no one knows for sure, how many?  Who will fill those 1,000+ empty substandard rental units?  What will become of the perceived ghetto?

One calming influence in the meeting was the person who said that this was an opportunity to show forth the love of Jesus.  From the Christian perspective, this is true.  But, what will that mean?

Are the folks willing and prepared by their pastors and teachers to do that out of love for God, on “mainstreet,” particularly because these strangers have not been trained to RECOGNIZE that love or THAT God?  The VOLAGS (non-profit groups) should know about this problem, being motivated to show mercy to all.  Large businesses know about this problem, but don’t recognize it.  It is not PC to say so: the going impression is that all religions are equal, so this lack of recognition shouldn’t make a difference to anyone … but it will ….

By their cultural exposure (and by the teachings of their imams and old men) these refugees have been trained to test and try the intentions of anyone in order to gain advantage over another in order to survive.  This isn’t unusual … it is the law of the jungle, even among civilized businessmen ….  However, these are made adept at doing this, particularly with someone otherwise known as “enemy,” i.e. INFIDEL, even a kind infidel.  “Let us walk as one,” said an unidentified member of the refugee community, who also said, “… we expect from you our enemy also become your enemy.”  >> Is that enemy:  unbelief of Allah and Muhammad?  And, walk as one, doing what? Building up the town, or, the ghetto enclave?  The VOLAGS should know about this dynamic.  CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) does.  The ACLU does.  The going mantra is that all cultures are equally good and equal, so,  join the struggle.

The aforementioned testing will come as folks are brought up over and against SHARIA, a body of law creating a system of jurisprudence antithetical to the US Contitution, laws of the State of Kansas, and those on the books in Emporia.  It’ll be called cultural law, by “pool” journalists, but it is still that same system of jurisprudence which allows for women:  to be beaten, suffer clitoralectomy, exist in and outside the home in the status as chattel.  It is the same body of law to which these strangers will be ordered to adhere by “their” community leaders and the imams they bring, since they won’t assimilate.  They will fight to have prayertime while on the job, and maybe even  for an extra holiday or two.

And eventually (because some will stay, having claimed a space) they will form a voting block.  For the sake of Allah, they will work together, not only those in residence, but also those nearby in KC, Hutch, Wichita, who belonging to organizations, are trained to publicize perceived slights and affronts against their brothers.  Allah is the same deity which recognizes, not Jesus to be the source of God’s love, even for them, but, instead, Muhammad, who is near diety in their minds.  It is not PC to say so: such is a benefit of pluralism and diversity.

So, there will be business done, some good some bad, for a few years.  There will be peaceful coexistence in the name of brotherhood, but that, for a time, with tacit animosity and disdain, particularly for the infidel, who cannot be loved back.

Emporia, KS lets off steam

Reports range from 200-400 people crowded into a meeting room in Emporia, KS to hear officials explain to the the public how Emporia was to become (maybe?) a resettlement site for Somali refugees apparently being enticed to this heartland city by employment at Tyson’s Food.   Read today’s lengthy account of the meeting in the Emporia Gazette.   It looks like things have changed and Emporia may not become a Somali “camp” afterall. (That terminology can be found on the free-for-all forum at the Gazette).

The possibility of Emporia’s becoming a direct resettlement site was a primary concern of numerous individuals, who questioned whether the city could support the services required.


Weitkamp [refugee director at Catholic Charities] denied that he had made the statement, which was published in a Nov. 3 report of an Emporia Refugee Resettlement Alliance meeting the previous day.


At issue was the following excerpt from the Nov. 3 meeting:

“‘I expect that there will be direct resettlement here,’ he (Weitkamp) said. ‘If resettlement starts here, that will expand our role. … I also see at some point the office here could possibly become cut loose from us and become an office on its own, applying for funding.’


“‘If the numbers of refugees increases, it is possible the local office would apply to Washington to become a suboffice.’”


Weitkamp assured the crowd Wednesday evening that Emporia definitely would not become a resettlement site.


“We are not encouraging refugees to move here and we are not expecting to make Emporia a large resettlement site,” he said.

However there were no assurances made about how many family members the present refugees would be bringing to Emporia at a later date. 

He [Weitkamp] and Kimsey [coordinator for refugees services in Kansas] said that family members of refugees here may be reunited in Emporia, but information is not yet available to estimate the number of people who might come.


“So far as fixing a hard number, it really is impossible to do that right now,” Kimsey said. “The 500 that are here today are not the same 500 that were here in May of this year or December of last year. This culture by its historic reality are nomadic. … They’re not used to settling in one place forever.”

So, let me get this straight.  The long-time citizens of Emporia are expected to embrace the Somali community whose members are always on the move and apparently have no plans to put down roots anyway.  Kimsey inadvertantly demonstrates the assimilation problem.  If Somalis are to live in America they must begin to assimililate to American ways and one of the first things they can learn is that we are not nomads.  This is where this multicultural ‘clap trap’ has gotten us—we tip-toe around this important issue, presumably fearing the scarlet “R” word will be emblazoned on our chests.

The report refreshingly free of spin, by Gazette reporter Bobbi Mylnar,  seems to be a straightforward account of the meeting (right down to the sanitary napkin problems).