Invasion of Europe news…. Members of German Special Forces in Muenster yesterday. Still no official report on the deadly attack.
I bet Japan Timesis eager to show the citizens of Japan what a mess one’s country becomes when the migrant tide is invited in!
From Japan Times:
BERLIN – A scuffle over immigration has marred the first weeks in office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s fourth coalition, promising anything but smooth sailing in the years ahead for the loveless left-right alliance.
Conservatives among Merkel’s Christian Democrats are keen to restrict as heavily as possible so-called family reunifications that would allow some of the million-plus migrants and refugees who have arrived since 2015 to bring in relatives.
That has stirred the ire of Social Democrats (SPD), the reluctant junior partners who helped Merkel into office to end the longest period of post-election limbo in post-World War II German history.
A thousand a month! Chancellor Merkel and Interior Minister Seehofer
Japan Timescontinues…..
In their painstakingly negotiated coalition deal, the parties agreed that up to 1,000 people per month could enter Germany under family reunification, with only immediate relatives eligible.
New Interior Minister Horst Seehofer is eager to tighten the screws further, with a draft law that would prevent people dependent on social benefits from bringing in family members and further restrict which relations are eligible, including ruling out siblings.
Now that is an idea! The US should be doing that too! If the family already here is on welfare, they can’t bring other family members over. Gee, I bet that is already a law we don’t follow!
Many people who arrived in Germany as refugees are yet to join the labor market, undergoing job training or language classes, and would therefore not qualify.
Seehofer is a former leader of the ultra-conservative CSU, the smaller Bavarian sister party of Merkel’s more centrist CDU.
“If the Social Democrats don’t cooperate, the ‘grand coalition’ would be over” less than a month after Merkel was sworn in, deputy leader of the conservative parliamentary group Georg Nuesslein told the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper.
The family reunification row is just one front in a broader battle over immigration, integration and Islam in German society that has pitted the SPD against the CDU/CSU.
Seehofer is also keen to speed up expulsions of people whose asylum applications are refused, many of whom spend months or years contesting the decisions in the courts or acquire a “tolerated” residence status.
The twin issues of asylum abuse and family reunification are also key elements in the US debate over our southern border.
Can’t lose with the issue of more law and order!
Health Minister Jens Spahn, a rising star of the CDU’s right wing seen as a potential future candidate for the chancellorship, has spent his first weeks in office giving interviews urging more “law and order” in troubled city districts.
Continue reading the story at Japan Times, here.
Japanese readers must be asking: Why would any sane government act to destroy its own country and culture?
See my Germany archive here. And, new readers might like to know that Japan doesn’t want to open its doors to the third world, here.
And, for those with a lot of time, see my archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.
Before I tell you about ‘Moneybags’ Miliband’s proposal for his home country, the UK, and for the whole of Europe, this article gives me an opportunity to clarify something the No Borders gang doesn’t want you to understand.
If you are saying Europe is already taking in hundreds of thousands of “refugees,” how can they take more? Know that the over a million migrants, which have descended on Europe in recent years, are not “refugees” until they have had their asylum claims adjudicated and have been determined to be truly persecuted people in need of refugee protection. The vast majority are illegal aliens/economic migrants!
The next time someone on the Left (or a politician) says we must do our share because Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon are doing so much more, remember this: the migrants in those countries are temporary. They will not become voting citizens as our admitted refugees will be! David Miliband and George Soros
The people Miliband is talking about are “refugees” mostly identified and registered with the United Nations and who will become permanent residents when they are admitted. Many live in UN camps in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. It is (mostly) from that pool that the US has taken its 10,000+ over the last 6 months (see yesterday’s post). For decades, without a doubt the US has taken the lion’s share of the refugees the UN has identified and wants to distribute to the West.
Doing well by doing good!
David Miliband heads the financially largest of the nine US resettlement contractors*** the International Rescue Committee. He is a former UK Labor Party Foreign Minister and a pal of—-drum roll—-George Soros. I call him “Moneybags” because he pulls down an annual salary of $671,749 (largely funded by US taxpayer dollars). See post on the IRC’s Form 990, here.
Here is The Guardianstory with this headline:
David Miliband calls for leadership on refugee resettlement in the EU
It could be sub-titled: Miliband takes a whack at Trump!
