A speech heard round the world! Austrian: You are being replaced

Thousands gathered in London’s Hyde Park, at the famed “Speakers Corner” to hear jailed Austrian patriot and freedom fighter, Martin Sellner’s speech read by Tommy Robinson.
Sellner was blocked from entry into the UK because of his political views.
Raheem Kassam reports here at Breitbart.

Tommy Robinson
Tommy Robinson in Hyde Park, London, yesterday. Americans were there!

A reader suggested I post Sellner’s full speech, good idea!  Everyone who has any way of publishing something should do the same.
Show the British ruling elite that by attempting to silence Sellner they have only amplified his message!  (Emphasis is mine.)


Dear Friends, dear Britons, dear lovers of free speech.

I assume you all are lovers of free speech because you have come to Speakers’ Corner.

You might not understand all the fuss happening today around this speech. Honestly, I don’t understand it either.

My name is Martin Sellner. I am an Austrian patriot, and at the moment, I’m sitting in a detention cell in Colnbrook Bypass near Heathrow. My smartphone was taken and my girlfriend Brittany was separated from me. I currently don’t know where she is. We will be deported on Sunday.

Martin Sellner
Martin Sellner  @Martin_Sellner

Five minutes ago, they unlocked our cells and my fellow inmates are gathering in the prison wing. They are mostly illegals and eastern European criminals.

What brought me into this situation? What was my crime?

My crime was that I wanted to be here with you, to speak at Speakers’ Corner.

But let’s start with the beginning. I was invited by UKIP to present my movement at an event last Autumn. I represent Generation Identity — a patriotic European youth movement that is raising awareness about mass immigration and Islamisation.

Far-left people call us right-wing, people who want to shut free speech down call us ‘fascist’, and folks who hate their own culture call us ‘racist’.

In reality, we are just a group of young patriots fed up with the system, the mainstream press and lying politicians. We use peaceful activism to make our voices heard, and contrary to our friends on the radical left, who are probably swarming you right now, we never wear masks.

From Paris to Rome, from Vienna to London, we fight peacefully but without compromise for our freedom, our homelands, and our identity!

This is what I wanted to speak about in Autumn. But the conference was cancelled due to threats from the radical left. The venue would not take the risk. So they rescheduled it for March, this time keeping the venue secret — but again the terror of the left prevailed, and the venue dropped out.

But this time I did not want to let them win! It was about principles! (Also, our flights were already booked.)

My last refuge was Speakers’ Corner. I remembered my mother telling me about that special place when I was a child. It seemed almost magical to me. A place where everyone, without exception, could just stand on a box and start to speak to those who wanted to listen. I have always loved this tradition of Speakers’ Corner, which seemed very British to me.

But I came only to see that this tradition — the tradition of freedom of speech in the United Kingdom — is dead.

Your Country is blocking you from challenging ideas from the outside. This is a disgrace to our democracy!

I should be speaking in neat, warm a conference room right now, and you should be sitting in comfortable chairs. Instead, I’m in my cell and you are on the street in a standoff with the enemies of freedom of speech.

And this is very telling! Today there is a war going on for our freedom of speech. This war is being fought on the streets, by you!

Every man and woman showing her face today, standing shoulder to shoulder, is standing up against a new totalitarianism that has been growing for far too long. You can be proud of yourself. You might not even agree with me on every point — you are simply giving a statement that I should have the right to speak my mind freely.

I would love to be among you now. They prevented me from it. They locked up the speaker, but I know that the speech will find a way through the iron bars. It will find a way to you and you are going to hear what you government so desperately wants to protect you from.

Those words which they consider more harmful to you then rape gangs or terrorists who are let into your country again and again.

I’m going to tell you something nobody has told you before. It’s the biggest, most obvious secret of our media our politicians and our powerholders: People of Britain, you are being replaced.

There has always been immigration in your history. People coming in, assimilating.

But what’s happening today is different:

You are being replaced by massive Muslim immigration.

You see it everywhere: in London, in Manchester, but also already in the little countryside towns. A big replacement is going on.