David Miliband has called on the European Union to bring half a million refugees to Europe over the next five years, which would mean providing homes for almost 10% of the world’s most vulnerable refugees each year.
Under the targets proposed by the International Rescue Committee (IRC), of which Miliband is chairman, the EU would commit to increasing targets of European resettlement schemes to take in 108,000 refugees every year for five years from refugee camps and communities in countries such as Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon.
In 2017, 65,000 refugees were resettled worldwide, a third of the number resettled the previous year (189,300). The EU provided resettlement places for 23,000 refugees – or 1.9% of those eligible for resettlement. Under the target being called for by the IRC, the EU would resettle 9% of eligible refugees.
Let’s stop for a minute and look at the numbers. I used the calendar year data at Wrapsnetand see that in 2017, the US resettled just over half (51%) of the refugees resettled by the whole Western world—33,368 (of the 65,000). Pew Research tells us that in 2016 the US share was also 51%, but get this….from Pew:
In 2016, for example, out of approximately 1 million eligible refugees identified by UNHCR, an estimated 189,000 were resettled worldwide, with more than half (51%) of these ending up in the United States. Between 1982 and 2016, the U.S. admitted more than two-thirds (69%) of the world’s resettled refugees, followed by Canada (14%) and Australia (11%).
So for nearly a quarter of a century the US was, by far, the most ‘welcoming’ country in the world! Yeh! Miliband is right—other countries need to pick up the slack now. Time for the US to take a breather! The Guardian continues….
Miliband said Europe had been “playing catch up” with the refugee crisis as it dealt with large numbers of people [illegal aliens!—ed] arriving and claiming asylum over the past few years, but now had an opportunity to “become a proactive player” on this issue.
“Europe needs to recognise that this refugee crisis around the world is not going away and Europe needs to have a proactive policy which includes the option of refugee resettlement for a portion of the most vulnerable who are identified as qualifying for refugee resettlement,” he said.
Miliband: Europe must lead because Trump isn’t!
Miliband said the need for Europe to provide world leadership had increased after the Trump administration announced last year it would slash the US resettlement target from 110,000 places in 2017 to a maximum of 45,000 places in 2018. The US has traditionally taken the most refugees through resettlement programmes of any country.
Calling Hungarian PM Victor Orban! Pay attention to Soros and Miliband!
However, the calls are likely to face opposition from some member states, which have refused to share the responsibility of refugee hosting across the EU. Last year, the European commission began a legal case against the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland for refusing to participate in a programme that relocated refugees that had arrived in Greece and Italy.
Under the IRC’s proposal, all EU member states would be required to set a target for refugee resettlement, proportionate to GDP and population. Most countries would have to dramatically expand their resettlement programmes to meet this target.
More here. Do you live in Connecticut? British national and one-worlder, IRC CEO David Miliband, pulls down an annual salary package of $671,749 (doing well by doing good!). Humanitarian work pays well, if you can get it!
If so, you can catch “Moneybags” live at the Greenwich Library later this month:
Talk on refugee crisis
David Miliband, president and CEO of the International Rescue Committee, will be interviewed by Lori Esposito Murray from the Council on Foreign Relations in a talk titled “Refugees and the Political Crisis of Our Time.” This conversation will take place in the Greenwich Library Cole Auditorium at 7 p.m. April 19. Miliband was a member of the British Parliament before taking charge of the IRC, which conducts humanitarian relief operations in more than 40 war-affected countries and refugee resettlement and assistance programs in 28 U.S. cities. Murray is an adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, an adjunct professor at the University of Connecticut, and president emeritus of the World Affairs Councils of America. Space is limited. Register at
Contact the President by clicking here. Ask him why are we paying refugee contractors to do political agitation worldwide that includes criticism of your administration’s policies. Forget Amazon, investigate the refugee contractors!
***These are the nine federal resettlement contractors which are hired by the federal government to take care of refugees resettled in the US, but spend much of their time doing community organizing and No Borders political agitation work against the sitting President of the US.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with (low paying) jobs in food production and cleaning hotel rooms, and get them signed up for their services! From most recent accounting, here.