And let me tell you: your politicians have no plan, no vision and no idea how to deal with the problems that come along. Problems like you have seen in Telford, Rotherham, and on Westminster Bridge.

All across Europe, there is a shadow hanging over our heads. The French are whispering about in the Metro, the Germans murmuring about it when they feel unwatched, Italians look left and right, and if nobody is listening they tell you: “I don’t feel at home anymore in my street. We are becoming foreigners in our own country.”

And again and again I hear: “We are not allowed to talk about it.”

And that’s the bizarre drama of the ‘Strange death of Europe’. We are being replaced, conquered by radical Islam, and we are not allowed to talk about it!

Dear Britons, defenders of free speech. Out of my cell in Colnbrook, I want to ask you something. Be honest and raise your hands.

Who among of you has ever been in the following situation: You grab a beer after work, or you are visiting your girlfriend’s parents for the first time, or you meet other children’s parents at school — and suddenly the conversation moves to politics: radical Islam, immigration.

Who of you in this very moment was faced with the decision between speaking his mind and facing problems, or complying and staying silent?

Raise your hands and be honest.

I will not be able to see the results, but every single hand is too much. This amount of fear should not exist in a society. Speech that has social costs and severe consequences is no longer free. It has a price — and our Government and the Antifa are working everyday to raise that price.

No freedom of speech means no democracy. In front of our very eyes this country is becoming a tyranny, shutting all debates about immigration down, until demographics solves the issue by replacement.

People of the UK. I might be in a cell right now, but you all are in a cell. It’s the prison of fear and silence your government and the PC tyranny has locked you in since the days of your childhood.

I ask you, I command you, break free!

Patriots of the UK: come out of the closet. Make your dissent visible by visible acts of resistance that inspire others. I know for certain that millions in the UK think like me. Those millions should be on the street now.

We need a coming out of the silent majority, or Britain is lost. We need a free, open and honest debate about immigration, Islam and demographics, so we can sort these problems out together.

And I know that the force is still in you. With your Brexit vote you stunned the world! The will and the life of the British nation is not broken.

Initially, I asked if freedom of speech is dead in the UK. You, every one of you who came today, is a living sign that the tradition of the UK is not dead! You are the livley tradition of your nation, saving its face before history.

People of the UK — remember who you are! Remember your glorious past, you are sons and daughters of knights, kings, explorers, philosophers and artists. Who is the sovereign in this country?

Is it big money?

The mainstream media?

The politicians?

It’s you — the people. You, the silent and invisible majority who said NO during Brexit. You can say NO again — no to Islamisation, no to mass immigration, and no to the great replacement.

And YES to your identity — yes to your security, yes to your heritage and the future for your children.

And all this is impossible without to freedom of speech.

I know, if these words will find their way to the UK and even to Speakers’ Corner, it will be victory for our cause.

If they did, and if you are hearing them now, I tell you: go further on that winning street. Don’t be afraid because we have an ally that is unbeatable: Truth.

The battle, our battle for freedom of speech, has just begun, and Speakers’ Corner will become a symbolic place in that struggle.

When you go home know I want you to bring the spirit of Speakers’ Corner with you.

Every single person who raised his hand because he could relate to this moment of fear, when he did not dare to speak his mind.

Promise me: Next time I will overcome my inner fear. Next time I will speak up!

We are all praying that Europe will save itself before it is too late, but….
Never forget, Obama’s people were right up front about it—they said they were changing America by changing the people.  In America, we have a chance now to turn that around, make the most of it!  This is not the time to take a break just because Donald Trump is in the White House. They will be attempting to come back!

Hungary working to build anti-invasion alliance

Everyone knows this can’t continue…..

More Invasion of Europe news….
In light of recent election results in Austria and Italy, Hungary and Poland are working to build a new coalition that seeks to preserve Western values and Christianity in Europe.
Before I get to that Reuters story, see Patrick Buchanan here who astutely comments on what people are willing to fight for (and I hope and pray he is right!):

Who owns the future? Who will decide the fate of the West?