Invasion of Europe news…
German officials are looking at replicating the facility in Bavaria throughout the country so that asylum seekers are pretty much contained in one fenced facility while they wait for a decision about whether they will be deported or not.
In Bavaria, one model “reception center” is home to more than 1,300 asylum-seekers. Directors say the barbed-wire enclosure and lack of privacy are for “safety” and efficiency. One resident says “it’s a wasted life.”
Is this what the future of asylum management will look like in Germany?
On the outskirts of the romantic UNESCO World Heritage city of Bamberg in Bavaria, one passes through an unforgiving security checkpoint manned by tough guards to enter into a facility lined with barbed wire. This was once a US army base, complete with cinema, supermarket and disco.
Since July 2016 the long, light-colored barracks have served as refugee housing. The streets are named after types of trees. During my visit in December, a thin man in a track suit stood at a roundabout and waved: “I tell you the truth!” he yelled to me. There are guards everywhere. Welcome to the Upper Franconia Reception Center.
The way the government sees things, the Upper Franconia Reception Center provides refugees with everything they need.They can even receive text notifications about the status of their asylum applications, which they submit at the facility, on their cellphones.
The Federal Administrative Court has an office here, as does the region’s immigration agency. The welfare agency is in Block E. This is all “state of the art” in Krug’s eyes: “If the government decides to put refugees into centralized accommodations, then our facility is definitely a good model.”
That is exactly the plan advocated by Horst Seehofer, the interior minister in the new federal government and a member of Bavaria’s conservative Christian Social Union (CSU). He has presented plans to open “anchor centers” to house asylum applicants from their arrival in Germany until their requests are granted or they are deported.
And the first one may well be built in Bavaria. The centers that Seehofer proposes are intended to provide efficiency, as well as maximum control over the people who come to Germany hoping to find more sustainable living conditions.
Seehofer has for years presented a hard line on immigration and frequently come into conflict with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Whether the Bamberg model will be replicated elsewhere remains to be seen.
There is much moreand definitely worth reading.
If the German government put out word throughout Africa and the Middle East that all migrants flooding in to Germany would be housed in large facilities it would surely act as a deterrent to many others trying to get to ‘welcoming’ Europe.
And, hey, couldn’t the US run more detention centers—a kind of one stop shop until asylum decisions are made. Expensive? Probably, but better than just releasing so many to their supposed relatives and expecting them to show up for their asylum court date.
My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here. And, I’ve written a great deal about dear Deutschland, here.
And, she continues to defend her decision to admit a million or so, mostly fake, refugees to the country. I hope the historians of Western Civilization out there are writing this down (especially since it will be Muslim historians writing in the next century if this keeps up).
Merkel insists Islam is part of Germany in the first speech of her new term
She’s been chancellor of Germany for 12 years, reduced to a caretaker for the past six months until she could form a new government. Today (March 21), Angela Merkel gave the first speech of her latest term to parliament, addressing the controversial topic of migrants and their place in German society.
Merkel v. Seehofer: What will historians say about them?
The chancellor directly contradicted her new interior minister—an old foe when it comes to the topic of refugees—Horst Seehofer, leader of the Christian Social Union. Seehofer sparked a furor last week when he told the Bild newspaper that “Islam does not belong in Germany.”
“There is no question that our country is historically Christian and Jewish,” Merkel said.“It is also true that Islam has in the meanwhile become part of Germany.” She acknowledged, however, that some Germans find that hard to accept.
Merkel said the atmosphere in Germany had become “polarized,” and the refugee crisis of recent years had challenged the country “in an unprecedented way.”She noted that Turkish and Italian immigrants had played a vital role in the rebuilding of post-war Germany and that their families were part of mainstream life.
About 4.5 million Muslims live in Germany, and the majority rejects radicalism, the chancellor said.
Unusually for Merkel, she admitted that in retrospect, her initial hope that the chaos of the war in Syria wouldn’t harm Germany was naïve. It soon became clear that the country wasn’t prepared for an influx of displaced people, she said, describing the taking in of more than a million refugees was a necessary “humanitarian exception.”
More here.
My complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here (it goes back many years). My posts on Germany are here.
….but we continue to admit them anyway—to America and to Europe. Photo: Wood at Yale. He wanted a refugee to clean his house so he called the local resettlement agency (probably in New Haven!).