The problem of the internationalists is that the vision they have on offer—a world of free trade, open borders and global government—are constructs of the mind that do not engage the heart.

Men will fight for family, faith and country.

But how many will lay down their lives for pluralism and diversity? Who will fight and die for the Eurozone and EU?

Now here is Reuters on the latest development from Europe and those who know history and want to save Europe!

BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Hungary aims to coordinate more closely on refugee policy with Austria and Italy after elections there boosted anti-migrant parties, broadening an alliance of EU states focused on internal security.

Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Monday that the approach to migration of the Vienna government and the center-right in Italy was very similar to the bloc’s central European member states.

winged hussars 2
The Poles, the Hungarians and the Austrians are remembering history! And, I bet so are the Muslims!

“So it is obvious that we will work together in the future,” he told Reuters in an interview.

“This is not against the western part of Europe, this is against migration, and this is in favor of our interests because we put security first.”

A bitter row over migration policy sparked by the biggest influx of refugees into the European Union since World War Two has undermined trust within the bloc and weakened its unity, with its eastern states refusing to sign up to a quota system favored by several richer members to the west and north.

In refusing to accept Muslim refugees, Hungary and its neighbors in the Visegrad group – the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia – have cited security concerns and the desire to preserve the traditional Christian make-up of their societies.

Upcoming election—Trump should invite him to White House!

[Hungarian PM Viktor] Orban has been one of the EU’s hardliners on migration and is campaigning on a fierce anti-immigration agenda ahead of Hungary’s own national election on April 8, when he will seek a third term in office.

More from Reuters here.
And go here for my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive and don’t miss my earlier post this morning about the invasion from Africa.

European rescue boats rushed to Libyan coast to pick up migrant invaders, took them to Sicily

Invasion of Europe…..
This is just a tiny peek at the monstrous Mediterranean ‘refugee rescue’ scam that has been going on for years with the mainstream media playing along.
Although this news is from last year, it is a topic we have not adequately covered.

Golfo Azzuro
The Golfo Azzurro sitting low in the water, packed to the gills with Africans ferried to Europe.

Here is what you need to know about the ‘rescue’ ferry—-Golfo Azzurro (one of several).

In June 2016 the Golfo Azzurro has invited the ‘Boat Refuge Foundation’, a Dutch foundation, to go for a search & rescue for saving boat refugees in the Mediterranean Sea. The vessel is managed by Adrian J. Sonneveld, Captain and shipmanager. The Search & Rescue operation is managed by the Italian Coastguard. Golfo Azzuro will be operated under the Panama Flag. The Boat Refuge Foundation will charter the vessel for a symbolic price. The board of the Golfo Azzurro Foundation based in Rotterdam.

The ‘refugee rescuers,’ apparently including the Italian government at its height of operation, wanted you to think that they were intercepting the migrant boats close to the European coast when in fact they were picking up, the mostly economic migrants (not refugees!), only a few miles off the Libyan coast.
One brave researcher shows you in his youtube video how he can prove that so-called rescue ships like the Golfo Azzurro were actually literally acting as ferry boats. He purchased a ship tracking service and in this shot he shows how close the Boat Refugee Foundation’s ship went to the African coast.
Below is a screenshot from Luca Donadel’s damning video (we missed it last year!).  Go here to to see it all. (English subtitles).
Luca youtube
Coming to your town!
And, if you think this is Europe’s problem, think again. First, what is happening in Europe dooms Western Civilization, but bringing it closer to home…. Do you see Malta in there (tiny island nation below Sicily)? The US regularly (illegally in my opinion) is picking up hundreds of the migrants there annually and taking them to Your Town, USA.
And we are still doing it!
I have followed the Malta air lift for years and checking Wrapsnet this week, I see that we have taken 53 illegal migrants who landed on Malta to America as full-fledged refugees in the first months of FY18 (under Trump!).
See my huge Malta archive here.
My complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here. Don’t miss my many posts on Hillary’s role in the destabilization of Libya, the launch pad for the invasion.

Bannon storms Europe: Let them call you racist!

Steve Bannon, Trump’s right hand man during the run-up to Trump’s upset victory in the US presidential race in 2016, is traveling around Europe spreading a populist message  painfully aware that Europe is in deep trouble and if globalist-instigated migration to the continent continues, Western Civilization itself will be in danger of collapsing in this century.
That reminds me, I recently watched the excellent documentary film, ‘The Fight of Our Lives.  You can order it here (or attend a showing near you).  Using interviews with some very smart people, it lays out the threat from without and the threat from within to our western way of life.  Needless to say, the invasion of Europe is a big part of the film.

Invasion of Europe news….
Here is Mother Jones report on Bannon’s European tour:

Steve Bannon to French Far-Right: “Let Them Call You Racist…Wear It as a Badge of Honor”

Former White House strategist and Trump whisperer Steve Bannon has a message for members of France’s far-right, xenophobic National Front party. “Let them call you racist,” he told the crowd at the party’s congress in Lille on Saturday. “Let them call you xenophobes. Let them call you nativists. Wear it as a badge of honor. Because every day, we get stronger and they get weaker.”


Bannon and Le Pen
Bannon: History is on our side with Marine Le Pen   https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2018-03-10/france-le-pen-set-to-field-new-name-for-far-right-party

Mother Jones continues….

Bannon, who was swept out of the White House after unflattering quotes of his appeared in Michael Wolfe’s book Fire and Fury, is currently traveling Europe and whipping up support for various nationalist and anti-immigrant parties. “They see what Breitbart did and they want it in their own language,” he told the New York Times, referring to the right-wing site he left in January. “That’s the key. Right now my sites are in English. They want one in their own language.”

He told the Times that he had a “fascinating” meeting earlier this week with the leaders of the hardline Alternative for Germany party. The AfD, now the third-largest party in Germany, is hostile toward immigrants and Muslims, arguing for stricter immigration controls and bans on minarets and niqabs. Not long ago, two AfD officials responded to a public service announcement by German police that ran in Arabic as well as German by tweeting, “Are they seeking to appease the barbaric, Muslim, rapist hordes of men?”

The Times also reported that Bannon might meet with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, an autocratic figure who has cracked down on his country’s media, judiciary, and electoral system. Blocking immigrants from entering Hungary is arguably Orbán’s signature issue. Bannon, who declined to say whether he was meeting with the Hungarian leader, called him a “hero” and “the most significant guy on the scene right now.”

And Bannon has embedded himself in Italian politics, lending a hand to the populist forces now on the rise in that country.

In France, Bannon reportedly met with the National Front’s leader, Marine Le Pen, who was defeated in last year’s presidential election by centrist Emmanuel Macron.

More here.
Bannon is exactly right on the “racist” name-calling! Take away the power of the word by laughing at them!  Humor is the most powerful political weapon (Saul Alinsky).
I’ve said often that we should have a gala every year to celebrate all those that the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled as racists.
(I don’t mean to brag about my honors, it would just be a fun gathering that would also send a powerful message because it would end, once and for all, the SPLC’s power with the media.)
See the New York Times on Bannon (wrecking the European establishment!), here, and Fox News here.
My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

NYT agrees with Trump: Sweden immigrant-perpetrated violence out of control


Invasion of Europe…..

Trump and Sweden
Can we expect an apology from The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, and the rest of the anti-Trump media about his Sweden comments last year?  Don’t hold your breath!

Powerline blog reminds us here of what happened a year ago February when the New York Times and all of its media lackeys landed like a big bird on President Trump when he said Sweden has a problem with out-of-control immigration (from certain ethnic/religious groups) and the violence it inevitably brings!

In February of last year, at CPAC, President Trump linked mass Muslim immigration to an increase in crime in Sweden. The New York Times, in an article called “From an Anchor’s Lips to Trump’s Ears to Sweden’s Disbelief,” ridiculed Trump for getting his information from television (a report on Tucker Carlson’s program) and suggested that Trump was misinformed. [The President might have said it at CPAC also, but it was at a campaign rally in Florida, here.]