Thanks to reader Paul for sending this unnecessarily long article in the April issue of The Atlanticby author Graeme Wood.
I don’t know why it takes so many words to confirm that yes, many lie, that this is an invasion, that the at-once diabolical and gullible Lefties are driving it, and so what if Germany is now seriously screening the migrants. Is that comforting to know?
It is too late for dear Deutschland!
That said, I do hope our US screening process is beefing up as Wood tells us the Germans are.
My question for Germany is this: So you find out they are lying, do you now have the spine to put them on planes back to the Middle East and Africa (I doubt it!)?
Graeme Wood atThe Atlantic:
(Emphasis is mine)
Three years ago [at the height of the Obama Administration—ed], overcome by the squalor of my home, I decided to hire a cleaner. I scanned Craigslist, feeling a prick of guilt; few things arouse class angst as reliably as the purchase of domestic help. Then I remembered another option. Near my Connecticut home was a refugee-resettlement center. On weekdays, dozens of recent arrivals loitered there, eager for work. This seemed to offer a solution to both my squalor and my angst. To pay a Craigslist gig worker felt a little icky. To pay a refugee—well, that felt magnanimous, almost patriotic. [Clearly Graeme wasn’t reading RRW!—ed]
I wrote to the resettlement center, which sent me a stack of résumés. Even the ones from Congolese herders were well formatted and in English—the result, surely, of polishing by the center’s staff. The stories, I found, made propulsive reading, despite the outline form. I was tempted to request more résumés for the understated drama alone. Each was the timeline of a life interrupted in a distant, volatile land and now picked up, improbably, in a snowy New England town.
The other trait distinguishing these résumés was that nearly every one contained what I, as someone whose job often involves listening skeptically to people’s stories, would call irregularities, little details that seemed odd, that begged for explanation.
An Afghan with no formal education claimed to know a language not spoken in any country she had visited; an African doctor whose CV could have gotten him a job with the World Health Organization in a week was working a cash register in Bridgeport. Two refugees claimed to be from, respectively, Zambia and Tanzania, countries without war or persecution that could justify asylum. (The refugees had almost certainly claimed different nationalities in their application for asylum.) Another said she was from the Democratic Republic of the Congo—a major generator of refugees—but spoke languages that suggested origin in the now relatively safe country of Rwanda. It was as if the center had sent me a dozen jigsaw puzzles, all with either missing pieces or extra ones.
All of the refugees were qualified to clean my house. (The doctor was overqualified, and I wondered whether I should be cleaning his.) But detail after detail hoisted my eyebrows. An asylum officer had heard each story—or some variant of it—and judged the claimant credible enough to welcome him into the United States. For my part, it was hard not to conclude that most of the stories were shot through with lies.
It is not clear if Wood ever hired any of them.
Mr. Wood moves on to discuss Germany…..
The new migrants tend to be young and male, and therefore at times unruly, and the far right has stoked fear of swarthy men’s lust for European women. But accompanying the xenophobia are worrisome facts. Two years after the peak of the influx, more than 80 percent of refugees were jobless, in a general population whose unemployment rate is 5.5 percent. Successful integration is not assured. [Why is it xenophobic to point out the problems? That is what is wrong with writers like Mr. Wood. Can’t they just admit that maybe he and his Leftwing open borders pals are wrong without the virtue-signalling!—ed]
LOL! But at least history is not a stranger to him….
For those worried about the erosion of German culture, it was evidence that the Muslim world, having failed to sack Vienna in 1683, is now coming back in a bum-rush.
He could have quit right there. More here if you have an hour. Germans (Brits, French, etc.) are systematically being replaced. It is an invasion. It isn’t first and foremost about economic migrants vs. real refugees and how government authorities can tell one from the other. That is what Austrian Martin Sellner tried to tell the good citizens of the UK a couple of days ago.
It is about the Hijra—-the Islamic doctrine of conquest via migration!
Mr. Wood goes on to laboriously describe how Germany is now trying to throw off the invasion fears with a typically German bureaucratic paper-pushing vetting process which I hope is being employed at our Department of Homeland Security because it is still not too late for us!
My complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive extending back for nearly ten years is here.