It also criticized Trump for “start[ing] a dispute with a longtime American friend that resented his characterization and called it false.” The Times sniffed that “the president’s only discernible goal was to make the case domestically for his plans to restrict entry to the United States.” The Times seemed to believe that making this case was somehow out-of-bounds.

Powerline reports this from the NYT story as well:

Note that the trend the Times describes began in 2014. Trump discussed the problem of immigrant violence in 2017. He wasn’t premature, the Times is late.

They are all late.
Maybe the use of  weapons of war began in 2014, but their immigrant problems began long before that.  I began writing this blog in July 2007 and my first story on immigration problems in Sweden came in August 2007 (and there were surely more stories before I came along!).

I have a huge archive on Sweden, the country I predict will be the first European country to be conquered by Islam in the modern age. 

Go here to see my many previous posts on Sweden’s failed multicultural experiment.

Now more on The NYT’s evidence that Trump is right on Sweden from the Daily Caller:

The New York Times published a report Sunday on Sweden’s growing problem with immigrant gangs — more than a year after the paper chided President Donald Trump for calling attention to the same worrisome development.

sweden time bomb
Sweden’s pin has been pulled in more ways than one.   https://www.spectator.co.uk/2018/02/violent-crime-in-sweden-is-soaring-when-will-politicians-act/

Entitled “Hand Grenades and Gang Violence Rattle Sweden’s Middle Class,” the report examines how weapons of war and clan-like*** violence have accompanied an influx of immigrants from certain parts of Europe and the greater Middle East.

The story centers on the death of a man in the town of Varby Gard, a once tranquil Stockholm suburb that is now the home base of an increasingly destructive immigrant gang. He was killed in early January when he picked up a mysterious object lying in the street that turned out to be a live hand grenade. The device exploded when he touched it, killing him instantly.

It was one of more than 100 incidents involving military-grade explosives in the Stockholm metro area that police have attributed to an “arms race” among immigrant gangs, reports The NYT.  There were only a few such incidents in Sweden until 2014, but since then, the number of explosions and seizures of grenades has shot up and remained worryingly high.

The police seized 45 grenades in 2015, while 10 others were detonated in public, according to Stockholm Police. The next year, 55 were seized and 35 detonated. A modest decrease occurred in 2017, when 39 were seized and 21 exploded.

Though The NYT readily reported on the nature of the violence, it was somewhat more circumspect about its origin. Nowhere in the story do the words “Muslim” or “refugee” appear. The only mention of the word “asylum” is to describe a witness to the explosion, one of many Varby Gard residents who arrived there thanks to Sweden’s famously open asylum policies.

The fact is that Sweden’s spike in gang violence and certain categories of crime coincided with the resettlement of more than 100,000 asylum seekers from predominantly Muslim nations beginning in 2014. 

More here.
Here is a bit from the New York Times article itself:

Sweden’s far right-wing party blames the government’s liberal immigration policy for the rising crime, and will thrust the issue to the fore in the fall campaign.

Last year, Peter Springare, 61, a veteran police officer in Orebro, published a furious Facebook post saying violent crimes he was investigating were committed by immigrants from “Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia, unknown country, unknown country, Sweden.” It was shared more than 20,000 times; Mr. Springare has since been investigated twice by state prosecutors, once for inciting racial hatred, though neither resulted in charges.

Yesterday we told you about Italian elections and said there might be hope for Italy if it gets rid of most migrants (most are economic migrants) and Italians start having babies.  Same goes for Sweden, but there is even less hope there that they can turn around the DEMOGRAPHIC conquest in time.
Dear readers, I’m asked often “what can I do?” Here is one vital thing: follow news from Europe daily and be sure to send what you learn far and wide because as Europe goes, so go we (just a little farther along in this century)! Unless, of course, we heed the lessons unfolding before our eyes!
My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.
***By the way, any mention of clan violence means only one thing—Somalis are involved.